[Bps-public-commit] r20166 - RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Public/Elements

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Tue Dec 1 00:14:37 EST 2009

Author: ruz
Date: Tue Dec  1 00:14:32 2009
New Revision: 20166


* tidy and switch to new style callback

Modified: RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Public/Elements/Tabs
--- RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Public/Elements/Tabs	(original)
+++ RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Public/Elements/Tabs	Tue Dec  1 00:14:32 2009
@@ -62,53 +62,55 @@
         B => { html => $m->scomp('/Public/Elements/SimpleSearch') },
-$basetopactions->{'0'} = { html => $m->scomp('/Elements/ContactInfo') }
-    if $m->comp_exists('/Elements/ContactInfo');
+$basetopactions->{'0'} = {
+    html => $m->scomp('/Elements/ContactInfo')
+} if $m->comp_exists('/Elements/ContactInfo');
+my $basetabs = {
+    A => {
+        title => loc('Search Distributions'),
+        path  => 'Public/',
+    },
+#   B => {
+#       title => loc('Report Bug'),
+#       path  => 'Public/Bug/Report.html',
+#   },
+    C => {
+        title => loc('Browse Distributions'),
+        path  => 'Public/Browse.html'
+    },
-my $basetabs = {    A => { title => loc('Search Distributions'),
-                           path => 'Public/',
-                         },
-#                    B => { title => loc('Report Bug'),
-#                           path => 'Public/Bug/Report.html',
-#                         },
-                    C => { title => loc('Browse Distributions'),
-                        path => 'Public/Browse.html'
-                      },
-                 };
-if (!defined $toptabs) {
-   $toptabs = $basetabs;
-if (!defined $topactions) {
-   $topactions = $basetopactions;
+$toptabs ||= $basetabs;
+$topactions ||= $basetopactions;
 if ($queue) {
     my $escaped = $m->interp->apply_escapes($queue, 'u');
     $actions = {
         A => {
-            title   => loc("Active bugs"),
-            path    => "Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Active&Name=". $escaped,
+            title => loc("Active bugs"),
+            path  => "Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Active&Name=". $escaped,
         Ab => {
-            title   => loc("Resolved bugs"),
-            path    => "Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Resolved&Name=". $escaped,
+            title => loc("Resolved bugs"),
+            path  => "Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Resolved&Name=". $escaped,
         Ac => {
-            title   => loc("Rejected bugs"),
-            path    => "Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Rejected&Name=". $escaped,
+            title => loc("Rejected bugs"),
+            path  => "Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Rejected&Name=". $escaped,
         B => {
-            title   => loc("Report a new bug"),
-            path    => 'Public/Bug/Report.html?Queue='. $escaped,
+            title => loc("Report a new bug"),
+            path  => 'Public/Bug/Report.html?Queue='. $escaped,
-  # Now let callbacks add their extra tabs
-  $m->comp('/Elements/Callback', 
     topactions => $topactions, 
-    toptabs => $toptabs, %ARGS);
+    toptabs    => $toptabs,
+    %ARGS

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