[Bps-public-commit] r16779 - in Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet: Server

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Nov 9 05:58:23 EST 2008

Author: jesse
Date: Sun Nov  9 05:58:23 2008
New Revision: 16779


* Server code now all extracted to the dispatcher. now to tidy

Modified: Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Server.pm
--- Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Server.pm	(original)
+++ Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Server.pm	Sun Nov  9 05:58:23 2008
@@ -53,93 +53,11 @@
     my $d = Prophet::Server::Dispatcher->new(server => $self);
-   my $http_status = $d->run($cgi->request_method."/". $cgi->path_info, $self);
-   unless ($http_status) {
-    if ( my $sub = $self->can( 'handle_request_' . lc( $cgi->request_method ) ) ) {
-        $http_status = $sub->( $self);
-    }
-    }
-    unless ($http_status) {
-        $self->_send_404;
-    }
-sub handle_request_get_template {
-   my $self = shift;
-    my $p = $self->cgi->path_info;
-    if (Template::Declare->has_template($p)) {
-        Prophet::Server::View->app_handle($self->app_handle);
-        my $content = Template::Declare->show($p);
-        return $self->send_content(
-            content_type => 'text/html',
-            content      => $content,
-        );
-    }
+   $d->run($cgi->request_method."/". $cgi->path_info, $self) || $self->_send_404;
-sub handle_request_get_replica {
-	my $self = shift;
-    my $p = $self->cgi->path_info;
-    if ($p =~ qr{^/+replica/+(.*)$}) {
-        my $repo_file = $1;
-        return undef unless $self->handle->can('read_file');
-       my $content = $self->handle->read_file($repo_file);
-       return unless defined $content && length($content);
-       return $self->send_content(
-            content_type => 'application/x-prophet',
-            content      => $content
-        );
-    }
-sub handle_request_get_rest {
-	my $self = shift;
-    my $p = $self->cgi->path_info;
-    $p =~ s/^GET//i;
-sub handle_request_post {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->_send_401 if ($self->read_only);
-    my $p = $self->cgi->path_info;
-    if ( $p =~ m|^/records/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)| ) {
-        my $type = $1;
-        my $uuid = $2;
-        my $prop = $3;
-        my $record = $self->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
-        return $self->_send_404 unless ($record);
-        $record->set_props( props => { $prop => ( $self->cgi->param('value') || undef ) } );
-        return $self->_send_redirect( to => "/records/$type/$uuid/$prop" );
-    } elsif ( $p =~ m|^/records/(.*)/(.*).json| ) {
-        my $type   = $1;
-        my $uuid   = $2;
-        my $record = $self->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
-        return $self->_send_404 unless ($record);
-        my $ret = $record->set_props( props => { map { $_ => $self->cgi->param($_) } $self->cgi->param() } );
-        $self->_send_redirect( to => "/records/$type/$uuid.json" );
-    } elsif ( $p =~ m|^/records/(.*).json| ) {
-        my $type   = $1;
-        my $record = $self->load_record( type => $type );
-        my $uuid   = $record->create( props => { map { $_ => $self->cgi->param($_) } $self->cgi->param() } );
-        return $self->_send_redirect( to => "/records/$type/$uuid.json" );
-    }
 sub load_record {
     my $self = shift;

