[Bps-public-commit] HTTP-Server-Simple branch, master, updated. 1d3333416e61d75c4088760b5576413126996e59

jesse jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 12 20:13:57 EDT 2009

The branch, master has been updated
       via  1d3333416e61d75c4088760b5576413126996e59 (commit)
      from  f5e58c220720044aa3dabfca5459d6e76864b0bf (commit)

Summary of changes:
 Changes                   |    7 +--
 SIGNATURE                 |   45 ------------------
 lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm |   18 ++------
 t/01live.t                |  106 ++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 t/04cgi.t                 |  111 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 5 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 SIGNATURE
 mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1d3333416e61d75c4088760b5576413126996e59
Author: Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 12 17:15:55 2009 +0100

    Applied updates from kmx working toward a working windows install
    Subject: [rt.cpan.org #42546] t/04cgi.t  fails test 20-21 on Windows

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index d8ba6f8..22bcde7 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-0.38_03 Tue Jul 28 15:26:05 EDT 2009
+0.38_03 Sat Apr 11 18:47:29 EDT 2009
-* Patch from kmx at cpan.org to better randomize ports on Windows
-* Patch from kmx at cpan.org to try another fix for our 4cgi.t failures on windows
+* Subject: [rt.cpan.org #44961] [PATCH] xdg reports select() is problematic on win32                                                                          
 0.38_02 Fri Apr 10 20:57:19 EDT 2009
-* Specify an HTTP version for our GETs should get escaping to work
+* Specify an HTTP version for our GETs should get escaping to wokr
 0.38_01 Mon Mar  2 18:11:46 EST 2009
 * http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Attachment/568795/286902/ from confound++ for 
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3f3e6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-This file contains message digests of all files listed in MANIFEST,
-signed via the Module::Signature module, version 0.55.
-To verify the content in this distribution, first make sure you have
-Module::Signature installed, then type:
-    % cpansign -v
-It will check each file's integrity, as well as the signature's
-validity.  If "==> Signature verified OK! <==" is not displayed,
-the distribution may already have been compromised, and you should
-not run its Makefile.PL or Build.PL.
-Hash: SHA1
-SHA1 9f43485633064e5f49bb2658d663343e24b2167e Changes
-SHA1 0ac508c50476dcc2bf8fe3094cb341425291e1ee MANIFEST
-SHA1 cf3198cef8524b06b0f6df065b577225caf74a69 META.yml
-SHA1 1e68273869351212220429a4860ce710d5f3e291 Makefile.PL
-SHA1 ed0c107672daac3bc9e266876666e1059dbe44b7 README
-SHA1 4ea1e9072ca87399184a46233df52a21e285604d ex/sample_server
-SHA1 7e2cfa1b9efe0d502ee57717649c90ba4bd28ba9 inc/Module/Install.pm
-SHA1 6e1392d80a0f239eecd5664f7f21f922cedb9329 inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
-SHA1 f69417fe831d9cc22a78f00a617afadceade4d81 inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
-SHA1 c61d02895330310048bf388881b5e2e064031561 inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
-SHA1 54fcbed19232ec959bb17cfb4410599afc7f0779 inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
-SHA1 7d3be9b158e37b2b2c22084740099955623b1d56 inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
-SHA1 0a8b66180229ba2f9deaea1fedd0aacf7a7ace6b inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
-SHA1 d3352eb33fe43a5f3ead513f645224fe34d73bc9 inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
-SHA1 a124072dbbb35aa7c7e63d6cac747114365f80bc lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm
-SHA1 3ddd188b0ee926a7e114e711b88c0af69b9a9079 lib/HTTP/Server/Simple/CGI.pm
-SHA1 56e2d88c9a3ddd3b264d86279a52c099bbffa8f4 lib/HTTP/Server/Simple/CGI/Environment.pm
-SHA1 db064af54cab345a71daec576e32e64b8fb1033d t/00smoke.t
-SHA1 a88394bb5ff0fc9e3ba47418d8ec3b7719f5dc87 t/01live.t
-SHA1 aca95653cfce68912e08c57b3a4566207e2f99b3 t/02pod.t
-SHA1 a7024d0d8e7b80d26f75a3551a1406a797b382f8 t/03podcoverage.t
-SHA1 91a34cc0031af69dabc56091da31d45b94952c4b t/04cgi.t
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
diff --git a/lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm b/lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 9b358cc..d3bd56d
--- a/lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm
+++ b/lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use Carp;
 use URI::Escape;
 use vars qw($VERSION $bad_request_doc);
-$VERSION = '0.38_03';
+$VERSION = '0.38_04';
 =head1 NAME
@@ -206,26 +206,17 @@ started process.  Any arguments will be passed through to L</run>.
 sub background {
     my $self  = shift;
