[Bps-public-commit] net-lighthouse branch, master, updated. 2ae160a2786a41e25e5a2f0b751ca012b7d650e2

sunnavy at bestpractical.com sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu Aug 27 04:02:42 EDT 2009

The branch, master has been updated
       via  2ae160a2786a41e25e5a2f0b751ca012b7d650e2 (commit)
      from  587dc22707f8740a9262b3b3f7a41c6057977d7b (commit)

Summary of changes:
 t/11-message.t |   96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 2ae160a2786a41e25e5a2f0b751ca012b7d650e2
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Thu Aug 27 16:02:38 2009 +0800

    test methods for message

diff --git a/t/11-message.t b/t/11-message.t
index dbdb0ee..20b4d14 100644
--- a/t/11-message.t
+++ b/t/11-message.t
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 21;
+use Test::More tests => 53;
 use Test::Mock::LWP;
@@ -27,3 +27,97 @@ for my $attr (@attrs) {
     can_ok( $message, $attr );
+for my $method (qw/create update delete load load_from_xml list initial_state
+        create_comment/)
+    can_ok( $message, $method );
+$Mock_ua->mock( get            => sub { $Mock_response } );
+$Mock_ua->mock( default_header => sub { } );                  # to erase warning
+    content => sub {
+        local $/;
+        open my $fh, '<', 't/data/message_20298.xml' or die $!;
+        <$fh>;
+    }
+my $m1 = Net::Lighthouse::Project::Message->new(
+    account    => 'sunnavy',
+    project_id => 35198,
+my $load = $m1->load(20298);
+is( $load, $m1, 'load return $self' );
+my %hash = (
+    'permalink'         => '1st-message',
+    'parent_id'         => undef,
+    'body'              => 'ha-ha ha-ha',
+    'attachments_count' => '0',
+    'created_at'        => '2009-08-27T07:29:05Z',
+    'url' => 'http://sunnavy.lighthouseapp.com/projects/35918/messages/20298',
+    'id'  => '20298',
+    'comments_count'        => '3',
+    'all_attachments_count' => '1',
+    'project_id'            => '35918',
+    'account'               => 'sunnavy',
+    'user_name'             => 'sunnavy (at gmail)',
+    'updated_at'            => '2009-08-27T07:44:33Z',
+    'body_html'             => '<div><p>ha-ha ha-ha</p></div>',
+    'title'                 => '1st message lala',
+    'user_id'               => '67166'
+for my $k ( keys %hash ) {
+    is( $m1->$k, $hash{$k}, "$k is loaded" );
+is( @{$m1->comments}, 3, 'comments number' );
+isa_ok( $m1->comments->[0], 'Net::Lighthouse::Project::Message' );
+is( $m1->comments->[0]->title, '1st message lala', 'first comment title' );
+is( $m1->comments->[0]->id, '20299', 'first comment id' );
+    content => sub {
+        local $/;
+        open my $fh, '<', 't/data/messages.xml' or die $!;
+        <$fh>;
+    }
+$message = Net::Lighthouse::Project::Message->new(
+    account    => 'sunnavy',
+    project_id => 35198,
+my @list = $message->list;
+is( scalar @list, 1, 'list number' );
+is( $list[0]->id, 20298, 'message id' );
+# test initial_state
+    content => sub {
+        local $/;
+        open my $fh, '<', 't/data/message_new.xml' or die $!;
+        <$fh>;
+    }
+$message = Net::Lighthouse::Project::Message->new(
+    account    => 'sunnavy',
+    project_id => 35198,
+my $expect_initial_state = {
+    'parent_id'         => '',
+    'permalink'         => '',
+    'body'              => '',
+    'attachments_count' => '0',
+    'created_at'        => '',
+    'updated_at'        => '',
+    'title'             => '',
+    'body_html'         => '',
+    'user_id'           => '',
+    'comments_count'    => '0',
+    'project_id'        => ''
+is_deeply( $message->initial_state, $expect_initial_state, 'initial state' );


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