[Bps-public-commit] r12401 - in Carp-REPL: lib/Carp

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Fri May 16 08:50:53 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Fri May 16 08:50:51 2008
New Revision: 12401

   Carp-REPL/   (props changed)

 r56014 at onn:  sartak | 2008-05-16 08:50:08 -0400
 Don't inline POD, misc fixes

Modified: Carp-REPL/lib/Carp/REPL.pm
--- Carp-REPL/lib/Carp/REPL.pm	(original)
+++ Carp-REPL/lib/Carp/REPL.pm	Fri May 16 08:50:51 2008
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use 5.6.0;
+our $VERSION = '0.12';
 our $noprofile = 0;
 sub import {
@@ -13,6 +15,68 @@
     $SIG{__WARN__} = \&repl if $warn;
+sub repl {
+    warn @_, "\n"; # tell the user what blew up
+    require PadWalker;
+    require Devel::REPL::Script;
+    my (@packages, @environments, @argses, $backtrace);
+    my $frame = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        package DB;
+        my ($package, $file, $line, $subroutine) = caller($frame)
+            or last;
+        $package = 'main' if !defined($package);
+        eval {
+            # PadWalker has 0 mean 'current'
+            # caller has 0 mean 'immediate caller'
+            push @environments, PadWalker::peek_my($frame+1);
+        };
+        Carp::carp($@), last if $@;
+        push @argses, [@DB::args];
+        push @packages, [$package, $file, $line];
+        $backtrace .= sprintf "%s%d: %s called at %s:%s.\n",
+            $frame == 0 ? '' : '   ',
+            $frame,
+            $subroutine,
+            $file,
+            $line;
+        ++$frame;
+    }
+    warn $backtrace;
+    my ($runner, $repl);
+    if ($noprofile) {
+        $repl = $runner = Devel::REPL->new;
+    }
+    else {
+        $runner = Devel::REPL::Script->new;
+        $repl = $runner->_repl;
+    }
+    $repl->load_plugin('Carp::REPL');
+    $repl->environments(\@environments);
+    $repl->packages(\@packages);
+    $repl->argses(\@argses);
+    $repl->backtrace($backtrace);
+    $repl->frame(0);
+    $runner->run;
 =head1 NAME
 Carp::REPL - read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn
@@ -21,10 +85,6 @@
 Version 0.12 released ???
-our $VERSION = '0.12';
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
 The intended way to use this module is through the command line.
@@ -98,66 +158,6 @@
 C<$SIG{__DIE__}> will be invoked and there's no general way to recover. But you
 can still change variables to poke at things.
-sub repl {
-    warn @_, "\n"; # tell the user what blew up
-    require PadWalker;
-    require Devel::REPL::Script;
-    my (@packages, @environments, @argses, $backtrace);
-    my $frame = 0;
-    while (1) {
-        package DB;
-        my ($package, $file, $line, $subroutine) = caller($frame)
-            or last;
-        $package = 'main' if !defined($package);
-        eval {
-            # PadWalker has 0 mean 'current'
-            # caller has 0 mean 'immediate caller'
-            push @environments, PadWalker::peek_my($frame+1);
-        };
-        Carp::carp($@), last if $@;
-        push @argses, [@DB::args];
-        push @packages, [$package, $file, $line];
-        $backtrace .= sprintf "%s%d: %s called at %s:%s.\n",
-            $frame == 0 ? '' : '   ',
-            $frame,
-            $subroutine,
-            $file,
-            $line;
-        ++$frame;
-    }
-    warn $backtrace;
-    my ($runner, $repl);
-    if ($noprofile) {
-        $repl = $runner = Devel::REPL->new;
-    }
-    else {
-        $runner = Devel::REPL::Script->new;
-        $repl = $runner->_repl;
-    }
-    $repl->load_plugin('Carp::REPL');
-    $repl->environments(\@environments);
-    $repl->packages(\@packages);
-    $repl->argses(\@argses);
-    $repl->backtrace($backtrace);
-    $repl->frame(0);
-    $runner->run;
 =head1 COMMANDS
 Note that this is not supposed to be a full-fledged debugger. A few commands
@@ -268,12 +268,10 @@
-Copyright 2007 Best Practical Solutions, all rights reserved.
+Copyright 2007-2008 Best Practical Solutions, all rights reserved.
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the same terms as Perl itself.
-1; # End of Carp::REPL

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