[Bps-public-commit] r13610 - in TAP-Harness-Remote: .
alexmv at bestpractical.com
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 26 14:53:27 EDT 2008
Author: alexmv
Date: Thu Jun 26 14:53:27 2008
New Revision: 13610
TAP-Harness-Remote/ (props changed)
r33498 at kohr-ah: chmrr | 2008-06-26 14:53:19 -0400
* Support multiple local roots
Modified: TAP-Harness-Remote/META.yml
--- TAP-Harness-Remote/META.yml (original)
+++ TAP-Harness-Remote/META.yml Thu Jun 26 14:53:27 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-abstract: Run tests on a remote server
+abstract: Run tests on a remote server farm
- Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
distribution_type: module
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
TAP::Harness: 3.04
Test::More: 0
-version: 0.02
+version: 0.03
Modified: TAP-Harness-Remote/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
--- TAP-Harness-Remote/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm (original)
+++ TAP-Harness-Remote/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm Thu Jun 26 14:53:27 2008
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package TAP::Harness::Remote;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.03';
use warnings;
use strict;
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
use base 'TAP::Harness';
use constant config_path => "$ENV{HOME}/.remote_test";
-use File::Path;
+use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
use YAML;
=head1 NAME
-TAP::Harness::Remote - Run tests on a remote server
+TAP::Harness::Remote - Run tests on a remote server farm
@@ -30,15 +30,16 @@
=head1 USAGE
-C<TAP::Harness::Remote> synchronizes a local directory to the remote
+C<TAP::Harness::Remote> synchronizes local directories to the remote
testing server. All tests that you wish to run remotely must be
-somewhere within this "local testing root" directory. You should
-configure where this directory is by creating or editing your
-F<~/.remote_test> file:
+somewhere within these "local testing directories." You should
+configure this set by creating or editing your F<~/.remote_test> file:
ssh: /usr/bin/ssh
- local: /path/to/local/testing/root/
+ local:
+ - /path/to/local/testing/root/
+ - /path/to/another/testing/root/
user: username
host: remote.testing.host.example.com
root: /where/to/place/local/root/on/remote/
@@ -57,23 +58,18 @@
prove -l --harness TAP::Harness::Remote t/*.t
-Any paths in C<@INC> which point inside your local testing root are
+Any paths in C<@INC> which point inside your local testing roots are
rewritten to point to the equivilent path on the remote host. This is
especially useful if you are testing a number of inter-related
-modules; by placing all of them all under the local testing root, and
-adding all of their C<lib/> paths to your C<PERL5LIB>, you can ensure
-that the remote machine always tests your combination of the modules,
-not whichever versions are installed on the remote host.
-Note that for irritating technical reasons (your CWD has already been
-resolved), your local root cannot contain symlinks to directories.
-This means you may need to rearrange your directory structure slightly
-to set up the appropriate local testing root.
-If you farm of remote hosts, you may change the C<host> configuration
-variable to be an array reference of hostnames. Tests will be
-distributed in a round-robin manner across the hosts. Each host will
-run as many tests in parallel as you specified with C<-j>.
+modules; by placing all of them all as local testing roots, and adding
+all of their C<lib/> paths to your C<PERL5LIB>, you can ensure that
+the remote machine always tests your combination of the modules, not
+whichever versions are installed on the remote host.
+If you have a farm of remote hosts, you may change the C<host>
+configuration variable to be an array reference of hostnames. Tests
+will be distributed in a round-robin manner across the hosts. Each
+host will run as many tests in parallel as you specified with C<-j>.
Especially when running tests in parallel, it is highly suggested that
you use the standard L<TAP::Harness> C<--state=save,slow> option, as
@@ -94,15 +90,17 @@
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
- die
- "Local testing root (@{[$self->remote_config('local')]}) doesn't exist\n"
- unless -d $self->remote_config("local");
+ for ( @{$self->remote_config("local")} ) {
+ die
+ "Local testing root ($_) doesn't exist\n"
+ unless -d $_;
+ }
+ # Find which testing root we're under
- my $change
- = File::Spec->abs2rel( Cwd::cwd, $self->remote_config("local") );
- "Current path isn't inside of local testing root (@{[$self->remote_config('local')]})\n"
- if $change =~ /^\.\./;
+ "Current path isn't inside of local testing roots (@{$self->remote_config('local')})\n"
+ unless defined $self->rewrite_path( Cwd::cwd );
die "Testing host not defined\n"
unless grep { defined and not /\.example\.com$/ }
@@ -140,7 +138,7 @@
host => "smoke-server.example.com",
root => "/home/smoker/remote-test/$ENV{USER}/",
perl => "/home/smoker/bin/perl",
