[Bps-public-commit] r10554 - bpsbuilder/Shipwright/lib/Shipwright

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 29 12:18:02 EST 2008

Author: sunnavy
Date: Tue Jan 29 12:18:01 2008
New Revision: 10554


added help arg for build script

Modified: bpsbuilder/Shipwright/lib/Shipwright/Backend.pm
--- bpsbuilder/Shipwright/lib/Shipwright/Backend.pm	(original)
+++ bpsbuilder/Shipwright/lib/Shipwright/Backend.pm	Tue Jan 29 12:18:01 2008
@@ -88,8 +88,32 @@
 my %args;
 GetOptions( \%args, 'update-order', 'keep-requires=s', 'keep-recommends=s',
-    'keep-build-requires=s', 'for-dists=s' );
+    'keep-build-requires=s', 'for-dists=s', 'help' );
+my $USAGE = <<'END'
+run: ./bin/shipwright-utility --update-order
+help: print this usage
+update-order: regenerate install order.
+    sub options:
+        keep-requires: keep dists with requires dep type. default is true.
+        keep-recommends: keep dists with recommends dep type. default is true.
+        keep-build-requires: keep dists with build-requires dep type. default is true.
+        for-dists: make order only for these dists, seperated by comma.
+        default is for all the dists in the source.
+    e.g. --update-order --keep-recommends 0 --for-dists Jifty-DBI,Jifty
+if ( $args{'help'} ) { 
+    print $USAGE;
+    exit 0;
 if ( $args{'update-order'} ) {
     for ( 'keep-requires', 'keep-recommends', 'keep-build-requires' ) {
         $args{$_} = 1 unless defined $args{$_}; 
@@ -176,7 +200,42 @@
 my %args;
 GetOptions( \%args, 'install-base=s', 'perl=s', 'skip=s', 'skip-test',
-    'only-test', 'force' );
+    'only-test', 'force', 'help' );
+my $USAGE = <<'END'
+run: ./bin/shipwright-builder
+help: print this usage
+install-base: where we will install
+    defaults: a temp dir below your system's tmp.
+    e.g. --install-base /home/local/mydist
+perl: which perl to use for the to be installed dists. 
+    defaults: if we have perl in the source, it will use that one.
+              else, it will use the one which runs this builder script.
+    e.g. --perl /usr/bin/perl
+skip: dists we don't want to install, comma seperated. 
+    e.g. --skip perl,Module-Build
+skip-test: skip test part if there're
+force: if tests fail, install anyway
+only-test: test for the installed dists.
+    it's used to be sure everything is ok after we install with success. 
+    need to specify --install-base.
+if ( $args{'help'} ) { 
+    print $USAGE;
+    exit 0;
 unlink 'build.log' if -e 'build.log';
 open my $log, '>', 'build.log' or die $!;

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