[Bps-public-commit] SD branch, master, updated. 653cbdcbb615a279daf151c926a3f743be986604

spang at bestpractical.com spang at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 17 14:38:24 EDT 2009

The branch, master has been updated
       via  653cbdcbb615a279daf151c926a3f743be986604 (commit)
      from  fab3b2841bee6a0520ce75d1aaa4f29f5bb17edd (commit)

Summary of changes:
 contrib/sdticket.vim |   75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 653cbdcbb615a279daf151c926a3f743be986604
Author: Christine Spang <spang at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Aug 17 19:34:30 2009 +0100

    Some improvements to the vim syntax file
    * Grab what to highlight on for milestones, components, and statuses
      from the output of 'sd settings'.
    * Don't misinterpret the comment section as a column.
    * Recommend a better autocommand check that detects re-editing
      after errors as well.

diff --git a/contrib/sdticket.vim b/contrib/sdticket.vim
index 49e8d26..84c9bff 100644
--- a/contrib/sdticket.vim
+++ b/contrib/sdticket.vim
@@ -2,20 +2,21 @@
 " SD Ticket Syntax File
 " Maintainer:   Yo-An Lin < cornelius.howl at gmail.com >
 " URL:          http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2614
-" Last Change:	09 Apr 21 04/21/2009
-" Version:      0.1
+" Last Change:  08/17/2009
+" Version:      0.2
 " Intro: 
-"   This syntax file is for ticket summary file of SD (peer-to-peer bug
-"   tracking system)
-"   http://syncwith.us/
+"   This syntax file is for ticket create/update template of SD (a
+"   peer-to-peer bug tracking system)
+"       http://syncwith.us/
 " Usage:
-"   To let vim known the editing file is SD ticket
-"   add the below settings to your .vimrc
+"   To let vim know the editing file is an SD ticket, add the following to
+"   your .vimrc and copy or link this file to your vim syntax directory
+"   (usually ~/.vim/syntax):
 " au BufNewFile,BufRead *
-"     \ if getline(1) =~ "required ticket metadata" |
+"     \ if getline(1) =~ '\(required ticket metadata\)\|\(errors in this ticket\)' |
 "     \   setf sdticket |
 "     \ endif
@@ -28,11 +29,57 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+" takes the string output of 'sd settings', offsets for the start and end of
+" the JSON value of a setting not including the [], and returns a list of the
+" elements with the quotes stripped
+func! s:ConvertSubstrToList(str, start, end)
+  return map(
+  \  split(
+  \    strpart(
+  \      a:str, a:start, a:end - a:start,
+  \    ),
+  \  ',',
+  \  ),
+  \  "substitute( v:val, '\"', '', 'g' )",
+  \ )
 syn region sdHeader  start="^===" end="===$"
-syn region sdColumn  start="^\w\+"  end=":"
+syn region sdComment start="^#" end="$"
+syn region sdColumn  start="^\w\+:\@="  end=":"
+" try to get the valid statuses, components, milestones etc. from the settings
+" for the current sd replica
+" assumes SD_REPO is set and sd command is sd, otherwise will fall back to
+" defaults
+let s:settings = system("sd settings")
+if s:settings =~ 'not found'
+  " user is running some wrapper script; use sd defaults
+  syn keyword sdStatus new open closed stalled rejected
+  syn keyword sdComponent core ui docs tests
+  syn keyword sdMilestone alpha beta 1.0
+  " parse the settings we found and setup syntax for them
+  let s:milestones_offset = matchend(s:settings, "milestones: [")
+  let s:closing_bracket_offset = match(s:settings, "]", s:milestones_offset)
+  let s:milestones = s:ConvertSubstrToList(s:settings, s:milestones_offset, s:closing_bracket_offset)
-syn keyword sdStatus new open close
-syn keyword sdComponent core 
+  let s:components_offset = matchend(s:settings, "components: [")
+  let s:closing_bracket_offset = match(s:settings, "]", s:components_offset)
+  let s:components = s:ConvertSubstrToList(s:settings, s:components_offset, s:closing_bracket_offset)
+  let s:statuses_offset = matchend(s:settings, "statuses: [")
+  let s:closing_bracket_offset = match(s:settings, "]", s:statuses_offset)
+  let s:statuses = s:ConvertSubstrToList(s:settings, s:statuses_offset, s:closing_bracket_offset)
+  for s:list in [s:milestones, s:components, s:statuses]
+    for s:group in ['sdMilestone', 'sdComponent', 'sdStatus']
+      let s:syntax = 'syn keyword ' . s:group . ' ' . join(s:list)
+      exec s:syntax
+    endfor
+  endfor
 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sdticket_syn_inits")
     if version < 508
@@ -44,8 +91,12 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_sdticket_syn_inits")
     " The default highlighting.
     HiLink sdHeader Comment
-    HiLink sdColumn Identifier
+    HiLink sdComment Comment
+    HiLink sdColumn Label
+    " do we want these to be different colours?
     HiLink sdStatus Type
+    HiLink sdMilestone Type
+    HiLink sdComponent Type
     delcommand HiLink


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