[Bps-public-commit] r12351 - in Test-Tagged: .
sartak at bestpractical.com
sartak at bestpractical.com
Thu May 15 09:27:38 EDT 2008
Author: sartak
Date: Thu May 15 09:27:38 2008
New Revision: 12351
Test-Tagged/ (props changed)
r55914 at onn: sartak | 2008-05-15 09:24:52 -0400
Add Test::Tagged
Added: Test-Tagged/lib/Test/Tagged.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Test-Tagged/lib/Test/Tagged.pm Thu May 15 09:27:38 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+package Test::Tagged;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.01_01';
+sub import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %has_tag = map { lc($_) => 1 } @_;
+ # no wanted tags? then we're not excluding any tests based on tags
+ return unless $ENV{TEST_TAGGED_TAGS};
+ for my $wanted (split ' ', $ENV{TEST_TAGGED_TAGS}) {
+ return if $has_tag{lc $wanted};
+ }
+ require Test::Builder;
+ my $TB = Test::Builder->new;
+ if ($TB->has_plan) {
+ # XXX: Test::Builder 0.80 does not have skip_rest yet, but it has doc for it, so here's to hoping.
+ $TB->skip_rest("Test did not have a desired tag.") if $TB->can('skip_rest');
+ $TB->BAIL_OUT("Test did not have a desired tag. Use Test::Tagged before setting a test plan to avoid bailout.");
+ }
+ else {
+ Test::Builder->new->skip_all("Test did not have a desired tag.");
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Test::Tagged - tag your tests so they can be run selectively
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Test::Tagged qw/IM email/;
+ use Test::More tests => 10;
+ # ...
+ # then run them
+ prove -PTagged=im
+ prove -PTagged=EMail
+ prove
+ # or don't run them
+ prove -PTagged=web
+ prove -PTagged=api,auth
+Tests are often split into many different files. You may have C<t/oauth.t> to
+test your application's OAuth support, C<t/rest.t> to test your REST API, and
+so on. This has served us well for a long while.
+Unfortunately things are rarely so cleanly cut. Perhaps your OAuth tests are
+using your REST API, or your date/time tests are using your IM interface. If
+you make a change to one part of your system, you of course run your tests to
+make sure nothing broke.
+But what if your entire test suite takes twenty minutes to run? You must love
+testing as much as I do! But unfortunately it'd be prohibitively expensive to
+run tests after every little change. If you can't run your tests after every
+change, then they've lost a lot of their potency.
+C<Test::Tagged> alleviates this by letting you tag your tests (with as many
+tags as you want!), then letting you specify which tags to run tests in
+If you're working on your REST API, then you can use C<prove -PTagged=REST>
+to run all tests with the "REST" tag (which would include C<t/oauth.t> because
+it uses the REST API).
+=over 4
+=item C<Use Test::Tagged before setting a test plan to avoid bailout.>
+This indicates that you used C<< Test::More tests => N >> before using
+C<Test::Tagged>. Unfortunately, in current versions of L<Test::Builder>, it's
+impossible to skip all tests after a plan has been set. The best we can do is
+use L<Test::Builder/BAILOUT> which aborts the B<rest of the test suite>. Future
+versions of L<Test::Builder> will hopefully have a C<skip_rest> procedure.
+For best results, use C<Test::Tagged> before L<Test::More> (or any other test
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<App::Prove>, L<App::Prove::Plugin::Tagged>
+=head1 THANKS
+Hiveminder's extensive (but unfortunately slow) test suite for driving
+innovation. :)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Shawn M Moore, C<< <sartak at bestpractical.com> >>
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to
+C<bug-test-tagged at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright 2008 Best Practical Solutions, LLC.
+Test::Tagged is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
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