[Bps-public-commit] r16680 - in RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk: html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth
zordrak at bestpractical.com
zordrak at bestpractical.com
Wed Nov 5 10:02:34 EST 2008
Author: zordrak
Date: Wed Nov 5 10:02:31 2008
New Revision: 16680
zordrak | 2008-11-05 15:01:00 +0000
* Initial refactoring of ExternalAuth done
* Next step potentially is to remove the User_Vendor.pm entirely
Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler/Auth
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler/Auth (original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/html/Callbacks/ExternalAuth/autohandler/Auth Wed Nov 5 10:02:31 2008
@@ -36,22 +36,23 @@
# Unless we have loaded a valid user with a UserID
unless ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Id) {
- # Start with a new SystemUser
- my $UserObj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
- # Set the user's name to the one we were given
- my ($val, $msg) = $UserObj->SetName($user);
- # If a password was given on the login page, validate it
- if (defined($pass)) {
- $password_validated = $UserObj->IsPassword($pass);
+ # Check if user exists externally - autocreate user if it does
+ my $user_exists_externally = 0;
+ my @auth_services = @$RT::ExternalAuthPriority;
+ foreach my $service (@auth_services) {
+ my $config = $RT::Settings->{$service};
+ if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
+ $user_exists_externally = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserExists($service,$user);
+ last if $user_exists_externally;
+ } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
+ $user_exists_externally = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserExists($service,$user);
+ last if $user_exists_externally;
+ } else {
+ $RT::Logger->error("Invalid type specification in config for service:",$service);
+ }
- # If the password was validated successfully
- # start the autocreation process to create the user
- # permanently in RT
- if ($password_validated) {
- ### If there were a standard param to check for whether or not we
- ### should autocreate authenticated users, we'd check it here.
+ if($user_exists_externally){
my ($val, $msg) =
$UserObj->Create(%{ref($RT::AutoCreate) ? $RT::AutoCreate : {}},
Name => $user,
@@ -69,12 +70,21 @@
$user_autocreated = 1;
- # If we autocreated a user, then load the user as the CurrentUser in $session
- # To RT, this means we have a valid, authenticated user
- if ($UserObj->Id) {
- my ($ret, $msg) = $session{'CurrentUser'}->Load($user);
- unless ($ret) {
- $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't load user $user: $msg");
+ my ($val, $msg) = $UserObj->SetName($user);
+ # If a password was given on the login page, validate it
+ if (defined($pass)) {
+ $password_validated = $UserObj->IsPassword($pass);
+ }
+ if($password_validated) {
+ # If we autocreated a user, then load the user as the CurrentUser in $session
+ # To RT, this means we have a valid, authenticated user
+ if ($UserObj->Id) {
+ my ($ret, $msg) = $session{'CurrentUser'}->Load($user);
+ unless ($ret) {
+ $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't load user $user: $msg");
+ }
Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/DBI.pm
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/DBI.pm (original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/DBI.pm Wed Nov 5 10:02:31 2008
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI;
use DBI;
-sub getAuth {
+sub GetAuth {
my ($service, $username, $password) = @_;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
return 1;
-sub FindUserThenReturnInfo {
+sub CanonicalizeUSerInfo {
my ($service, $key, $value) = @_;
@@ -186,6 +186,128 @@
return ($found, %params);
+sub UserExists {
+ my ($username,$service) = @_;
+ my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+ my $table = $config->{'table'};
+ my $u_field = $config->{'u_field'};
+ my $query = "SELECT $u_field FROM $table WHERE $u_field=?";
+ my @bind_params = ($username);
+ # Uncomment this to do a basic trace on DBI information and log it
+ # DBI->trace(1,'/tmp/dbi.log');
+ # Get DBI Object, do the query, disconnect
+ my $dbh = $self->_GetBoundDBIObj($config);
+ my $results_hashref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query,$u_field,{}, at bind_params);
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+ my $num_of_results = scalar keys %$results_hashref;
+ if ($num_of_results > 1) {
+ # If more than one result returned, die because we the username field should be unique!
