[Bps-public-commit] App-Changeloggr branch, master, updated. 4aecd423e98bac96f9001718bd0b4c882be7ddb6

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Wed Apr 29 11:54:37 EDT 2009

The branch, master has been updated
       via  4aecd423e98bac96f9001718bd0b4c882be7ddb6 (commit)
      from  29f927b216397247466f992a7d76082d935feff6 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 lib/App/Changeloggr/View.pm |   32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 4aecd423e98bac96f9001718bd0b4c882be7ddb6
Author: Shawn M Moore <sartak at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 29 11:54:17 2009 -0400

    Fix nesting so that everything isn't in an h3

diff --git a/lib/App/Changeloggr/View.pm b/lib/App/Changeloggr/View.pm
index 4ab5310..bf17b3f 100644
--- a/lib/App/Changeloggr/View.pm
+++ b/lib/App/Changeloggr/View.pm
@@ -88,24 +88,24 @@ sub show_change {
             my $links = $change->changelog->commit_links;
             $message = $_->linkify($message) while $_ = $links->next;
             outs_raw( $message );
+        };
-            my $id = $change->id;
-            hyperlink(
-                label => 'more...',
-                onclick => [{
-                    region       => Jifty->web->qualified_region("change_$id"),
-                    replace_with => '/change/more',
-                    toggle       => 1,
-                    effect       => 'slideDown',
-                    arguments    => {
-                        change => $id,
-                    },
+        my $id = $change->id;
+        hyperlink(
+            label => 'more...',
+            onclick => [{
+                region       => Jifty->web->qualified_region("change_$id"),
+                replace_with => '/change/more',
+                toggle       => 1,
+                effect       => 'slideDown',
+                arguments    => {
+                    change => $id,
-                "this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML == 'more...' ? 'less...' : 'more...';",
-            ]);
-            div {
-                render_region("change_$id");
-            };
+            },
+            "this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML == 'more...' ? 'less...' : 'more...';",
+        ]);
+        div {
+            render_region("change_$id");
         if ($args{voting_form}) {


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