[Bps-public-commit] r14304 - in Prophet/trunk: .

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Fri Jul 18 19:52:00 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Fri Jul 18 19:52:00 2008
New Revision: 14304

   Prophet/trunk/   (props changed)

 r64623 at onn:  sartak | 2008-07-18 19:51:56 -0400
 Add tests for search (todo tests for != and =~ too)

Added: Prophet/trunk/t/search.t
--- (empty file)
+++ Prophet/trunk/t/search.t	Fri Jul 18 19:52:00 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Prophet::Test tests => 12;
+as_alice {
+    run_ok('prophet', [qw(create --type=Bug --), 'summary=first ticket summary', 'status=new'], "created a record as alice");
+    run_ok('prophet', [qw(create --type=Bug --), 'summary=other ticket summary', 'status=open'], "created a record as alice");
+    run_ok('prophet', [qw(create --type=Bug --), 'summary=bad ticket summary', 'status=stalled'], "created a record as alice");
+    run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug --regex .)],
+        [qr/first ticket summary/,
+         qr/other ticket summary/,
+         qr/bad ticket summary/],
+        "Found our records",
+    );
+    run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- status=new)],
+        [qr/first ticket summary/],
+        "found the only ticket with status=new",
+    );
+    run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- status=open)],
+        [qr/other ticket summary/],
+        "found the only ticket with status=open",
+    );
+    run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- status=closed)],
+        [],
+        "found no tickets with status=closed",
+    );
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = "props are stored in a flat hash, so we can't do OR yet";
+        run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- status=new status=open)],
+            [qr/first ticket summary/, qr/other ticket summary/],
+            "found two tickets with status=new OR status=open",
+        );
+    };
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = "negative comparisons not implemented yet";
+        run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- status!=new)],
+            [qr/other ticket summary/, qr/stalled ticket summary/],
+            "found two tickets with status!=new",
+        );
+    };
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = "regex comparisons not implemented yet";
+        run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- status=~n)],
+            [qr/first ticket summary/, qr/other ticket summary/],
+            "found two tickets with status=~n",
+        );
+    };
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = "regex comparisons not implemented yet";
+        run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- summary=~first|stalled)],
+            [qr/first ticket summary/, qr/stalled ticket summary/],
+            "found two tickets with status=~first|stalled",
+        );
+    };
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = "regex comparisons not implemented yet";
+        run_output_matches('prophet', [qw(search --type Bug -- status !=new summary=~first|stalled)],
+            [qr/stalled ticket summary/],
+            "found two tickets with status=~first|stalled",
+        );
+    };

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