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
+ $service,
+ ")",
+ $username,
+ "More than one user with that username!");
+ return 0;
+ } elsif ($num_of_results < 1) {
+ # If 0 or negative integer, no user found or major failure
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
+ $service,
+ ")",
+ $username,
+ "User not found");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Number of results is exactly one, so we found the user we were looking for
+ return 1;
+sub UserDisabled {
+ my ($username,$service) = @_;
+ # FIRST, check that the user exists in the DBI service
+ unless UserExists($username,$service) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("User (",$username,") doesn't exist! - Assuming not disabled for the purposes of disable checking";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Get the necessary config info
+ my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+ my $table = $config->{'table'};
+ my $u_field = $config->{'u_field'};
+ my $disable_field = $config->{'d_field'};
+ my $disable_values_list = $config->{'d_values'};
+ unless ($disable_field) {
+ # If we don't know how to check for disabled users, consider them all enabled.
+ $RT::Logger->debug("No d_field specified for this DBI service (",
+ $service,
+ "), so considering all users enabled");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $query = "SELECT $u_field,$disable_field FROM $table WHERE $u_field=?";
+ my @bind_params = ($username);
+ # Uncomment this to do a basic trace on DBI information and log it
+ # DBI->trace(1,'/tmp/dbi.log');
+ # Get DBI Object, do the query, disconnect
+ my $dbh = $self->_GetBoundDBIObj($config);
+ my $results_hashref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query,$u_field,{}, at bind_params);
+ $dbh->disconnect();
+ my $num_of_results = scalar keys %$results_hashref;
+ if ($num_of_results > 1) {
+ # If more than one result returned, die because we the username field should be unique!
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
+ $service,
+ ")",
+ $username,
+ "More than one user with that username! - Assuming not disabled");
+ # Drop out to next service for an info check
+ return 0;
+ } elsif ($num_of_results < 1) {
+ # If 0 or negative integer, no user found or major failure
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
+ $service,
+ ")",
+ $username,
+ "User not found - Assuming not disabled");
+ # Drop out to next service for an info check
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ # otherwise all should be well
+ # $user_db_disable_value = The value for "disabled" returned from the DB
+ my $user_db_disable_value = $results_hashref->{$username}->{$disable_field};
+ # For each of the values in the (list of values that we consider to mean the user is disabled)..
+ foreach my $disable_value (@{$disable_values_list}){
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "DB Disable Check:",
+ "User's Val is $user_db_disable_value,",
+ "Checking against: $disable_value");
+ # If the value from the DB matches a value from the list, the user is disabled.
+ if ($user_db_disable_value eq $disable_value) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # If we've not returned yet, the user can't be disabled
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $RT::Logger->crit("It is seriously not possible to run this code.. what the hell did you do?!");
+ return 0;
# {{{ sub _GetBoundDBIObj
sub _GetBoundDBIObj {
Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm (original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm Wed Nov 5 10:02:31 2008
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use Net::LDAP::Util qw(ldap_error_name);
use Net::LDAP::Filter;
-sub getAuth {
+sub GetAuth {
my ($service, $username, $password) = @_;
@@ -264,6 +264,153 @@
return ($found, %params);
+sub UserExists {
+ my ($username,$service) = @_;
+ my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+ my $base = $config->{'base'};
+ my $filter = $config->{'filter'};
+ # While LDAP filters must be surrounded by parentheses, an empty set
+ # of parentheses is an invalid filter and will cause failure
+ # This shouldn't matter since we are now using Net::LDAP::Filter below,
+ # but there's no harm in doing this to be sure
+ if ($filter eq "()") { undef($filter) };
+ if (defined($config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'})) {
+ # Construct the complex filter
+ $filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( '(&' .
+ $filter .
+ '(' .
+ $config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'} .
+ '=' .
+ $username .
+ '))'
+ );
+ }
+ my $ldap = $self->_GetBoundLdapObj($config);
+ next unless $ldap;
+ my @attrs = values(%{$config->{'attr_map'}});
+ # Check that the user exists in the LDAP service
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
+ "Base:",
+ $base,
+ "== Filter:",
+ $filter->as_string,
+ "== Attrs:",
+ join(',', at attrs));
+ my $user_found = $ldap->search( base => $base,
+ filter => $filter,
+ attrs => \@attrs);
+ if($user_found->count < 1) {
+ # If 0 or negative integer, no user found or major failure
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "User Check Failed :: (",
+ $service,
+ ")",
+ $username,
+ "User not found");
+ return 0;
+ } elsif ($user_found->count > 1) {
+ # If more than one result returned, die because we the username field should be unique!
