[Bps-public-commit] r10292 - in commitbit: . trunk/lib/CommitBit trunk/lib/CommitBit/Model trunk/share/web/templates
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Sat Jan 12 16:46:10 EST 2008
Author: jesse
Date: Sat Jan 12 16:46:09 2008
New Revision: 10292
commitbit/ (props changed)
r74687 at pinglin: jesse | 2008-01-05 10:30:11 -0600
* Ported to TD. AdminUI nav working (with a local jifty patch to support "deep" navigation.
Modified: commitbit/trunk/etc/config.yml
--- commitbit/trunk/etc/config.yml (original)
+++ commitbit/trunk/etc/config.yml Sat Jan 12 16:46:09 2008
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
RecordBaseClass: Jifty::DBI::Record::Cachable
User: ''
Version: 0.0.15
- DevelMode: 0
+ DevelMode: 1
PoDir: share/po
LogLevel: DEBUG
Modified: commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/Dispatcher.pm
--- commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/Dispatcher.pm (original)
+++ commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/Dispatcher.pm Sat Jan 12 16:46:09 2008
@@ -53,12 +53,18 @@
before qr'^/admin' => run {
- my $admin = Jifty->web->navigation->child('admin') || Jifty->web->navigation->child( admin => label => _('Admin'), url => '/admin');
- if (Jifty->web->current_user->user_object->admin ) {
- $admin->child( 'repos' => label => 'Repositories', url => '/admin/repositories');
+ my $admin = Jifty->web->navigation->child('admin')
+ || Jifty->web->navigation->child(
+ admin => label => _('Admin'),
+ url => '/admin'
+ );
+ if ( Jifty->web->current_user->user_object->admin ) {
+ $admin->child(
+ 'repos' => label => 'Repositories',
+ url => '/admin/repositories'
+ );
- $admin->child( 'proj' => label => 'Projects', url => '/admin/projects');
+ $admin->child( 'proj' => label => 'Projects', url => '/admin/projects/' );
@@ -68,11 +74,9 @@
-on qr'^/admin/repository/([^/]+)(/.*|)$' => run {
+before qr'^/admin/repository/([^/]+)(?:/.*|)$' => run {
my $name = $1;
- my $path = $2||'index.html';
$name = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($name);
- warn "Name - $name - $path";
my $repository = CommitBit::Model::Repository->new();
$repository->load_by_cols( name => $name );
unless ($repository->id) {
@@ -84,16 +88,21 @@
$radmin->child( $repository->name => label => 'Overview', url => '/admin/repository/'.$name.'/index.html');
$radmin->child( $repository->name."projects" => label => 'Projects', url => '/admin/repository/'.$name.'/projects');
set repository => $repository;
+on qr'^/admin/repository/(?:[^/]+)(/.*|)$' => run {
+ my $path = $1||'index.html';
show "/admin/repository/$path";
-on qr'^/admin/project/([^/]+)(/.*|)$' => run {
+before qr'^/admin/project/(.*?)(?:\/|$)' => run {
+ my $proj_name = $1;
my $admin = Jifty->web->navigation->child('admin')->child('proj');
- my $proj = $admin->child( "111".$1 => label => $1, url => '/admin/project/'.$1.'/index.html');
- $proj->child( base => label => _('Overview'), url => '/admin/project/'.$1.'/index.html');
- $proj->child( people => label => _('People'), url => '/admin/project/'.$1.'/people');
+ my $proj = $admin->child( $proj_name => label => $proj_name, url => '/admin/project/'.$proj_name.'/index.html');
+ $proj->child( base => label => _('Overview'), url => '/admin/project/'.$proj_name.'/index.html');
+ $proj->child( people => label => _('People'), url => '/admin/project/'.$proj_name.'/people');
Modified: commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/Model/User.pm
--- commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/Model/User.pm (original)
+++ commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/Model/User.pm Sat Jan 12 16:46:09 2008
@@ -6,42 +6,22 @@
use Jifty::DBI::Schema;
use CommitBit::Record schema {
- column 'name' => type is 'text';
- column 'email' => type is 'text', is distinct, is immutable, is mandatory;
- column 'password' => type is 'text', render_as 'password';
- column 'created' => type is 'timestamp', is immutable;