- local => "/home/$ENV{USER}/remote-test/",
+ local => [ "/home/$ENV{USER}/remote-test/" ],
ssh => "/usr/bin/ssh",
ssh_args => [ "-x", "-S", "~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p" ],
master => 1,
@@ -161,11 +159,12 @@
$self->{remote_config} = YAML::LoadFile( $self->config_path );
- # Make sure paths end with slashes, for rsync
- $self->{remote_config}{root} .= "/"
- unless $self->{remote_config}{root} =~ m|/$|;
- $self->{remote_config}{local} .= "/"
- unless $self->{remote_config}{local} =~ m|/$|;
+ # Make local path into an arrayref
+ $self->{remote_config}{local} = [ $self->{remote_config}{local} ]
+ unless ref $self->{remote_config}{local};
+ # Strip trailing slashes in local dirs, for rsync
+ $self->{remote_config}{local} = [map {s|/$||; $_} @{$self->{remote_config}{local}}];
# Host should be an arrayref
$self->{remote_config}{host} = [ $self->{remote_config}{host} ]
@@ -216,24 +215,41 @@
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->remote_config("master");
+ local $SIG{USR1} = sub {
+ die "Failed to set up SSH master connections\n";
+ };
+ my $parent = $$;
for my $host ( @{ $self->remote_config("host") } ) {
my $userhost = $self->userhost($host);
my $pid = fork;
die "Fork failed: $!" unless $pid >= 0;
if ( not $pid ) {
- exec $self->remote_config("ssh"),
- @{ $self->remote_config("ssh_args") }, "-M", "-N", $userhost;
- die "Starting of master SSH connection failed";
+ # Make sure we clean out this list, so we don't run
+ # anything on _our_ DESTROY
+ $self->{ssh_master} = {};
+ # Start the master
+ system($self->remote_config("ssh"),
+ @{ $self->remote_config("ssh_args") }, "-M", "-N", $userhost);
+ # Signal the parent when we're done; we're still within 2
+ # seconds of starting, we'll catch this and abort.
+ kill 'USR1', $parent;
+ exit;
$self->{ssh_master}{$userhost} = $pid;
- sleep 2;
+ # During this sleep, we're waiting for our kids to tell us that
+ # they died.
+ sleep 5;
=head2 rsync
Starts the openssh master connections if need be (see
-L</start_masters>), then C<rsync>'s over the entire local root.
+L</start_masters>), then C<rsync>'s over the local roots.
Additionally, rewrites the local PERL5LIB path such that any
directories which point into the local root are included in the remote
PERL5LIB as well.
@@ -242,6 +258,7 @@
sub rsync {
my $self = shift;
+ $SIG{USR1} = sub {};
for my $host ( @{ $self->remote_config("host") } ) {
@@ -251,18 +268,34 @@
. " @{$self->remote_config('ssh_args')}",
- $self->remote_config("local"),
+ @{$self->remote_config("local")},
"$userhost:" . $self->remote_config("root")
die "rsync to $userhost failed" if $return;
- if ( my $lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB} ) {
- my @lib = split( /:/, $lib );
- my $local = $self->remote_config("local");
- my $remote = $self->remote_config("root");
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join( ":", map { s/^$local/$remote/; $_ } @lib );
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join( ":", grep {defined} map {$self->rewrite_path($_)} split( /:/, $ENV{PERL5LIB} || "" ) );
+=head2 rewrite_path PATH
+Rewrites the given local C<PATH> into the remote path on the testing
+server. Returns undef if the C<PATH> isn't inside any of the
+configured local paths.
+sub rewrite_path {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $remote = $self->remote_config("root");
+ for my $local ( @{$self->remote_config("local")} ) {
+ if ($path =~ /^$local/) {
+ $path =~ s{^$local}{$remote . "/" . (File::Spec->splitpath($local))[-1]}e;
+ return $path;
+ }
+ return undef;
=head2 DESTROY
@@ -291,23 +324,22 @@
sub change_switches {
my ( $self, $args, $test ) = @_;
- my $local = $self->remote_config("local");
my $remote = $self->remote_config("root");
$ENV{PERL5LIB} ||= '';
$ENV{PERL5LIB} =~ s/^(lib:){1,}/lib:/;
my @other = grep { not /^-I/ } @{ $args->{switches} };
- my @inc = map { s/^-I$local/-I$remote/; $_ }
+ my @inc = map {"-I$_"} grep {defined $_} map { s/^-I//; $self->rewrite_path($_) }
grep {/^-I/} @{ $args->{switches} };
- my $change = File::Spec->abs2rel( Cwd::cwd, $local );
+ ;
my $host = $self->remote_config("host")
->[ $self->{hostno}++ % @{ $self->remote_config("host") } ];
my $userhost = $self->userhost($host);
$args->{switches} = [
@{ $self->remote_config("ssh_args") }, $userhost,
- "cd", $remote . $change,
+ "cd", $self->rewrite_path( Cwd::cwd ),
"&&", "PERL5LIB='$ENV{PERL5LIB}'",
$self->remote_config("perl"), @other,
@@ -333,14 +365,15 @@
=item root
-The remote testing root. This is the place where the local root will
+The remote testing root. This is the place where the local roots will
be C<rsync>'d to.
=item local
-The local testing root. All files under this will be C<rsync>'d to
-the remote server. All tests to be run remotely must be within this
+The local testing roots. This can be either an array reference of
+multiple roots, or a single string. Files under each of these
+directories will be C<rsync>'d to the remote server. All tests to be
+run remotely must be within these roots.
=item perl
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