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "User Check Failed :: (",
+ $service,
+ ")",
+ $username,
+ "More than one user with that username!");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ undef $user_found;
+ # If we havent returned now, there must be a valid user.
+ return 1;
+sub UserDisabled {
+ my ($username,$service) = @_;
+ # FIRST, check that the user exists in the LDAP service
+ unless UserExists($username,$service) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("User (",$username,") doesn't exist! - Assuming not disabled for the purposes of disable checking";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+ my $base = $config->{'base'};
+ my $filter = $config->{'filter'};
+ my $d_filter = $config->{'d_filter'};
+ my $search_filter;
+ # While LDAP filters must be surrounded by parentheses, an empty set
+ # of parentheses is an invalid filter and will cause failure
+ # This shouldn't matter since we are now using Net::LDAP::Filter below,
+ # but there's no harm in doing this to be sure
+ if ($filter eq "()") { undef($filter) };
+ if ($d_filter eq "()") { undef($d_filter) };
+ unless ($d_filter) {
+ # If we don't know how to check for disabled users, consider them all enabled.
+ $RT::Logger->debug("No d_filter specified for this LDAP service (",
+ $service,
+ "), so considering all users enabled");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (defined($config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'})) {
+ # Construct the complex filter
+ $search_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( '(&' .
+ $filter .
+ $d_filter .
+ '(' .
+ $config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'} .
+ '=' .
+ $username .
+ '))'
+ );
+ } else {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("You haven't specified an LDAP attribute to match the RT \"Name\" attribute for this service (",
+ $service,
+ "), so it's impossible look up the disabled status of this user (",
+ $username,
+ ") so I'm just going to assume the user is not disabled");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $ldap = $self->_GetBoundLdapObj($config);
+ next unless $ldap;
+ # We only need the UID for confirmation now,
+ # the other information would waste time and bandwidth
+ @attrs = ('uid');
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
+ "Base:",
+ $base,
+ "== Filter:",
+ $search_filter->as_string,
+ "== Attrs:",
+ join(',', at attrs));
+ my $disabled_users = $ldap->search(base => $base,
+ filter => $search_filter,
+ attrs => \@attrs);
+ # If ANY results are returned,
+ # we are going to assume the user should be disabled
+ if ($disabled_users->count) {
+ undef $disabled_users;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ undef $disabled_users;
+ return 0;
+ }
# {{{ sub _GetBoundLdapObj
sub _GetBoundLdapObj {
Modified: RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm
--- RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm (original)
+++ RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk/lib/RT/User_Vendor.pm Wed Nov 5 10:02:31 2008
@@ -1,36 +1,9 @@
-### User_Local.pm overlay for External Service authentication and information
+### User_Vendor.pm
+# Overlay for RT::User object as part of RT::Authen::ExternalAuth
-# Based on User_Local.pm for LDAP created by JimMeyer and found at:
+# Originally based on User_Local.pm for LDAP created by Jim Meyer (purp at acm.org) and found at:
# http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/LdapUserLocalOverlay
-# His Credits:
-# IsLDAPPassword() based on implementation of IsPassword() found at:
-# http://www.justatheory.com/computers/programming/perl/rt/User_Local.pm.ldap
-# Author's credits:
-# Modification Originally by Marcelo Bartsch <bartschm_cl at hotmail.com>
-# Update by Stewart James <stewart.james at vu.edu.au for rt3.
-# Update by David Wheeler <david at kineticode.com> for TLS and
-# Group membership support.