- column admin => type is 'boolean', default is '0';
- column email_confirmed => type is 'boolean', default is '0';
-column auth_token =>
- since '0.0.10',
- render as 'unrendered',
- type is 'varchar',
- default is '',
- label is _('Authentication token');
-column svn_password =>
- is mandatory,
- since '0.0.10',
- label is _('Subversion Password'),
- type is 'varchar',
- default is defer { Text::Password::Pronounceable->generate( 6 => 10) },
- hints is _('This password should be at least six characters'),
- render as 'password';
-column password =>
- is mandatory,
- is unreadable,
- since '0.0.10',
- label is _('CommitBit Password'),
- type is 'varchar',
- hints is _('Your password should be at least six characters'),
- render as 'password',
- filters are 'Jifty::DBI::Filter::SaltHash';
+ column 'created' => type is 'timestamp', is immutable;
+ column admin => type is 'boolean', default is '0';
+ column email_confirmed => type is 'boolean', default is '0';
+ column
+ auth_token => since '0.0.10',
+ render as 'unrendered', type is 'varchar', default is '',
+ label is _('Authentication token');
+ column
+ svn_password => is mandatory,
+ since '0.0.10', label is _('Subversion Password'), type is 'varchar',
+ default is
+ defer { Text::Password::Pronounceable->generate( 6 => 10 ) },
+ hints is _('This password should be at least six characters'),
+ render as 'password';
Modified: commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/View.pm
--- commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/View.pm (original)
+++ commitbit/trunk/lib/CommitBit/View.pm Sat Jan 12 16:46:09 2008
@@ -1,8 +1,434 @@
-use strict;
use warnings;
+use strict;
package CommitBit::View;
use Jifty::View::Declare -base;
+template 'index.html' => page { title =>
+ _( 'Welcome to CommitBit for %1', Jifty->config->app('site_name') ) }
+ content {
+ my $projects = CommitBit::Model::ProjectCollection->new;
+ $projects->order_by( { column => 'name', order => 'asc' } );
+ $projects->limit(
+ column => 'publicly_visible',
+ operator => '=',
+ value => '1'
+ );
+ my $featured = CommitBit::Model::ProjectCollection->new;
+ $featured->limit( column => 'featured', operator => '=', value => '1' );
+ $featured->limit(
+ column => 'publicly_visible',
+ operator => '=',
+ value => '1'
+ );
+ $featured->order_by( { column => 'name', order => 'asc' } );
+ div {
+ { class is "featured" };
+ h2 { _('Featured projects') };
+ dl {
+ while ( my $p = $featured->next ) {
+ dt {
+ if ( $p->logo_url ) {
+ img {
+ { src is $p->logo_url }
+ };
+ }
+ hyperlink(
+ url => '/project/' . $p->name,
+ label => $p->name
+ );
+ };
+ dd { $p->blurb };
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ h2 { _('All locally hosted projects') };
+ dl {
+ while ( my $p = $projects->next ) {
+ dt {
+ hyperlink( url => '/project/' . $p->name, label => $p->name );
+ };
+ dd { $p->description };
+ }
+ };
+ };
+template 'admin/index.html' => page { title => _('Manage projects and repositories') }
+ content {
+ p {
+ _( 'From this administrative interface, you can manage projects and repositories,'
+ . " (assuming that you've got the permissions)" );
+ }
+ };
+template 'admin/projects' => page { title => 'Manage projects' } content {
+ dl {
+ my $projects = CommitBit::Model::ProjectCollection->new;
+ $projects->unlimit();
+ while ( my $p = $projects->next ) {
+ dt {
+ hyperlink(
+ url => '/admin/project/' . $p->name,
+ label => $p->name
+ );
+ };
+ dd { $p->description };
+ }
+ };
+template 'admin/repository/index.html' =>
+ page { title => get('repository')->name } content {
+ my $repository = get('repository');
+ my $update = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'UpdateRepository',
+ record => $repository
+ );
+ h1 { $repository->name };
+ form {
+ foreach my $arg ( $update->argument_names ) {
+ render_param( $update => $arg );
+ }
+ form_submit();
+ }
+ hyperlink(
+ label => 'Projects',
+ url => '/admin/repository/' . $repository->name . '/projects'
