[Bps-public-commit] r12675 - in pie/branches/named-params: lib/PIE

clkao at bestpractical.com clkao at bestpractical.com
Sun May 25 01:14:26 EDT 2008

Author: clkao
Date: Sun May 25 01:14:25 2008
New Revision: 12675


* have builder use signatures.
* in progn, handle nodes from builder.

Modified: pie/branches/named-params/lib/PIE/Builder.pm
--- pie/branches/named-params/lib/PIE/Builder.pm	(original)
+++ pie/branches/named-params/lib/PIE/Builder.pm	Sun May 25 01:14:25 2008
@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
     # XXX: in case of primitive-ops, we should only bulid the args we
     # know about
-    return $class->new( name => $name, args => { map { $_ => $self->build_expression( $args->{$_} ) } keys %$args } );
+    warn "==> orz $class";
+    my @known_args = $class eq 'PIE::Expression' ? keys %$args : keys %{ $class->signature };
+    return $class->new( name => $name, builder => $self, builder_args => $args,
+                        args => { map { $_ => $self->build_expression( $args->{$_} ) } @known_args } );
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@
     elsif (ref($tree) eq 'HASH') {
         return $self->build_op_expression($tree->{name}, $tree->{args});
     } else {
-        Carp::confess("Don't know what to do with a tree that looksl ike ". YAML::Dump($tree));
+        Carp::confess("Don't know what to do with a tree that looksl ike ". YAML::Dump($tree));use YAML;

Modified: pie/branches/named-params/lib/PIE/Expression.pm
--- pie/branches/named-params/lib/PIE/Expression.pm	(original)
+++ pie/branches/named-params/lib/PIE/Expression.pm	Sun May 25 01:14:25 2008
@@ -124,11 +124,20 @@
 extends 'PIE::Expression';
 class_has signature => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { { }});
-    has nodes => (
+has nodes => (
     is => 'rw',
     isa => 'ArrayRef',
+sub BUILD {
+    my ($self, $params) = @_;
+    return unless $params->{builder};
+    my $nodes = $params->{builder_args}{nodes};
+    $self->nodes( [ map { $params->{builder}->build_expression($_) } @$nodes ] );
 sub evaluate {
     my ($self, $evaluator) = @_;
     my $res;

Added: pie/branches/named-params/t/builder.t
--- (empty file)
+++ pie/branches/named-params/t/builder.t	Sun May 25 01:14:25 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+use Test::More qw'no_plan';
+use strict;
+my $builder = PIE::Builder->new();
+my $eval = PIE::Evaluator->new();
+#$eval->set_global_symbol( 'match-regexp' => $MATCH_REGEX );
+my $script = $builder->defun(
+                             ops => [
+                                     { name => 'ProgN',
+                                       args => {
+                                                nodes => [
+                                                          { name => 'True', args => {} },
+                                                          { name => 'False', args => {} },
+                         ],
+                                               } } ],
+                            signature => {});
+#warn Dumper($script);use Data::Dumper;
+# XXX: ensure $script structure
+is(scalar @{$script->progn->nodes}, 1);
+isa_ok($script->progn->nodes->[0], 'PIE::Expression::ProgN');
+is(scalar @{$script->progn->nodes->[0]->nodes}, 2);
+isa_ok($script->progn->nodes->[0]->nodes->[0], 'PIE::Expression::True');
+isa_ok($script->progn->nodes->[0]->nodes->[1], 'PIE::Expression::False');

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