[Bps-public-commit] r16902 - sd/trunk/t/sd-rt

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 18 18:05:17 EST 2008

Author: jesse
Date: Tue Nov 18 18:05:17 2008
New Revision: 16902



Modified: sd/trunk/t/sd-rt/basic.t
--- sd/trunk/t/sd-rt/basic.t	(original)
+++ sd/trunk/t/sd-rt/basic.t	Tue Nov 18 18:05:17 2008
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 use Path::Class;
-    unless (eval 'use RT::Test; 1') {
+    unless ( eval 'use RT::Test; 1' ) {
         diag $@ if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
         plan skip_all => 'requires RT 3.8 or newer to run tests.';
@@ -25,14 +25,13 @@
     require File::Temp;
-    $ENV{'PROPHET_REPO'} = $ENV{'SD_REPO'} = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 0 ) . '/_svb';
-    diag "export SD_REPO=".$ENV{'PROPHET_REPO'} ."\n";
+        = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 0 ) . '/_svb';
+    diag "export SD_REPO=" . $ENV{'PROPHET_REPO'} . "\n";
 my $IMAGE_FILE = qw|t/data/bplogo.gif|;
 my ( $url, $m ) = RT::Test->started_ok;
 use RT::Client::REST;
@@ -51,20 +50,27 @@
 )->store( text => "Ticket Comment" );
 my ( $ret, $out, $err );
-( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'clone', '--from',  $sd_rt_url ] );
+( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'clone', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
 my ( $yatta_id, $flyman_id );
-run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'list', '--regex', '.' ], 
-    [qr/(.*?)(?{ $flyman_id = $1 }) Fly Man new/] );
+    'sd',
+    [ 'ticket', 'list', '--regex', '.' ],
+    [qr/(.*?)(?{ $flyman_id = $1 }) Fly Man new/]
     rt     => $rt,
     id     => $ticket->id,
     status => 'open',
-run_script( 'sd', [ 'init']);
+run_script( 'sd', ['init'] );
 ( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
-run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'list', '--regex', '.' ], ["$flyman_id Fly Man open"] );
+    'sd',
+    [ 'ticket', 'list', '--regex', '.' ],
+    ["$flyman_id Fly Man open"]
 # create from sd and push
@@ -74,11 +80,15 @@
     [qr/Created ticket (\d+)(?{ $yatta_id = $1 })/]
-run_output_matches_unordered( 'sd', [ 'ticket',                     'list', '--regex', '.' ], [sort  "$yatta_id YATTA new", "$flyman_id Fly Man open" ]);
+    'sd',
+    [ 'ticket',                   'list', '--regex', '.' ],
+    [ sort "$yatta_id YATTA new", "$flyman_id Fly Man open" ]
 ( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'push', '--to', $sd_rt_url ] );
-diag ($out);
-diag ($err);
 my @tix = $rt->search(
     type  => 'ticket',
     query => "Subject='YATTA'"
@@ -86,16 +96,12 @@
 ok( scalar @tix, 'YATTA pushed' );
 ( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
-    [ 'ticket',                     'list', '--regex', '.' ],
-    [  "$yatta_id YATTA new", "$flyman_id Fly Man open", ]
+    [ 'ticket',              'list', '--regex', '.' ],
+    [ "$yatta_id YATTA new", "$flyman_id Fly Man open", ]
@@ -108,7 +114,7 @@
-    [ 'ticket',                     'list', '--regex', '.' ],
+    [ 'ticket',              'list', '--regex', '.' ],
     [ "$yatta_id YATTA new", "$flyman_id Fly Man stalled", ]
@@ -118,102 +124,117 @@
     status => 'open',
-diag( "===> bad pull");
+diag("===> bad pull");
 ( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
-    [ 'ticket',                      'list', '--regex', '.' ],
+    [ 'ticket',               'list', '--regex', '.' ],
     [ "$yatta_id YATTA open", "$flyman_id Fly Man stalled", ]
 my $tick = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
     rt => $rt,
-    id => $tix[0])->retrieve;
-my ($val,$msg) = $tick->comment( message => 'this is a comment', attachments => [$IMAGE_FILE]);
