[Bps-public-commit] r11274 - in SVN-PropDB: . t
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Mar 30 16:48:43 EDT 2008
Author: jesse
Date: Sun Mar 30 16:48:43 2008
New Revision: 11274
SVN-PropDB/ (props changed)
r28797 at 68-247-16-135: jesse | 2008-03-30 10:48:18 -1000
* dealt with annoying "base64 encoded uuids sometimes contain /" bug.
* check cli search output
* alice and bob can now have separate replicas
Modified: SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Record.pm
--- SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Record.pm (original)
+++ SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Record.pm Sun Mar 30 16:48:43 2008
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@
sub create {
my $self = shift;
my %args = validate(@_, { props => 1});
- my $uuid = $UUIDGEN->create_b64;
- $uuid =~ s/==$//g;
+ my $uuid = $UUIDGEN->create_str;
Modified: SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Test.pm
--- SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Test.pm (original)
+++ SVN-PropDB/lib/Prophet/Test.pm Sun Mar 30 16:48:43 2008
@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
package Prophet::Test;
+use strict;
use base qw/Test::More Exporter/;
-our @EXPORT = qw/as_alice as_bob as_charlie as_david/;
+our @EXPORT = qw/as_alice as_bob as_charlie as_david run_ok run_output_matches/;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use Path::Class 'dir';
+use Test::Exception;
our $REPO_BASE = File::Temp::tempdir();
sub import_extra {
my $class = shift;
my $args = shift;
- $class->setup($args);
# Now, clobber Test::Builder::plan (if we got given a plan) so we
@@ -23,6 +26,98 @@
+=head2 run_script SCRIPT_NAME [@ARGS]
+Runs the script SCRIPT_NAME as a perl script, setting the @INC to the same as our caller
+sub run_script {
+ my $script = shift;
+ system($^X, (map { "-I$_" } @INC), 'bin/'.$script, @_);
+ Carp::croak $! if $?;
+ return;
+=head2 run_ok SCRIPT_NAME [@ARGS] (<- optional hashref), optional message
+Runs the script, checking that it didn't error out.
+sub run_ok {
+ my $script = shift;
+ my $args = shift if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY');
+ my $msg = shift if (@_);
+ lives_and {
+ @_ = (run_script($script, @$args), $msg);
+ goto &Test::More::ok;
+sub _mk_cmp_closure {
+ my ($exp, $err, $negate) = @_;
+ my $line = 0;
+ sub {
+ my $output = shift;
+ chomp $output;
+ ++$line;
+ unless (@$exp) {
+ push @$err, "$line: got $output";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $item = shift @$exp;
+ push @$err, "$line: got ($output), expect ($item)\n"
+ unless ref($item) ? ($output =~ m/$item/)
+ : ($output eq $item);
+ }
+use IPC::Run3 'run3';
+=head2 is_script_output SCRIPTNAME \@ARGS, \@STDOUT_MATCH, \@STDERR_MATCH, $MSG
+Runs the script, checking to see that its output matches
+sub is_script_output {
+ my ($script, $arg, $exp_stdout, $exp_stderr, $msg) = @_;
+ my $stdout_err = [];
+ $exp_stderr ||= [];
+ my @cmd = ($^X, (map { "-I$_" } @INC), 'bin/'.$script);
+ my $ret = run3 [@cmd, @$arg], undef,
+ _mk_cmp_closure($exp_stdout, $stdout_err,0), # stdout
+ _mk_cmp_closure($exp_stderr, $stdout_err,0); # stderr
+ if (@$stdout_err) {
+ @_ = (0, join(' ', "$msg:", $script, @$arg));
+ diag("Different in line: ".join(',', @$stdout_err));
+ goto \&ok;
+ }
+ else {
+ @_ = (1, join(' ', "$msg:", $script, @$arg));
+ goto \&ok;
+ }
+sub run_output_matches {
+ my ($script, $args, $expected, $msg) = @_;
+ lives_and {
+ @_ = ($script, $args, $expected, [], $msg);
+ goto \&is_script_output;
+ };
=head2 repo_path_for $USERNAME
Returns a path on disk for where $USERNAME's replica is stored
@@ -75,10 +170,10 @@
-as_alice (&) { as_user( alice => shift) }
-as_bob (&){ as_user( bob => shift) }
-as_charlie(&) { as_user( charlie => shift) }
-as_david(&) { as_user( david => shift) }
+sub as_alice (&) { as_user( alice => shift) }
+sub as_bob (&){ as_user( bob => shift) }
+sub as_charlie(&) { as_user( charlie => shift) }
+sub as_david(&) { as_user( david => shift) }
Modified: SVN-PropDB/t/cli.t
--- SVN-PropDB/t/cli.t (original)
+++ SVN-PropDB/t/cli.t Sun Mar 30 16:48:43 2008
@@ -3,11 +3,18 @@
use warnings;
use strict;
-use Prophet::Test tests => 3;
+use Prophet::Test tests => 4;
as_alice {
- ok(`bin/prophet-node-create --type Bug --status new` );
+ run_ok('prophet-node-create', [qw(--type Bug --status new)], "Created a record as alice");
+ run_output_matches('prophet-node-search', [qw(--type Bug --regex .)], [qr/new/], " Found our record");
+as_bob {
+ run_ok('prophet-node-create', [qw(--type Bug --status open)], "Created a record as bob" );
+ run_output_matches('prophet-node-search', [qw(--type Bug --regex .)], [qr/open/], " Found our record");
# create 1 node
# update the node
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