[Bps-public-commit] r16392 - in Path-Dispatcher/trunk: lib/Path/Dispatcher

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Mon Oct 20 08:38:39 EDT 2008

Author: sartak
Date: Mon Oct 20 08:38:39 2008
New Revision: 16392

   Path-Dispatcher/trunk/   (props changed)

 r74185 at onn:  sartak | 2008-10-20 08:38:35 -0400
 Match doc

Modified: Path-Dispatcher/trunk/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Match.pm
--- Path-Dispatcher/trunk/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Match.pm	(original)
+++ Path-Dispatcher/trunk/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Match.pm	Mon Oct 20 08:38:39 2008
@@ -83,3 +83,75 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Path::Dispatcher::Match - the result of a successful rule match
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    my $rule = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens->new(
+        tokens => [ 'attack', qr/^\w+$/ ],
+        block  => sub { attack($2) },
+    );
+    my $match = $rule->match("attack dragon");
+    $match->path            # "attack dragon"
+    $match->leftover        # empty string (populated with prefix rules)
+    $match->rule            # $rule
+    $match->result          # ["attack", "dragon"] (decided by the rule)
+    $match->set_number_vars # 1 (boolean indicating whether to set $1, $2, etc)
+    $match->run                         # causes the player to attack the dragon
+    $match->run_with_number_vars($code) # runs $code with $1=attack $2=dragon
+If a L<Path::Dispatcher::Rule> successfully matches a path, it creates one or
+more C<Path::Dispatcher::Match> objects.
+=head2 rule
+The L<Path::Dispatcher::Rule> that created this match.
+=head2 path
+The path that the rule matched.
+=head2 leftover
+The rest of the path. This is populated when the rule matches a prefix of the
+=head2 result
+Arbitrary results generated by the rule. For example, L<Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Regex> rules' result is an array reference of capture variables.
+=head2 set_number_vars
+A boolean indicating whether invoking the rule should populate the number variables (C<$1>, C<$2>, etc) with the array reference of results.
+Default is true if the C<result> is an array reference; otherwise false.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 run
+Executes the rule's codeblock with the same arguments. If L</set_number_vars>
+is true, then L</run_with_number_vars> is used, otherwise the rule's codeblock
+is invoked directly.
+=head2 run_with_number_vars coderef, $1, $2, ...
+Populates the number variables C<$1>, C<$2>, ... then executes the coderef.
+Unfortunately, the only way to achieve this (pre-5.10 anyway) is to match a
+regular expression. Both a string and a regex are constructed such that
+matching will produce the correct capture variables.

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