+    id => $tix[0]
+my ( $val, $msg ) = $tick->comment(
+    message     => 'this is a comment',
+    attachments => [$IMAGE_FILE]
-my @attachments = get_rt_ticket_attachments($tix[0]);
+my @attachments = get_rt_ticket_attachments( $tix[0] );
-is (scalar @attachments, 1, "Found our one attachment");
+is( scalar @attachments, 1, "Found our one attachment" );
 ( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
-    [ 'ticket',                      'list', '--regex', '.' ],
+    [ 'ticket',               'list', '--regex', '.' ],
     [ "$yatta_id YATTA open", "$flyman_id Fly Man stalled", ]
 diag("check to see if YATTA has an attachment");
 my $rt_attach_id;
-run_output_matches( sd => [qw/ticket attachment list --id/, $yatta_id], [qr/(.*?)(?{ $rt_attach_id = $1 }) bplogo.gif image\/gif/] ); 
+    sd => [ qw/ticket attachment list --id/, $yatta_id ],
+    [qr/(.*?)(?{ $rt_attach_id = $1 }) bplogo.gif image\/gif/]
-diag("Check to see if YATTA's attachment is binary-identical to the original one");
+    "Check to see if YATTA's attachment is binary-identical to the original one"
 my $image_data = file($IMAGE_FILE)->slurp;
-my ($contentret, $stdout, $stderr) = run_script('sd', [qw/attachment content --id/, $rt_attach_id]);
-ok($contentret, "Ran the script ok");
-is($stdout, $image_data, "We roundtripped some binary");
-is($stderr, '');
+my ( $contentret, $stdout, $stderr )
+    = run_script( 'sd', [ qw/attachment content --id/, $rt_attach_id ] );
+ok( $contentret, "Ran the script ok" );
+is( $stdout, $image_data, "We roundtripped some binary" );
+is( $stderr, '' );
 diag("Add an attachment to YATTA");
-my $MAKEFILE_CONTENT =    file('Makefile.PL')->slurp;
+my $MAKEFILE_CONTENT = file('Makefile.PL')->slurp;
 my $makefile_attach_uuid;
-run_output_matches('sd', [qw/ticket attachment create --id/, $yatta_id, '--file', 'Makefile.PL'], [qr/Created attachment (\d+) \((.*?)(?{ $makefile_attach_uuid = $2})\)/], [], "Added a attachment");
+    'sd',
+    [ qw/ticket attachment create --id/, $yatta_id, '--file', 'Makefile.PL' ],
+    [qr/Created attachment (\d+) \((.*?)(?{ $makefile_attach_uuid = $2})\)/],
+    [],
+    "Added a attachment"
-my ($makefileret, $makefileout, $makefilerr) = run_script('sd', [qw/attachment content --uuid/, $makefile_attach_uuid]);
-is($makefileout, $MAKEFILE_CONTENT, "We inserted the makefile correctly");
+my ( $makefileret, $makefileout, $makefilerr )
+    = run_script( 'sd',
+    [ qw/attachment content --uuid/, $makefile_attach_uuid ] );
+is( $makefileout, $MAKEFILE_CONTENT, "We inserted the makefile correctly" );
 diag("Push the attachment to RT");
 ( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'push', '--to', $sd_rt_url ] );
 diag("Check to see if the RT ticket has two attachments");
-my @two_attachments = sort { $a->file_name cmp $b->file_name } get_rt_ticket_attachments($tix[0]);
-is(scalar @two_attachments, 2, " I have two attachments on the RT side!");
+my @two_attachments = sort { $a->file_name cmp $b->file_name }
+    get_rt_ticket_attachments( $tix[0] );
+is( scalar @two_attachments, 2, " I have two attachments on the RT side!" );
 my $makefile = shift @two_attachments;
-my $logo = shift @two_attachments;
-is ($logo->file_name, 'bplogo.gif');
-is ($makefile->file_name, 'Makefile.PL');
-is($makefile->content, $MAKEFILE_CONTENT , " The makefile's content was roundtripped ot rt ok");
-is($logo->content, file($IMAGE_FILE)->slurp, " The image's content was roundtripped ot rt ok");
+my $logo     = shift @two_attachments;
+is( $logo->file_name,     'bplogo.gif' );
+is( $makefile->file_name, 'Makefile.PL' );
+is( $makefile->content, $MAKEFILE_CONTENT,