Modified: Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Server/Dispatcher.pm
--- Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Server/Dispatcher.pm	(original)
+++ Prophet/trunk/lib/Prophet/Server/Dispatcher.pm	Sun Nov  9 05:58:23 2008
@@ -8,16 +8,72 @@
 sub token_delimiter { '/' }
 sub case_sensitive_tokens { 0 }
-under 'GET' => sub {
+my $SERVER;
+on qr'.*' => sub { $SERVER = shift; next_rule;};
+on 'POST' => sub {
+    return $SERVER->_send_401 if ( $SERVER->read_only );
+    next_rule;
+under 'POST' => sub {
+    under 'records' => sub {
+        on qr|(.*)/(.*)/(.*)| => sub {
+            my $type = $1;
+            my $uuid = $2;
+            my $prop = $3;
+            my $record = $SERVER->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
+            return $SERVER->_send_404 unless ($record);
+            $record->set_props(
+                props => { $prop => ( $SERVER->cgi->param('value') || undef ) }
+            );
+            return $SERVER->_send_redirect(
+                to => "/records/$type/$uuid/$prop" );
+        };
+        on qr|(.*)/(.*).json| => sub {
+            my $type   = $1;
+            my $uuid   = $2;
+            my $record = $SERVER->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
+            return $SERVER->_send_404 unless ($record);
+            my $ret = $record->set_props(
+                props => {
+                    map { $_ => $SERVER->cgi->param($_) } $SERVER->cgi->param()
+                }
+            );
+            $SERVER->_send_redirect( to => "/records/$type/$uuid.json" );
+        };
+        on qr|^(.*).json| => sub {
+            my $type   = $1;
+            my $record = $SERVER->load_record( type => $type );
+            my $uuid   = $record->create(
+                props => {
+                    map { $_ => $SERVER->cgi->param($_) } $SERVER->cgi->param()
+                }
+            );
+            return $SERVER->_send_redirect( to => "/records/$type/$uuid.json" );
+        };
+    };
-    on 'replica' => sub {
-        my $server = shift;
-        return $server->handle_request_get_replica();
+under 'GET' => sub {
+    on qr'replica/+(.*)$' => sub {
+        my $repo_file = $1;
+        return undef unless $SERVER->handle->can('read_file');
+       my $content = $SERVER->handle->read_file($repo_file);
+       return unless defined $content && length($content);
+       return $SERVER->send_content( content_type => 'application/x-prophet', content      => $content);
     on 'records.json' => sub {
-        my $server = shift;
-        return $server->send_content( encode_as => 'json',
-                                    content      =>  $server->handle->list_types );
+        warn "SERVER IS ".server();
+        return $SERVER->send_content( encode_as => 'json',
+                                    content      =>  $SERVER->handle->list_types );
@@ -26,44 +82,41 @@
     under 'records' => sub {
         on qr|(.*)/(.*)/(.*)| => sub {
-            my $server = shift;
             my $type   = $1;
             my $uuid   = $2;
             my $prop   = $3;
-            my $record = $server->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
-            return $server->_send_404 unless ($record);
+            my $record = $SERVER->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
+            return $SERVER->_send_404 unless ($record);
             if ( my $val = $record->prop($prop) ) {
-                return $server->send_content(
+                return $SERVER->send_content(
                     content_type => 'text/plain',
                     content      => $val
             } else {
-                return $server->_send_404();
+                return $SERVER->_send_404();
         on qr|(.*)/(.*).json| => sub {
-            my $server = shift;
             my $type   = $1;
             my $uuid   = $2;
-            my $record = $server->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
-            return $server->_send_404 unless ($record);
-            return $server->send_content(
+            my $record = $SERVER->load_record( type => $type, uuid => $uuid );
+            return $SERVER->_send_404 unless ($record);
+            return $SERVER->send_content(
                 encode_as =>'json',
                 content      =>  $record->get_props 
         on qr|(.*).json| => sub {
-            my $server = shift;
             my $type = $1;
             require Prophet::Collection;
             my $col = Prophet::Collection->new(
-                handle => $server->handle,
+                handle => $SERVER->handle,
                 type   => $type
             $col->matching( sub {1} );
             warn "Query language not implemented yet.";
-            return $server->send_content(
+            return $SERVER->send_content(
                 encode_as => 'json',
                 content      => 
                     {   map {
@@ -74,9 +127,13 @@
-        on '*' => sub {
-            my $server = shift;
-            return $server->handle_request_get_template();
+        on '^(.*)$' => sub {
+            my $p = $1;
+            if (Template::Declare->has_template($p)) {
+                Prophet::Server::View->app_handle($SERVER->app_handle);
+                my $content = Template::Declare->show($p);
+                return $SERVER->send_content( content_type => 'text/html', content      => $content,);
+            }

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