-# CaonicalizeEmailAddress(), CanonicalizeUserInfo(), and LookupExternalInfo()
-# based on work by Phillip Cole (phillip d cole @ uk d coltgroup d com)
-# found at:
-# http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/AutoCreateAndCanonicalizeUserInfo
-# His credits:
-# based on CurrentUser_Local.pm and much help from the mailing lists
-# All integrated, refactored, and updated by Jim Meyer (purp at acm.org)
-# Modified to provide alternate external services authentication and information for rt3
-# as part of RT::Authen::ExternalAuth by Mike Peachey (mike.peachey at jennic.com)
no warnings qw(redefine);
use strict;
@@ -64,12 +37,12 @@
# And then act accordingly depending on what type of service it is.
# Right now, there is only code for DBI and LDAP services
if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
- my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->getAuth($service,$name_to_auth,$pass_to_auth);
+ my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->GetAuth($service,$name_to_auth,$pass_to_auth);
return 1 if $success;
} elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
- my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->getAuth($service,$name_to_auth,$pass_to_auth);
+ my $success = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->GetAuth($service,$name_to_auth,$pass_to_auth);
return 1 if $success;
@@ -179,8 +152,10 @@
my $args = shift;
my $found = 0;
- my %params = ();
+ my %params = (Name => undef,
+ EmailAddress => undef,
+ RealName => undef);
$RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
"called by",
@@ -201,15 +176,52 @@
# For each attr we've been told to canonicalize in the match list
foreach my $rt_attr (@{$config->{'attr_match_list'}}) {
- # Jump to the next attr if it's not an RT attr passed in $args
- $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to use this canonicalization key:",
- $rt_attr);
- next unless defined($args->{$rt_attr});
- # Else, use it as a key for GetUserInfoHash
- ($found, %params) =
- $self->GetUserInfoHash($service,$config->{'attr_map'}->{$rt_attr},$args->{$rt_attr});
+ # Jump to the next attr in $args if this one isn't in the attr_match_list
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Attempting to use this canonicalization key:",$rt_attr);
+ unless defined($args->{$rt_attr}) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("This attribute (",
+ $rt_attr,
+ ") is not defined in the attr_match_list for this service (",
+ $service,
+ ")");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Else, use it as a canonicalization key and lookup the user info
+ my $key = $config->{'attr_map'}->{$rt_attr};
+ my $value = $args->{$rt_attr};
+ # Check to see that the key being asked for is defined in the config's attr_map
+ my $valid = 0;
+ my ($attr_key, $attr_value);
+ my $attr_map = $config->{'attr_map'};
+ while (($attr_key, $attr_value) = each %$attr_map) {
+ $valid = 1 if ($key eq $attr_value);
+ }
+ unless ($valid){
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "This key (",
+ $key,
+ "is not a valid attribute key (",
+ $service,
+ ")");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Use an if/elsif structure to do a lookup with any custom code needed
+ # for any given type of external service, or die if no code exists for
+ # the service requested.
+ if($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap'){
+ ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
+ } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
+ ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
+ } else {
+ $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
+ "does not consider",
+ $service,
+ "a valid information service");
+ }
# Don't Check any more attributes
last if $found;
@@ -242,85 +254,6 @@
# }}}
-# {{{ sub LookupExternalUserInfo
-=head2 GetUserInfoHash SERVICE KEY VALUE
-LookupExternalUserInfo takes a key/value pair and an external service
-to look it up in; looks it up and returns a params hash containing
-all attrs listed in the source's attr_map, suitable for creating
-an RT::User object.
-Returns a tuple, ($found, %params)
-sub GetUserInfoHash {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($service,$key, $value) = @_;
- # Haven't got anything yet..
- my $found = 0;
- my %params = (Name => undef,
- EmailAddress => undef,
- RealName => undef);
- # Get the full configuration for the service in question
- my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
- # Check to see that the key being asked for is defined in the config's attr_map
- my $valid = 0;
- my ($attr_key, $attr_value);
- my $attr_map = $config->{'attr_map'};
- while (($attr_key, $attr_value) = each %$attr_map) {
- $valid = 1 if ($key eq $attr_value);
- }
- unless ($valid){
- $RT::Logger->debug( $key,
- "is not valid attribute key (",
- $service,
- ")");
- return ($found, %params);
- }
- # Use an if/elsif structure to do a lookup with any custom code needed
- # for any given type of external service, or die if no code exists for
- # the service requested.
- if($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap'){
- ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
- } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
- ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->CanonicalizeUserInfo($service,$key,$value);
- } else {
- $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
- "does not consider",
- $service,
- "a valid information service");
- }
- # Why on earth do we return the same RealName, just quoted?!
