[Bps-public-commit] r12585 - in pie/branches/import: . lib t

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed May 21 02:33:30 EDT 2008

Author: jesse
Date: Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
New Revision: 12585

   pie/branches/import/   (props changed)

 r31813 at 31b:  jesse | 2008-05-21 14:32:53 +0800
 * Sliced the PIE

Added: pie/branches/import/lib/PIE.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/lib/PIE.pm	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package PIE;
+our $VERSION = sqrt(-1); 

Added: pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Builder.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Builder.pm	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package PIE::Builder;
+use Moose;
+sub build_op_expression {
+    my ($self, $name, $args) = @_;
+    my $class = "PIE::Expression::$name";
+    die unless $class->meta->does_role("PIE::Evaluatable");
+    $class->new( map { $_ => $self->build_expression( $args->{$_} ) } keys %$args );
+sub build_expression {
+    my ($self, $tree) = @_;
+    if (!ref($tree)) {
+        return PIE::Expression::String->new(value => $tree );
+    }
+    elsif (ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY') {
+        my ($func, @rest) = @$tree;
+        return PIE::Expression->new( elements => [$func, map { $self->build_expression($_) } @rest]);
+    }
+    elsif (ref($tree) eq 'HASH') {
+        return $self->build_op_expression($tree->{name}, $tree->{args});
+    }
+sub build_expressions {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $ops = shift;
+    return PIE::Lambda->new( nodes => [map { $self->build_expression($_) } @$ops ] );

Added: pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Evaluatable.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Evaluatable.pm	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package PIE::Evaluatable;
+use Moose::Role;
+requires 'evaluate';

Added: pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Evaluator.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Evaluator.pm	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package PIE::Evaluator;
+use Moose;
+use MooseX::AttributeHelpers;
+use PIE::EvaluatorResult;
+has result => ( 
+    is => 'ro',
+    isa => 'PIE::EvaluatorResult',
+    default => sub { return PIE::EvaluatorResult->new()}
+    );
+has named => (
+             metaclass => 'Collection::Hash',
+             is        => 'rw',
+             default   => sub { {} },
+             isa => 'HashRef',
+             provides  => {
+                 get       => 'get_named',
+                 set       => 'set_named',
+             });
+sub run {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $expression = shift;
+    eval { 
+    my $ret = $expression->evaluate($self);
+    $self->result->value($ret) ; # XXX TODO - we should be separating out success and value
+    $self->result->success(1);
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+        die $err; # for now
+        $self->result->success(0);
+        $self->result->error($err);
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub resolve_name {
+    my ($self, $name) = @_;
+    $self->get_named($name);
+sub apply_script {
+    my ($self, $lambda, @exp) = @_;
+    if (ref($lambda) eq 'CODE') {
+        $lambda->(map {$self->run($_); $self->result->value } @exp);    
+    }
+    elsif ($lambda->isa("PIE::Lambda")) {
+        my $bindings = $lambda->bindings;
+        die "unmatched number of arguments" unless $#{$bindings} == $#exp;
+        # XXX: cleanup, unmask, etc
+        $self->set_named( $bindings->[$_] => $exp[$_] ) for 0.. $#exp;
+        $lambda->evaluate($self);
+    }
+    else {
+        die 'wtf';
+    }

Added: pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/EvaluatorResult.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/EvaluatorResult.pm	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package PIE::EvaluatorResult;
+use Moose;
+has success => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    isa => 'Bool'
+has error => ( 
+    is => 'rw',
+has value => ( 
+    is => 'rw',
+    isa => 'Str | Undef',
+    required => 0
+    );

Added: pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Expression.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Expression.pm	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+package PIE::Expression;
+use Moose;
+with 'PIE::Evaluatable';    
+has elements => (
+   is => 'ro',
+   isa => 'ArrayRef');
+# (foo bar (orz 1 ))
+# === (eval 'foo bar (orz 1))
+# === (apply foo ((bar (orz 1))
+sub evaluate {
+    my ($self, $ev) = @_;
+    my $func = $self->elements->[0];
+    my @exp = @{ $self->elements }[1..$#{ $self->elements }];
+    my $lambda = $ev->resolve_name($func);
+    return $ev->apply_script($lambda, @exp);
+package PIE::Expression::True;
+use Moose;
+extends 'PIE::Expression';
+sub evaluate {1}
+package PIE::Expression::False;
+use Moose;
+extends 'PIE::Expression::True';
+sub evaluate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return ! $self->SUPER::evaluate();
+package PIE::Expression::Loop;
+use Moose;
+extends 'PIE::Expression';
+has items => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef[PIE::Evaluatable]');
+has block => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'PIE::Evaluatable');
+sub evaluate {
+    my $self = shift;
+package PIE::Expression::IfThen;
+use Moose;
+extends 'PIE::Expression';
+has condition => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    does => 'PIE::Evaluatable');
+has if_true => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    does => 'PIE::Evaluatable');
+has if_false => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    does => 'PIE::Evaluatable');
+sub arguments { return qw(condition if_true if_false)} 
+sub evaluate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $evaluator = shift;
+    $evaluator->run($self->condition);
+    if ($evaluator->result->value) {
+        $evaluator->run($self->if_true);
+        return $evaluator->result->value;
+        }    else { 
+        $evaluator->run($self->if_false);
+        return $evaluator->result->value;
+    }
+package PIE::Expression::String;
+use Moose;
+extends 'PIE::Expression';
+has value => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    isa => 'Str | Undef');
+sub evaluate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->value;
+package PIE::Expression::Symbol;
+use Moose;
+extends 'PIE::Expression';
+has symbol => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    isa => 'Str');
+sub evaluate {
+    my ($self, $ev) = @_;
+    my $result = $ev->get_named($self->symbol);
+    warn $self->symbol;
+    warn $result;
+    return $result->isa('PIE::Expression') ? $ev->run($result) : $result; # XXX: figure out evaluation order here

