[Bps-public-commit] r10434 - in Text-Quoted: bin dists etc scripts shipwright

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 22 15:46:04 EST 2008

Author: ruz
Date: Tue Jan 22 15:46:04 2008
New Revision: 10434


'created project'

Added: Text-Quoted/bin/shipwright-builder
--- (empty file)
+++ Text-Quoted/bin/shipwright-builder	Tue Jan 22 15:46:04 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+use File::Copy qw/move copy/;
+use File::Find qw/find/;
+use Config;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd;
+my $build_base = getcwd;
+my %args;
+GetOptions( \%args, 'install-base=s', 'perl=s', 'skip=s', 'skip-test',
+    'only-test' );
+unlink 'build.log' if -e 'build.log';
+open my $log, '>', 'build.log' or die $!;
+unless ( $args{'install-base'} ) {
+    $args{'install-base'} = tempdir;
+    print $log "no default install-base, will set it to $args{'install-base'}\n";
+if ( grep { $_ eq 'perl' } @$order ) {
+    $args{perl} = File::Spec->catfile($args{'install-base'}, 'bin', 'perl');
+else {
+    $args{perl} = $^X;
+$args{skip} = [ split /,\s*/, $args{skip} || '' ];
+    no warnings 'uninitialized';
+      File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib' ) . ':'
+      File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib' ) . ':'
+    $ENV{PERL5LIB} =
+      File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'lib', 'perl5' ) . ':'
+      . $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+    $ENV{PATH} =
+        File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'bin' ) . ':'
+      . File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'sbin' ) . ':'
+      . $ENV{PATH};
+if ( $args{'only-test'} ) {
+    test();
+else {
+    mkdir $args{'install-base'} unless -e $args{'install-base'};
+    mkdir File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'},       'etc' )
+      unless -e File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, 'etc' );
+    copy(
+        File::Spec->catfile( 'etc', 'shipwright-script-wrapper' ),
+        File::Spec->catfile(
+            $args{'install-base'}, 'etc', 'shipwright-script-wrapper'
+        )
+    );
+    my $order = parse_order( File::Spec->catfile( 'shipwright', 'order.yml' ) );
+    for my $dist (@$order) {
+        unless ( grep { $dist eq $_ } @{ $args{skip} } ) {
+            install($dist);
+        }
+        chdir $build_base;
+    }
+    wrap_bin();
+    print "install finished, the dists are at $args{'install-base'}\n";
+    print $log "install finished, the dists are at $args{'install-base'}\n";
+sub install {
+    my $dir = shift;
+    my @cmds;
+    {
+        open my $fh, '<', File::Spec->catfile( 'scripts', $dir, 'build' )
+          or die $!;
+        @cmds = <$fh>;
+        close $fh;
+        chomp @cmds;
+        @cmds = map { substitute($_) } @cmds;
+    }
+    chdir File::Spec->catfile( 'dists', $dir );
+    for (@cmds) {
+        my ( $type, $cmd );
+        next unless /\S/;
+        if (/^(\S+):\s*(.*)/) {
+            $type = $1;
+            $cmd  = $2;
+        }
+        else {
+            $type = '';
+            $cmd  = $_;
+        }
+        if ( $args{'skip-test'} && $type eq 'test' ) {
+            print $log "skip build $type part in $dir\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        print $log "build $type part in $dir with cmd: $cmd\n";
+        print "we'll run the cmd: $cmd\n";
+        if ( system($cmd) ) {
+            print $log "build $dir with failure when run $type: $!\n";
+            die "build $dir with failure when run $type: $!\n";
+        }
+    }
+    print $log "build $dir with success!\n";
+sub wrap_bin {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %seen;
+    my $sub = sub {
+        my $file = $_;
+        return unless $file and -f $file;
+        return if $seen{$File::Find::name}++;
+        my $dir = ( File::Spec->splitdir($File::Find::dir) )[-1];
+        mkdir File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, "$dir-wrapped" )
+          unless -d File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'},
+            "$dir-wrapped" );
+        move( $file =>
+              File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, "$dir-wrapped" ) )
+          or die $!;
+        symlink File::Spec->catfile( '..', 'etc',
+            'shipwright-script-wrapper' ) => $file
+          or die $!;
+        chmod 0755, $file;
+    };
+    my @dirs =
+      grep { -d $_ }
+      map { File::Spec->catfile( $args{'install-base'}, $_ ) }
+      qw/bin sbin libexec/;
+    find( $sub, @dirs ) if @dirs;
+sub substitute {
+    my $text = shift;
+    return unless $text;
+    my $perl         = $args{'perl'};
+    my $install_base = $args{'install-base'};
+    $text =~ s/%%PERL%%/$perl/g;
+    $text =~ s/%%INSTALL_BASE%%/$install_base/g;
+    return $text;
+sub parse_order {
+    my $file  = shift;
+    my $order = [];
+    open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!;
+    while (<$fh>) {
+        if (/^- (\S+)/) {
+            push @$order, $1;
+        }
+    }
+    return $order;
+sub test {
+    my @cmds;
+    {
+        open my $fh, '<', File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'test' )
+          or die $!;
+        @cmds = <$fh>;
+        close $fh;
+        chomp @cmds;
+        @cmds = map { substitute($_) } @cmds;
+    }
+    for (@cmds) {
+        my ( $type, $cmd );
+        next unless /\S/;
+        if (/^(\S+):\s*(.*)/) {
+            $type = $1;
+            $cmd  = $2;
+        }
+        else {
+            $type = '';
+            $cmd  = $_;
+        }
+        print "run tests $type with cmd: $cmd\n";
+        system($cmd) && die "something wrong when execute $cmd: $?";
+    }

