[Bps-public-commit] r18261 - Net-Trac/trunk/t
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Feb 5 20:00:35 EST 2009
Author: jesse
Date: Thu Feb 5 20:00:35 2009
New Revision: 18261
* added the keywords tests I missed on the last commit
Added: Net-Trac/trunk/t/keywords.t
--- (empty file)
+++ Net-Trac/trunk/t/keywords.t Thu Feb 5 20:00:35 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+unless (`which trac-admin`) { plan skip_all => 'You need trac installed to run the tests'; }
+plan tests => 39;
+require 't/setup_trac.pl';
+my $tr = Net::Trac::TestHarness->new();
+ok($tr->start_test_server(), "The server started!");
+my $trac = Net::Trac::Connection->new(
+ url => $tr->url,
+ user => 'hiro',
+ password => 'yatta'
+isa_ok( $trac, "Net::Trac::Connection" );
+is($trac->url, $tr->url);
+my $ticket = Net::Trac::Ticket->new( connection => $trac);
+isa_ok($ticket, 'Net::Trac::Ticket');
+can_ok($ticket => '_fetch_new_ticket_metadata');
+can_ok($ticket => 'create');
+ok($ticket->create(summary => 'Summary #1'));
+can_ok($ticket, 'load');
+like($ticket->state->{'summary'}, qr/Summary #1/);
+like($ticket->summary, qr/Summary #1/, "The summary looks correct");
+can_ok($ticket => 'update');
+ok($ticket->update( status => 'closed' ), "status = closed");
+is(@{$ticket->history->entries}, 1, "Got one history entry.");
+is($ticket->status, 'closed', "Got updated status");
+sleep(1); # I hate trac
+ ok($ticket->update( keywords => 'foo bar' ), "I set the keywords");
+is(@{$ticket->history->entries}, 2, "Got 2 history entries.");
+my @entries = @{$ticket->history->entries};
+my $keywords_change = pop @entries;
+my $prop_changes = $keywords_change->prop_changes;
+is_deeply ( [keys %$prop_changes], ['keywords']);
+my $pc = $prop_changes->{'keywords'};
+is ($pc->old_value, '');
+is ($pc->new_value, 'bar foo');
+ok($ticket->update( keywords => 'foo bar baz' ), "I set the keywords");
+is(@{$ticket->history->entries}, 3, "Got n history entries.");
+my @entries = @{$ticket->history->entries};
+my $keywords_change = pop @entries;
+my $prop_changes = $keywords_change->prop_changes;
+is_deeply ( [keys %$prop_changes], ['keywords'] , "I found the keywords propchange");
+my $pc = $prop_changes->{'keywords'};
+is ($pc->old_value, 'bar foo');
+is ($pc->new_value, 'bar baz foo');
+ok($ticket->update( keywords => 'baz foo' ), "I set the keywords");
+is(@{$ticket->history->entries}, 4, "Got n history entries.");
+my @entries = @{$ticket->history->entries};
+my $keywords_change = pop @entries;
+my $prop_changes = $keywords_change->prop_changes;
+is_deeply ( [keys %$prop_changes], ['keywords']);
+my $pc = $prop_changes->{'keywords'};
+is ($pc->old_value, 'bar baz foo');
+is ($pc->new_value, 'baz foo');
+ #Trac thinks we change from "Baz foo" to "foo baz";
+ok($ticket->update( keywords => 'foo baz' ), "I set the keywords");
+is(@{$ticket->history->entries}, 5, "Got n history entries.");
+my @entries = @{$ticket->history->entries};
+my $keywords_change = pop @entries;
+my $prop_changes = $keywords_change->prop_changes;
+is_deeply ( [keys %$prop_changes], ['keywords']);
+my $pc = $prop_changes->{'keywords'};
+is ($pc->old_value, 'baz foo');
+is ($pc->new_value, 'baz foo');
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