[Bps-public-commit] r16271 - Shipwright/trunk/bin
alexmv at bestpractical.com
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Fri Oct 10 17:01:03 EDT 2008
Author: alexmv
Date: Fri Oct 10 17:01:03 2008
New Revision: 16271
* Move final install point to /opt/install rather than /opt/shipwright
* Fix path to /bin/rm
* Don't compile with debugging CFLAGS
* Attempt to use `sync` to ensure disk writes are done before we unmount
* Update /etc/environment in built image
* Use ->login to copy out and report the current state of the install
Modified: Shipwright/trunk/bin/jeos-build
--- Shipwright/trunk/bin/jeos-build (original)
+++ Shipwright/trunk/bin/jeos-build Fri Oct 10 17:01:03 2008
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
use Getopt::Long;
-my ($image, $store, $vessel, $base, $flags, $skiptest, $partial, $rcfile);
+my ($image, $store, $vessel, $base, $flags, $skiptest, $partial, $rcfile, $user, $pass);
"image=s" => \$image,
"store=s" => \$store,
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
"skip-test" => \$skiptest,
"partial" => \$partial,
"rcfile=s" => \$rcfile,
+ "username=s" => \$user,
+ "password=s" => \$pass,
) or die "Option parsing failure";
die "No image specified" unless $image;
@@ -48,11 +50,17 @@
die "Disk is already mounted; please unmount before continuing.\n"
if $mounted =~ m{$path/($image|$base)};
+# XXX: This used to be a tmpfile, but it exploded -- I don't recall
+# how right now. For now, you need a "disk-image" directory to mount
+# it under.
+my $mountpoint = "disk-image";
# Clone from image if base doesn't exist
unless ( -e "$path/$base" ) {
unless ( -e "$path/$image" ) {
die "Can't find image in $path/$image to clone from";
+ warn "Creating base '$base' from '$image'...\n";
!system( '/usr/bin/rsync', "-az", "$path/$image/", "$path/$base/" )
or die "rsync failed";
@@ -67,15 +75,11 @@
# Mount the disk image
-# XXX: This used to be a tmpfile, but it exploded -- I don't recall
-# how right now. For now, you need a "disk-image" directory to mount
-# it under.
-my $mountpoint = "disk-image";
# Copy files over
warn "Installing source...\n";
-system( '/usr/bin/rm', '-rf', "$mountpoint/opt/build", "$mountpoint/opt/install" )
+system( '/bin/rm', '-rf', "$mountpoint/opt/build", "$mountpoint/opt/install" )
if $partial;
!system( '/usr/bin/svn', 'co', '-q', $vessel, "$mountpoint/opt/build" )
or die "svn co failed";
@@ -86,13 +90,14 @@
aptitude install build-essential autoconf libtool -y
cd /opt/build/
-export CFLAGS="-ggdb -g3"
./bin/shipwright-builder --install-base /opt/install $flags $skiptest 2>&1 | tee /opt/build/complete.log
close RC;
# Unmount
+sleep 5;
# Start 'er up!
@@ -101,27 +106,50 @@
# Wait for it to finish
my $laststate = "";
+my $lastinstall = 0;
sleep 10;
my $state = $vm->power_state;
- warn ucfirst($state) . "...\n" if $laststate ne $state;
+ if ($laststate ne $state) {
+ warn ucfirst($state) . "...\n";
+ if ($state =~ /tools running/ and $laststate !~ /tools running/ and $user and $pass) {
+ warn "Logging in..\n";
+ $vm->login($user, $pass);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($state =~ /tools running/ and $user and $pass) {
+ require YAML;
+ eval {$vm->copy("/opt/install/installed.yml","installed.yml")};
+ unless ($@) {
+ my $ref = YAML::LoadFile("installed.yml");
+ if ($ref) {
+ warn "Installed " . scalar(@{$ref}) ." packages\n"
+ if scalar(@{$ref}) != $lastinstall;
+ $lastinstall = scalar @{$ref};
+ }
+ }
+ }
$laststate = $state;
- redo unless $state =~ "powered off";
+ redo unless $state =~ /powered off/;
-sleep 10;
+sleep 20;
# Check if it succeeded
!system( "cp", "$mountpoint/opt/build/complete.log", "complete.log" )
or warn "(Copy of log failed?)\n";
-!system( 'cp', $rcfile, "$mountpoint/etc/rc.local" )
- or warn "(Copy of rc.local failed?)\n" if $rcfile;
die "Build failure! See complete.log\n"
unless -e "$mountpoint/opt/install/bin-wrapped";
+!system( 'cp', $rcfile, "$mountpoint/etc/rc.local" )
+ or warn "(Copy of rc.local failed?)\n" if $rcfile;
# If we want a partial build, don't clone into a clean image, just
# stop now
-exit if $partial;
+if ($partial) {
+ warn "Partial image build successful!\n";
+ exit;
# Copy out of the image
warn "Successfully built! Copying out of image...\n";
@@ -144,12 +172,20 @@
"/usr/bin/rsync", "-az",
- "installed-image/", "$mountpoint/opt/shipwright/"
+ "installed-image/", "$mountpoint/opt/install/"
) or die "rsync placement failed";
!system( 'cp', $rcfile, "$mountpoint/etc/rc.local" )
or die "run rc.init copy failed" if $rcfile;
+# Prepend the installed path to PATH
+my $PATH = do {local @ARGV = "$mountpoint/etc/environment"; $_ = <>; close ARGV; $_};
+$PATH =~ s/PATH="(.*)"\n?/$1/;
+open(ENV, ">", "$mountpoint/etc/environment") or die "Can't open environment for writing: $!";
+print ENV qq{PATH="/opt/install/bin:$PATH"\n};
+close ENV;
# Unmount
# Snapshot in a clean state, then power it on to take it for a test ride
@@ -351,7 +387,26 @@
return $snapHandle;
+sub login {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($user, $password) = @_;
+ my $err = VMLoginInGuest( $$self, $user, $password, 0);
+ croak "VMware::Vix::VM->login: " . GetErrorText($err)
+ if $err != VIX_OK;
+ return 1;
+sub copy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($src, $dst) = @_;
+ my $err = VMCopyFileFromGuestToHost($$self, $src, $dst, 0, VIX_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ croak "VMware::Vix::VM->copy: " . GetErrorText($err)
+ if $err != VIX_OK;
+ return 1;
my $self = shift;
+ ReleaseHandle($$self);
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