-    require File::Temp;
-    my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile();
-    unlink($filename);
     my $child = fork;
     croak "Can't fork: $!" unless defined($child);
-    if ($child) {
-        while (eof($fh)) {
-            select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);
-            seek($fh, 0, 0);
-        }
-        return $child;
-    }
+    return $child if $child;
     if ( $^O !~ /MSWin32/ ) {
         require POSIX;
             or croak "Can't start a new session: $!";
-    $self->{after_setup} = sub { print {$fh} 1; close $fh };
-    $self->run(@_);
+    $self->run(@_); # should never return
+    exit;           # just to be sure
 =head2 run [ARGUMENTS]
@@ -670,7 +661,6 @@ sub setup_listener {
         or croak "bind to @{[$self->host||'*']}:@{[$self->port]}: $!";
     listen( HTTPDaemon, SOMAXCONN ) or croak "listen: $!";
-    $self->{after_setup} && $self->{after_setup}->();
diff --git a/t/01live.t b/t/01live.t
index 3c4789f..f4c5c0d 100644
--- a/t/01live.t
+++ b/t/01live.t
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for my $class (@classes) {
     my $s=HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI->new($PORT);
     my $pid=$s->background();
-    diag("started server PID=$pid");
+    diag("started server PID='$pid'");
     like($pid, '/^-?\d+$/', 'pid is numeric');
     select(undef,undef,undef,0.2); # wait a sec
     my $content=fetch("GET / HTTP/1.1", "");
@@ -65,71 +65,45 @@ for my $class (@classes) {
 # this function may look excessive, but hopefully will be very useful
 # in identifying common problems
 sub fetch {
-    my @response;
-    my $alarm = 0;
-    my $stage = "init";
-    my %messages =
-	( "init" => "inner contemplation",
-	  "lookup" => ("lookup of `localhost' - may be caused by a "
-		       ."missing hosts entry or broken resolver"),
-	  "sockaddr" => "call to sockaddr_in() - ?",
-	  "proto" => ("call to getprotobyname() - may be caused by "
-		      ."bizarre NSS configurations"),
-	  "socket" => "socket creation",
-	  "connect" => ("connect() - may be caused by a missing or "
-			."broken loopback interface, or firewalling"),
-	  "send" => "network send()",
-	  "recv" => "collection of response",
-	  "close" => "closing socket"
-	);
-    $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
-	@response = "timed out during $messages{$stage}";
-	$alarm = 1;
-    };
-    my ($iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $message);
-    $message = join "", map { "$_\015\012" } @_;
-    my %states =
-	( 'init'     => sub { "lookup"; },
-	  "lookup"   => sub { ($iaddr = inet_aton("localhost"))
-				  && "sockaddr"			    },
-	  "sockaddr" => sub { ($paddr = sockaddr_in($PORT, $iaddr))
-				  && "proto"			    },
-	  "proto"    => sub { ($proto = getprotobyname('tcp'))
-				  && "socket"			    },
-	  "socket"   => sub { socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)
-				  && "connect"			    },
-	  "connect"  => sub { connect(SOCK, $paddr) && "send"	    },
-	  "send"     => sub { (send SOCK, $message, 0) && "recv"    },
-	  "recv"     => sub {
-	      my $line;
-	      while (!$alarm and defined($line = <SOCK>)) {
-		  push @response, $line;
-	      }
-	      ($alarm ? undef : "close");
-	  },
-	  "close"    => sub { close SOCK; "done"; },
-	);
-    # this entire cycle should finish way before this timer expires
-    alarm(5);
-    my $next;
-    $stage = $next
-	while (!$alarm && $stage ne "done"
-	       && ($next = $states{$stage}->()));
-    warn "early exit from `$stage' stage; $!" unless $next;
-    # bank on the test testing for something in the response.
-    return join "", @response;
+    my $hostname = "localhost";
+    my $port = $PORT;
+    my $message = join "", map { "$_\015\012" } @_;
+    my $timeout = 5;    
+    my $response;        
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "early exit - SIGALRM caught" };
+        alarm $timeout*2; #twice longer than timeout used later by select()  
+        my $iaddr = inet_aton($hostname) || die "inet_aton: $!";
+        my $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr) || die "sockaddr_in: $!";
+        my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp') || die "getprotobyname: $!";
+        socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
+        connect(SOCK, $paddr) || die "connect: $!";
+        (send SOCK, $message, 0) || die "send: $!";
+        my $rvec = '';
+        vec($rvec, fileno(SOCK), 1) = 1;
+        die "vec(): $!" unless $rvec; 
+        $response = '';
+        for (;;) {        
+            my $r = select($rvec, undef, undef, $timeout);
+            die "select: timeout - no data to read from server" unless ($r > 0);
+            my $l = sysread(SOCK, $response, 1024, length($response));
+            die "sysread: $!" unless defined($l);