- # Seconded by Mike Peachey - I'd like to know that too!!
- # Sod it, until it breaks something, I'm removing this line forever!
- # $params{'RealName'} = "\"$params{'RealName'}\"";
- # Log the info found and return it
- $RT::Logger->info( (caller(0))[3],
- ": Returning: ",
- join(", ", map {sprintf("%s: %s", $_, $params{$_})}
- sort(keys(%params))));
- $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
- "No user was found this time"
- ) if ($found == 0);
- return ($found, %params);
-# }}}
sub UpdateFromExternal {
my $self = shift;
@@ -329,7 +262,7 @@
my $updated = 0;
my $msg = "User NOT updated";
- my $name_to_update = $self->Name;
+ my $username = $self->Name;
my $user_disabled = 0;
# Get the list of information service names requested by user.
@@ -346,177 +279,37 @@
my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
# If the config doesn't exist, don't bother doing anything, skip to next in list.
- next unless defined($config);
+ unless defined($config) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("You haven't defined a configuration for the service named \"",
+ $service,
+ "\" so I'm not going to try to get user information from it. Skipping...");
+ next;
+ }
# If it's a DBI config:
if ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
- # Get the necessary config info
- my $table = $config->{'table'};
- my $u_field = $config->{'u_field'};
- my $disable_field = $config->{'d_field'};
- my $disable_values_list = $config->{'d_values'};
- # Only lookup disable information from the DB if a disable_field has been set
- if ($disable_field) {
- my $query = "SELECT $u_field,$disable_field FROM $table WHERE $u_field=?";
- my @bind_params = ($name_to_update);
- # Uncomment this to do a basic trace on DBI information and log it
- # DBI->trace(1,'/tmp/dbi.log');
- # Get DBI Object, do the query, disconnect
- my $dbh = $self->_GetBoundDBIObj($config);
- my $results_hashref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query,$u_field,{}, at bind_params);
- $dbh->disconnect();
- my $num_of_results = scalar keys %$results_hashref;
- if ($num_of_results > 1) {
- # If more than one result returned, die because we the username field should be unique!
- $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
- $service,
- ")",
- $name_to_update,
- "More than one user with that username!");
- # Drop out to next service for an info check
- next;
- } elsif ($num_of_results < 1) {
- # If 0 or negative integer, no user found or major failure
- $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
- $service,
- ")",
- $name_to_update,
- "User not found");
- # Drop out to next service for an info check
- next;
- } else {
- # otherwise all should be well
- # $user_db_disable_value = The value for "disabled" returned from the DB
- my $user_db_disable_value = $results_hashref->{$name_to_update}->{$disable_field};
- # For each of the values in the (list of values that we consider to mean the user is disabled)..
- foreach my $disable_value (@{$disable_values_list}){
- $RT::Logger->debug( "DB Disable Check:",
- "User's Val is $user_db_disable_value,",
- "Checking against: $disable_value");
- # If the value from the DB matches a value from the list, the user is disabled.
- if ($user_db_disable_value eq $disable_value) {
- $user_disabled = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # If we havent been dropped out by a "next;" by now,
- # then this will be the authoritative service
- } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
- my $base = $config->{'base'};
- my $filter = $config->{'filter'};
- my $disable_filter = $config->{'d_filter'};
- my ($u_filter,$d_filter);
- # While LDAP filters must be surrounded by parentheses, an empty set
- # of parentheses is an invalid filter and will cause failure
- # This shouldn't matter since we are now using Net::LDAP::Filter below,
- # but there's no harm in doing this to be sure
- if ($filter eq "()") { undef($filter) };
- if ($disable_filter eq "()") { undef($disable_filter) };
- unless ($disable_filter) {
- $RT::Logger->error("You haven't specified a d_filter in your configuration. Not specifying a d_filter usually results in all users being marked as disabled and being unable to log in");
- }
- if (defined($config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'})) {
- # Construct the complex filter
- $disable_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( '(&' .
- $filter .
- $disable_filter .
- '(' .
- $config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'} .
- '=' .
- $self->Name .