+ )
+ };
+template 'admin/repository/projects' =>
+ page { title => _( 'Projects in %1', get('repository')->name ) } content {
+ my $repository = get('repository');
+ my $projects = $repository->projects;
+ my $new_project = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'CreateProject',
+ arguments => { repository => $repository->id }
+ );
+ form {
+ ul {
+ while ( my $project = $projects->next ) {
+ my $del = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'DeleteProject',
+ record => $project,
+ moniker => 'delete-project-' . $project->id
+ );
+ li {
+ hyperlink(
+ label => $project->name,
+ url => '/admin/project/' . $project->name
+ );
+ render_param( $del => 'id' );
+ $del->button(
+ label => 'Delete project',
+ class => 'delete',
+ onclick =>
+ qq|return confirm('Really delete this project?');|
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ h2 { _('Add a new project') };
+ foreach my $arg ( $new_project->argument_names ) {
+ render_param( $new_project => $arg );
+ }
+ form_submit( submit => $new_project, label => 'Create project' );
+ };
+ };
+template 'admin/create_repository' =>
+ page { title => 'Create a new repository' } content {
+ my $create = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'CreateRepository',
+ moniker => 'newrepo'
+ );
+ h1 {'Create a repository'};
+ h2 {'(Are you sure you want to do this?)'};
+ form {
+ render_action($create);
+ form_submit( label => 'Go' );
+ }
+ };
+template 'admin/project/index.html' =>
+ page { title => _( 'Overview of %1', get('project')->name ) } content {
+ my $project = get('project');
+ my $edit = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'UpdateProject',
+ record => $project
+ );
+ form {
+ render_action($edit);
+ form_submit( label => 'Save changes' );
+ }
+ };
+template 'admin/project/people' =>
+ page { title => _( 'People involved with %1', get('project')->name ) }
+ content {
+ my $project = get('project');
+ my $new_committer = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'CreateProjectMember',
+ arguments => { project => $project->id }
+ );
+ form {
+ h2 { _('Add a new committer') };
+ render_param( $new_committer => 'person' );
+ render_param( $new_committer => 'name' );
+ render_param( $new_committer => 'access_level' );
+ render_param( $new_committer => 'project', render_as => 'Hidden' );
+ form_submit( submit => $new_committer, label => 'Invite em!' );
+ h2 { _('Current committers') };
+ my $committers = $project->people;
+ ul {
+ while ( my $committer = $committers->next ) {
+ my $member = CommitBit::Model::ProjectMember->new();
+ $member->load_by_cols(
+ project => $project,
+ person => $committer
+ );
+ my $del = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'DeleteProjectMember',
+ record => $member,
+ moniker => 'delete-member-' . $member->id
+ );
+ li {
+ outs( ( $member->name || $committer->email ) . ": "
+ . $committer->name_and_email );
+ if ( $committer->email_confirmed ) {
+ outs( "(" . $member->access_level . ")" );
+ } else {
+ em { $member->access_level . " (pending)" };
+ }
+ $del->button(
+ label => 'Delete',
+ class => 'delete',
+ arguments => { id => $member->id },
+ onclick => {
+ confirm =>
+ q{Really revoke this person's project access?}
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+template 'admin/repositories' => page {
+ title => 'Manage repositories';
+content {
+ dl {
+ my $repositorys = CommitBit::Model::RepositoryCollection->new;
+ $repositorys->find_all_rows();
+ while ( my $p = $repositorys->next ) {
+ dt {
+ hyperlink(
+ url => '/admin/repository/' . $p->name,
+ label => $p->name
+ );
+ };
+ dd { $p->description };
+ }
+ };
+ if ( Jifty->web->current_user->user_object->admin ) {
+ hyperlink(
+ label => 'Create another repository',
+ url => '/admin/create_repository'
+ );
+ }
+template 'project/index.html' => page { title => get('project')->name }
+ content {
+ my $project = get('project');
+ my %people = (