+            last if ($l == 0);
+        }
+        $response =~ s/\015\012/\n/g; 
+        (close SOCK) || die "close(): $!";
+        alarm 0;
+    }; 
+    if ($@) {
+      	return "[ERROR] $@";
+    }
+    else {
+        return $response;
+    }    
 sub run_server_tests {
diff --git a/t/04cgi.t b/t/04cgi.t
index 09f66c1..0810cd5 100644
--- a/t/04cgi.t
+++ b/t/04cgi.t
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ my %envvars=(
               SERVER_PORT => 'SERVER_PORT: '.$PORT,
               REQUEST_URI => 'REQUEST_URI: /cgitest/REQUEST_URI',
               SERVER_NAME => "SERVER_NAME: $host",
               SERVER_SOFTWARE => 'SERVER_SOFTWARE: HTTP::Server::Simple/\d+.\d+',
               REMOTE_ADDR => 'REMOTE_ADDR:',
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ my %envvars=(
   foreach my $method (keys(%methods)) {
-          fetch("GET /cgitest/$method"),
+          fetch("GET /cgitest/$method HTTP/1.1",""),
           "method - $method"
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ my %envvars=(
   foreach my $envvar (keys(%envvars)) {
-          fetch("GET /cgitest/$envvar"),
+          fetch("GET /cgitest/$envvar HTTP/1.1",""),
           "Environment - $envvar"
@@ -78,71 +78,45 @@ my %envvars=(
 sub fetch {
-    my @response;
-    my $alarm = 0;
-    my $stage = "init";
-    my %messages =
-	( "init" => "inner contemplation",
-	  "lookup" => ("lookup of `localhost' - may be caused by a "
-		       ."missing hosts entry or broken resolver"),
-	  "sockaddr" => "call to sockaddr_in() - ?",
-	  "proto" => ("call to getprotobyname() - may be caused by "
-		      ."bizarre NSS configurations"),
-	  "socket" => "socket creation",
-	  "connect" => ("connect() - may be caused by a missing or "
-			."broken loopback interface, or firewalling"),
-	  "send" => "network send()",
-	  "recv" => "collection of response",
-	  "close" => "closing socket"
-	);
-    $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
-	@response = "timed out during $messages{$stage}";
-	$alarm = 1;
-    };
-    my ($iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $message);
-    $message = join "", map { "$_\015\012" } @_;
-    my %states =
-	( 'init'     => sub { "lookup"; },
-	  "lookup"   => sub { ($iaddr = inet_aton("localhost"))
-				  && "sockaddr"			    },
-	  "sockaddr" => sub { ($paddr = sockaddr_in($PORT, $iaddr))
-				  && "proto"			    },
-	  "proto"    => sub { ($proto = getprotobyname('tcp'))
-				  && "socket"			    },
-	  "socket"   => sub { socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)
-				  && "connect"			    },
-	  "connect"  => sub { connect(SOCK, $paddr) && "send"	    },
-	  "send"     => sub { (send SOCK, $message, 0) && "recv"    },
-	  "recv"     => sub {
-	      my $line;
-	      while (!$alarm and defined($line = <SOCK>)) {
-		  push @response, $line;
-	      }
-	      ($alarm ? undef : "close");
-	  },
-	  "close"    => sub { close SOCK; "done"; },
-	);
-    # this entire cycle should finish way before this timer expires
-    alarm(5);
-    my $next;
-    $stage = $next
-	while (!$alarm && $stage ne "done"
-	       && ($next = $states{$stage}->()));
-    warn "early exit from `$stage' stage; $!" unless $next;
-    # bank on the test testing for something in the response.
-    return join "", @response;
+    my $hostname = "localhost";
+    my $port = $PORT;
+    my $message = join "", map { "$_\015\012" } @_;
+    my $timeout = 5;    
+    my $response;        
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "early exit - SIGALRM caught" };
+        alarm $timeout*2; #twice longer than timeout used later by select()  
+        my $iaddr = inet_aton($hostname) || die "inet_aton: $!";
+        my $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr) || die "sockaddr_in: $!";
+        my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp') || die "getprotobyname: $!";
+        socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
+        connect(SOCK, $paddr) || die "connect: $!";
+        (send SOCK, $message, 0) || die "send: $!";
+        my $rvec = '';
+        vec($rvec, fileno(SOCK), 1) = 1;
+        die "vec(): $!" unless $rvec; 
+        $response = '';
+        for (;;) {        
+            my $r = select($rvec, undef, undef, $timeout);
+            die "select: timeout - no data to read from server" unless ($r > 0);
+            my $l = sysread(SOCK, $response, 1024, length($response));
+            die "sysread: $!" unless defined($l);
+            last if ($l == 0);
+        }
+        $response =~ s/\015\012/\n/g; 
+        (close SOCK) || die "close(): $!";
+        alarm 0;
+    }; 
+    if ($@) {
+      	return "[ERROR] $@";
+    }
+    else {
+        return $response;
+    }    
@@ -172,3 +146,4 @@ sub fetch {


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