Added: pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Lambda.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/lib/PIE/Lambda.pm	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package PIE::Lambda;
+use Moose; use MooseX::Params::Validate;
+with 'PIE::Evaluatable';
+has nodes => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    isa => 'ArrayRef',
+has bindings => (
+    is => 'rw',
+    isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]');
+sub evaluate {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $evaluator = shift;
+#    my %args = validate(@_, { context => 1});
+    foreach my $node (@{$self->nodes}) {
+        $evaluator->run($node);
+    }

Added: pie/branches/import/t/01basic.t
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/import/t/01basic.t	Wed May 21 02:33:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+use Test::More qw'no_plan';
+my $trivial = PIE::Expression::True->new;
+my $evaluator = PIE::Evaluator->new;
+ok ($evaluator->run($trivial));
+my $false = PIE::Expression::False->new();
+my $eval2 = PIE::Evaluator->new;
+my $if_true = PIE::Expression::IfThen->new( condition => PIE::Expression::True->new(),                                           if_true => PIE::Expression::True->new(),if_false => PIE::Expression::False->new());
+my $eval3 = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+my $if_false = PIE::Expression::IfThen->new( condition => PIE::Expression::False->new(),                                           if_true => PIE::Expression::True->new(),if_false => PIE::Expression::False->new());
+my $eval4 = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+my $eval5 = PIE::Evaluator->new;
+$eval5->set_named( 'match-regexp' => sub { my ($arg, $regexp) = @_;
+                                    return $arg =~ m/$regexp/; });
+my $match_p = PIE::Expression->new(elements => ['match-regexp',
+                                                PIE::Expression::String->new( value => 'I do love software'), 
+                                                PIE::Expression::String->new( value =>'software')]);
+ok ($eval5->result->success);
+is($eval5->result->value, 1);
+my $eval6 = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+$eval6->set_named( 'match-regexp' => sub { my ($arg, $regexp) = @_;
+                                    return $arg =~ m/$regexp/; });
+my $match_fail_p = PIE::Expression->new(elements => ['match-regexp',
+                                                PIE::Expression::String->new( value => 'I do love hardware'), 
+                                                PIE::Expression::String->new( value =>'software')]);
+ok ($eval6->result->success);
+my $script = PIE::Lambda->new(nodes => [ 
+        PIE::Expression::True->new()
+my $eval7 = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+my $script2 = PIE::Lambda->new(
+    nodes => [
+                $if_true ]);
+my $eval8 = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+my $eval9 = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+$eval9->set_named( 'match-regexp' => sub { my ($arg, $regexp) = @_;
+                                    return $arg =~ m/$regexp/; });
+my $match_script = PIE::Lambda->new(
+    nodes => [ 
+     PIE::Expression->new(elements => ['match-regexp',
+                                                PIE::Expression::Symbol->new( symbol => 'tested-string') ,
+                                                PIE::Expression::Symbol->new( symbol => 'regex'),                                             
+        ]) ],
+    bindings => [ 'tested-string', 'regex' ],
+$eval9->apply_script($match_script,                                                 PIE::Expression::String->new( value => 'I do love hardware'), 
+                                                PIE::Expression::String->new( value =>'software') );
+ok ($eval9->result->success);
+is($eval9->result->value, 1);
+my $tree = 
+          {
+            name => 'IfThen',
+            args => {
+                          'if_true' => 'hate',
+                          'if_false' => 'love',
+                          'condition' => [ 'regexp-match', 'software', 'foo' ],
+                        }
+          }
+        ];
+my $builder = PIE::Builder->new();
+#use YAML;
+my $script = $builder->build_expressions($tree);
+my $eval10 = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+$eval10->set_named( 'regexp-match' => sub { my ($arg, $regexp) = @_;
+                                    return $arg =~ m/$regexp/; });
+warn Dumper($script); use Data::Dumper;

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