+ observers => $project->observers,
+ authors => $project->members,
+ administrators => $project->administrators
+ );
+ my $edit = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'UpdateProject',
+ record => $project
+ );
+ div {
+ { class is "yui-gc" };
+ div {
+ { class is "yui-u first" };
+ if ( $project->logo_url ) {
+ img {
+ { src is $project->logo_url }
+ };
+ }
+ h1 { $project->name };
+ blockquote {
+ $project->description;
+ };
+ if ( $project->lists_url ) {
+ h2 {'Mailing lists'};
+ hyperlink(
+ url => $project->lists_url,
+ label => $project->lists_url
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $project->wiki_url ) {
+ h2 {'Wiki'};
+ hyperlink(
+ url => $project->wiki_url,
+ label => $project->wiki_url
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $project->bugtracker_url ) {
+ h2 {'Bug tracking'};
+ hyperlink(
+ url => $project->bugtracker_url,
+ label => $project->bugtracker_url
+ );
+ }
+ h2 {'Version control'};
+ if ( $project->svnweb_url ) {
+ h3 {'Repository browser'};
+ hyperlink(
+ url => $project->svnweb_url,
+ label => $project->svnweb_url
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $project->svn_url_anon ) {
+ h3 {'Anonymous access'};
+ hyperlink(
+ url => $project->svn_url_anon,
+ label => $project->svn_url_anon
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $project->svn_url_auth ) {
+ h3 {'Committer access'};
+ hyperlink(
+ url => $project->svn_url_auth,
+ label => $project->svn_url_auth
+ );
+ }
+ h2 {'License'};
+ span { $project->license };
+ };
+ div {
+ { class is "yui-u" };
+ div {
+ { id is "people" };
+ h2 {'People'};
+ foreach my $type ( sort keys %people ) {
+ h3 { _( ucfirst($type) ) };
+ ul {
+ while ( my $u = $people{$type}->next ) {
+ li { $u->name_and_email };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( Jifty->web->current_user->user_object ) {
+ if ($project->is_project_admin(
+ Jifty->web->current_user
+ )
+ || Jifty->web->current_user->user_object->admin
+ )
+ {
+ hyperlink(
+ label => _('Invite someone'),
+ url => '/admin/project/'
+ . $project->name
+ . '/people'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+template 'let/set_password' => page { title => 'Preferences' } content {
+ Jifty->web->new_action(
+ moniker => 'confirm_email',
+ class => 'ConfirmEmail',
+ )->run;
+ my $action = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'UpdateUser',
+ moniker => 'prefsbox',
+ record => Jifty->web->current_user->user_object
+ );
+ my $next = Jifty::Continuation->new(
+ request => Jifty::Request->new( path => "/" ) );
+ p {
+ _('Please set a password and nickname.')
+ . _("(For now, you can't touch your email address)");
+ };
+ with( call => $next, name => "prefbox" ), form {
+ render_param( $action => 'email', render_mode => 'read' );
+ render_param( $action => 'nickname' );
+ render_param( $action => 'password' );
+ render_param( $action => 'password_confirm' );
+ form_submit( label => 'Save', submit => $action );
+ };
+template prefs => page { title => 'Preferences' } content {
+ my ( $action, $next ) = get( 'action', 'next' );
+ div {
+ { class is "svn_password" };
+ h2 {'Subversion Password'};
+ my $reset_svn_pw = Jifty->web->new_action(
+ class => 'UpdateUser',
+ record => $action->record
+ );
+ span {
+ { class is "svn_password" };
+ $action->record->svn_password();
+ };
+ with( call => $next, name => "resetpw" ), form {
+ form_submit(
+ label => 'Reset SVN Password',
+ submit => $reset_svn_pw
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ h2 {'Preferences'};
+ p {
+ _( "Update your password or name. (For now, you can't touch your email address)"
+ );
+ };
+ form {
+ render_param( $action => 'email', render_mode => 'read' );
+ render_param( $action => 'name' );
+ render_param( $action => 'password' );
+ render_param( $action => 'password_confirm' );
+ form_submit( label => 'Save', submit => $action );
+ }
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