Added: Text-Quoted/bin/shipwright-utility
--- (empty file)
+++ Text-Quoted/bin/shipwright-utility	Tue Jan 22 15:46:04 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use YAML::Syck;
+my %args;
+GetOptions( \%args, 'update-order', 'keep-requires=s', 'keep-recommends=s',
+    'keep-build-requires=s', 'for-dists=s' );
+if ( $args{'update-order'} ) {
+    for ( 'keep-requires', 'keep-recommends', 'keep-build-requires' ) {
+        $args{$_} = 1 unless defined $args{$_}; 
+    }
+    my @dists = split /,\s*/, $args{'for-dists'};
+    unless (@dists) {
+        my $out = `ls scripts`;
+        my $sep = $/;
+        @dists = split /$sep/, $out;
+        chomp @dists;
+        s{/$}{} for @dists;
+    }
+    my $require = {};
+    for (@dists) {
+        fill_deps( %args, require => $require, dist => $_ );
+    }
+    require Algorithm::Dependency::Ordered;
+    require Algorithm::Dependency::Source::HoA;
+    my $source = Algorithm::Dependency::Source::HoA->new($require);
+    $source->load();
+    my $dep = Algorithm::Dependency::Ordered->new( source => $source, )
+      or die $@;
+    my $order = $dep->schedule_all();
+    DumpFile( 'shipwright/order.yml', $order );
+sub fill_deps {
+    my %args    = @_;
+    my $require = $args{require};
+    my $dist    = $args{dist};
+    my $string;
+    my $req = LoadFile("scripts/$dist/require.yml");
+    if ( $req->{requires} ) {
+        for (qw/requires recommends build_requires/) {
+            my $arg = "keep-$_";
+            $arg =~ s/_/-/g;
+            push @{ $require->{$dist} }, keys %{ $req->{$_} }
+              if $args{$arg};
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        #for back compatbility
+        push @{ $require->{$dist} }, keys %$req;
+    }
+    for my $dep ( @{ $require->{$dist} } ) {
+        next if $require->{$dep};
+        fill_deps( %args, dist => $dep );
+    }

Added: Text-Quoted/etc/shipwright-script-wrapper
--- (empty file)
+++ Text-Quoted/etc/shipwright-script-wrapper	Tue Jan 22 15:46:04 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+if [ -z `which readlink` ]; then  
+    # if we don't have readlink, we're on some pitiful platform like solaris
+    test -h $0 && LINK=`ls -l $0 | awk -F\>  '{print $NF}'`
+    LINK=`readlink $0`
+if [ $LINK = '../etc/shipwright-script-wrapper' ]; then
+    BASE=$0
+    BASE_DIR=`dirname "$BASE"`
+    BASE_DIR=` (cd "$BASE_DIR"; pwd) `
+    FILENAME=`basename "$BASE"`
+    WRAPPED_DIR=`basename "$BASE_DIR"`
+    ARCHNAME=`perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{archname}'`
+    PERL5LIB=${BASE_DIR}/../lib/perl5/site_perl:${BASE_DIR}/../lib/perl5:${PERL5LIB}\
+        exec ${BASE_DIR}/../${WRAPPED_DIR}-wrapped/${FILENAME}  "$@"
+    exec $LINK "$@"

Added: Text-Quoted/shipwright/order.yml

Added: Text-Quoted/t/test

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