- '))'
- );
- $filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new( '(&' .
- $filter .
- '(' .
- $config->{'attr_map'}->{'Name'} .
- '=' .
- $self->Name .
- '))'
- );
- }
- my $ldap = $self->_GetBoundLdapObj($config);
- next unless $ldap;
- my @attrs = values(%{$config->{'attr_map'}});
- # FIRST, check that the user exists in the LDAP service
- $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
- "Base:",
- $base,
- "== Filter:",
- $filter->as_string,
- "== Attrs:",
- join(',', at attrs));
- my $user_found = $ldap->search( base => $base,
- filter => $filter,
- attrs => \@attrs);
- if($user_found->count < 1) {
- # If 0 or negative integer, no user found or major failure
- $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
+ unless RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserExists($username,$service) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("User (",
+ $username,
+ ") doesn't exist in service (",
- ")",
- $name_to_update,
- "User not found");
- # Drop out to next service for an info check
- next;
- } elsif ($user_found->count > 1) {
- # If more than one result returned, die because we the username field should be unique!
- $RT::Logger->debug( "Disable Check Failed :: (",
- $service,
- ")",
- $name_to_update,
- "More than one user with that username!");
- # Drop out to next service for an info check
+ ") - Cannot update information - Skipping...");
- undef $user_found;
- # SECOND, now we know the user exists in the service,
- # check if they are returned in a search for disabled users
+ $user_disabled = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI->UserDisabled($username,$service);
- # We only need the UID for confirmation now,
- # the other information would waste time and bandwidth
- @attrs = ('uid');
+ } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
- $RT::Logger->debug( "LDAP Search === ",
- "Base:",
- $base,
- "== Filter:",
- $disable_filter->as_string,
- "== Attrs:",
- join(',', at attrs));
- my $disabled_users = $ldap->search(base => $base,
- filter => $disable_filter,
- attrs => \@attrs);
- # If ANY results are returned,
- # we are going to assume the user should be disabled
- if ($disabled_users->count) {
- $user_disabled = 1;
+ unless RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserExists($username,$service) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug("User (",
+ $username,
+ ") doesn't exist in service (",
+ $service,
+ ") - Cannot update information - Skipping...");
+ next;
- # If we havent been dropped out by a "next;" by now,
- # then this will be the authoritative service
+ $user_disabled = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP->UserDisabled($username,$service);
} else {
# The type of external service doesn't currently have any methods associated with it. Or it's a typo.
@@ -541,7 +334,7 @@
# Load the user inside an RT::SystemUser so you can set their
# information no matter who they are or what permissions they have
my $UserObj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $UserObj->Load($name_to_update);
+ $UserObj->Load($username);
# If user is disabled, set the RT::Principle to disabled and return out of the function.
# I think it's a waste of time and energy to update a user's information if they are disabled
@@ -556,24 +349,24 @@
# Make sure principle is disabled in RT
my ($val, $message) = $UserObj->SetDisabled(1);
# Log what has happened
- $RT::Logger->info("DISABLED user ",
- $name_to_update,
- "per External Service",
+ $RT::Logger->info("User marked as DISABLED (",
+ $username,
+ ") per External Service",
"($val, $message)\n");
$msg = "User disabled";
} else {
# Make sure principle is not disabled in RT
my ($val, $message) = $UserObj->SetDisabled(0);
# Log what has happened
- $RT::Logger->info("ENABLED user ",
- $name_to_update,
- "per External Service",
+ $RT::Logger->info("User marked as ENABLED (",
+ $username,
+ ") per External Service",
"($val, $message)\n");
# Update their info from external service using the username as the lookup key
# CanonicalizeUserInfo will work out for itself which service to use
# Passing it a service instead could break other RT code
- my %args = (Name => $name_to_update);
+ my %args = (Name => $username);
# For each piece of information returned by CanonicalizeUserInfo,
@@ -598,9 +391,9 @@
# Confirm update success
$updated = 1;
- $RT::Logger->debug( "UPDATED user ",
- $name_to_update,
- "from External Service\n");
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "UPDATED user (",
+ $username,
+ ") from External Service\n");
$msg = 'User updated';
# Just in case we're not the last iteration of the foreach,
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