+    " The makefile's content was roundtripped ot rt ok" );
+is( $logo->content,
+    file($IMAGE_FILE)->slurp,
+    " The image's content was roundtripped ot rt ok"
 #diag $uuid;
 # testing adding CCs to tickets
-$tick->add_cc('hiro at example.com'); # stored
-my ($tval,$tmsg) = $tick->store;
-ok($tval, $tmsg);
+$tick->add_cc('hiro at example.com');    # stored
+my ( $tval, $tmsg ) = $tick->store;
+ok( $tval, $tmsg );
 my $fetched_tick = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
     rt => $rt,
-    id => $tick->id)->retrieve;
+    id => $tick->id
+diag( $fetched_tick->subject );
 my (@x) = $fetched_tick->cc;
-is_deeply (\@x,  [ 'hiro at example.com']);
-( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from',  $sd_rt_url ] );
-ok($ret, $out);
+is_deeply( \@x, ['hiro at example.com'] );
+( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
+ok( $ret, $out );
-( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'show', '--verbose','--id',$yatta_id ] );
+( $ret, $out, $err )
+    = run_script( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'show', '--verbose', '--id', $yatta_id ] );
-like($out, qr/Cc:\s*hiro\@example.com/);
+like( $out, qr/Cc:\s*hiro\@example.com/ );
 diag("resolve and comment on a ticket");
@@ -224,46 +245,53 @@
     subject => 'helium',
 )->store( text => "Ticket Comment" );
-( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from',  $sd_rt_url ] );
-ok($ret, $out);
+( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
+ok( $ret, $out );
 my $helium_id;
-run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'list', '--regex', 'helium' ],
-    [qr/(.*?)(?{ $helium_id = $1 }) helium new/] );
+    'sd',
+    [ 'ticket', 'list', '--regex', 'helium' ],
+    [qr/(.*?)(?{ $helium_id = $1 }) helium new/]
-( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'comment', $helium_id, '--content', 'helium is a noble gas' ] );
-ok($ret, $out);
-like($out, qr/Created comment/);
-( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'resolve', $helium_id ]);
-ok($ret, $out);
-like($out, qr/ticket .* updated/);
+( $ret, $out, $err )
+    = run_script( 'sd',
+    [ 'ticket', 'comment', $helium_id, '--content', 'helium is a noble gas' ] );
+ok( $ret, $out );
+like( $out, qr/Created comment/ );
+( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'resolve', $helium_id ] );
+ok( $ret, $out );
+like( $out, qr/ticket .* updated/ );
 ( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'push', '--to', $sd_rt_url ] );
-ok($ret, $out);
+ok( $ret, $out );
-( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from',  $sd_rt_url ] );
-ok($ret, $out);
-like($out, qr/No new changesets/);
+( $ret, $out, $err ) = run_script( 'sd', [ 'pull', '--from', $sd_rt_url ] );
+ok( $ret, $out );
+like( $out, qr/No new changesets/ );
 my $fetched_ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
     rt => $rt,
-    id => $ticket->id)->retrieve;
+    id => $ticket->id
-is($fetched_ticket->status, "resolved");
+is( $fetched_ticket->status, "resolved" );
 sub get_rt_ticket_attachments {
     my $ticket = shift;
-    my $attachments = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new( rt => $rt, id => $ticket)->attachments();
+    my $attachments = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new( rt => $rt, id => $ticket )
+        ->attachments();
     my $iterator = $attachments->get_iterator;
     my @attachments;
-    while (my $att = &$iterator) { 
+    while ( my $att = &$iterator ) {
         if ( $att->file_name ) {
-            push @attachments, $att ;
+            push @attachments, $att;
-    return @attachments
+    return @attachments;

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