[Bps-public-commit] r14093 - in Data-Plist: .

kyoki at bestpractical.com kyoki at bestpractical.com
Mon Jul 14 18:00:55 EDT 2008

Author: kyoki
Date: Mon Jul 14 18:00:55 2008
New Revision: 14093

   Data-Plist/   (props changed)

 r29588 at nyx:  kyoki | 2008-07-14 18:00:47 -0400
 filled out a lot of binary writer

Modified: Data-Plist/lib/Data/Plist/BinaryWriter.pm
--- Data-Plist/lib/Data/Plist/BinaryWriter.pm	(original)
+++ Data-Plist/lib/Data/Plist/BinaryWriter.pm	Mon Jul 14 18:00:55 2008
@@ -6,6 +6,171 @@
 use base qw/Data::Plist::Writer/;
 sub write_fh {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self = $self->new() unless ref $self;
+    my ( $fh, $object ) = @_;
+    binmode $fh;
+    $self->{fh}    = $fh;
+    $self->{index} = [];
+    $self->{size}  = $self->count($object);
+    if ( $self->{size} >= 2**8 ) {
+        $self->{refsize} = 2;
+    }
+    else {
+        $self->{refsize} = 1;
+    }
+    print $fh "bplist00";
+    return 1;
+sub binary_write {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @ref;
+sub dispatch {
+    my $self       = shift;
+    my ($arrayref) = @_;
+    my $type       = $arrayref->[0];
+    my $method     = "write_" . $type;
+    die "Can't $method" unless $self->can($method);
+    return $self->$method( $arrayref->[1] );
+sub make_type {
+    my $self = $shift;
+    my ( $typ, $len ) = @_;
+    my $ans = "";
+    my $optint = "";
+    if ( $len < 15 ) {
+        $typ .= sprintf( "%x", $len );
+    }
+    else {
+        $typ .= "f";
+        $optint = MakeInt($len);
+    }
+    $ans = pack( "H*", $typ ) . $optint;
+    return $ans;
+sub write_int {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $int, $type ) = @_;
+    my $ans = "";
+    unless ( defined $type ) {
+        $type = 1;
+    }
+    if ( $int > 65535 ) {    # 4 byte int
+        $ans = "\x" . $type "2" . pack( "N", $int );
+    }
+    elsif ( $int > 255 ) {    # 2 byte int
+        $ans = "\x" . $type "1" . pack( "n", $int );
+    }
+    else {
+        $ans = "\x" . $type "0" . pack( "C", $int );
+    }
+    my $current = tell $fh;
+    print $fh $ans;
+    push @{ $self->{index} }, $current;
+    return ( @{ $self->{index} } - 1 );
+sub write_string {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($string) = @_;
+    my $type = make_type( "5", length($string) );
+    my $obj = $type . pack( "U", $string );
+    my $current = tell $fh;
+    print $fh $obj;
+    push @{ $self->{index} }, $current;
+    return ( @{ $self->{index} } - 1 );
+sub write_ustring {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->write_string(@_);
+sub write_dict {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($hash) = @_;
+    my @keys;
+    my @values;
+    for my $key ( keys %$hash ) {
+        push @keys, $self->dispatch( [ "string", $key ] );
+        push @values, $self->dispatch( $hash->{$key} );
+    }
+    my $current = tell $fh;
+    print $fh make_type( "d", scalar keys(%$hash) );
+    my $packvar;
+    if ( $self->{refsize} = 2 ) {    # 4 byte int
+        $packvar = "n";
+    }
+    else {
+        $packvar = "C";
+    }
+    print $fh pack $packvar, $_ for @keys, @values;
+    push @{ $self->{index} }, $current;
+    return ( @{ $self->{index} } - 1 );
+sub write_array {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my ($array) = @_;
+    my $size    = @$array;
+    my @values;
+    for (@$array) {
+        push @values, $self->dispatch($_);
+    }
+    my $current = tell $fh;
+    print $fh make_type( "a", $size );
+    my $packvar;
+    if ( $self->{refsize} = 2 ) {    # 4 byte int
+        $packvar = "n";
+    }
+    else {
+        $packvar = "C";
+    }
+    print $fh pack $packvar, $_ for @values;
+    push @{ $self->{index} }, $current;
+    return ( @{ $self->{index} } - 1 );
+sub write_uid {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my ($id)    = @_;
+    my $obj     = make_int( $value, "8" );
+    my $current = tell $fh;
+    print $fh $obj;
+    push @{ $self->{index} }, $current;
+    return ( @{ $self->{index} } - 1 );
+sub count {
+    my ($arrayref) = @_;
+    my $type = $arrayref->[0];
+    if ( $type eq "dict" ) {
+        my @keys  = keys $arrayref->[1];
+        my $value = 1 + @keys;
+        $value += $_ for map { $self->count( $arrayref->[1]->{$_} ) } @keys;
+        return $value;
+    }
+    elsif {
+        my $value = 1;
+        $value += $_ for map { $self->count($_) } @$arrayref;
+        return $value;
+    }
+    else {
+        return 1;
+    }

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