[Bps-public-commit] r17573 - jbackup

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 6 09:14:53 EST 2009

Author: jesse
Date: Tue Jan  6 09:14:53 2009
New Revision: 17573


* jbackup.pl from http://code.sixapart.com/svn/livejournal/trunk/src/jbackup/jbackup.pl

Added: jbackup/jbackup.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ jbackup/jbackup.pl	Tue Jan  6 09:14:53 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@
+# jbackup.pl
+# Journal Backup Utility
+# This tool downloads a copy of your journal (all entries and all comments) in a nice-to-the-server
+# fashion and lets you export them in an easy to access XML format or an easy to read HTML format.
+### DATABASE DOCUMENTATION ########################################################################
+# There are a bunch of keys in the database.  They're (hopefully) named in an easy to follow and
+# understand manner, but I'm documenting them here for quick reference.
+# event:lastsync
+#       The most recent item returned by the syncitems mode.  This is just passed back to the
+#       server to instruct it when to pick up again and start sending us more data.
+# event:ids
+#       Comma separated list of all valid jitemids.  This is maintained so we don't have to
+#       iterate through every key in the database to find event jitemids.
+# event:lastgrab
+#       The real date of the most recently downloaded event.  This is set when we actually
+#       get an event from the getevents mode.  This date will match up with one of the dates
+#       returned by syncitems.
+# event:realtime:<jitemid>      Time the server got this post (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format).
+# event:subject:<jitemid>       Subject of the event, may not be present.
+# event:anum:<jitemid>          Arbitrary number for this event.
+# event:event:<jitemid>         Text of the event.
+# event:eventtime:<jitemid>     Time the user specified (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format).
+# event:security:<jitemid>      Present if not public.  Values are 'private', 'usemask'.
+# event:allowmask:<jitemid>     Present for security == usemask.  Allowmask == 1 means Friends Only.
+# event:poster:<jitemid>        If present, may be any username.  Else, it's the user's journal.
+#       These all contain various bits of data about the event.
+# event:proplist:<jitemid>
+#       List of all properties that are defined for this event.  Comma separated.
+# event:prop:<jitemid>:<property>
+#       Stores the values of the properties.  <property> is taken from the proplist.
+# usermap:<userid>
+#       For <userid>, contains the username.
+# usermap:userids
+#       All the valid userids.  Same logic as event:ids.
+# comment:ids
+#       Should be familiar.  All the valid jtalkids.  Comma separated.
+# comment:lastid
+#       The most recently downloaded jtalkid as retrieved by the comment_body mode.
+# comment:state:<jtalkid>
+#       Formatted string: <state>:<posterid>:<jitemid>:<parentid>
+#       This contains state information about a comment.  Most of this information is subject to
+#       change, and hence it's separate.
+# comment:subject:<jtalkid>     Subject of the comment.  May not be present.
+# comment:body:<jtalkid>        Text of the comment.  May not be present for deleted comments.
+# comment:date:<jtalkid>        Date of the comment.  In W3C date format.
+#       As with events.  Contains various bits of information about the comments.
+## the program ##
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use GDBM_File;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use XMLRPC::Lite;
+use XML::Parser;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+use Term::ReadKey;
+# get options
+my %opts;
+exit 1 unless
+    GetOptions("dump=s" => \$opts{dumptype},
+               "sync" => \$opts{sync},
+               "user=s" => \$opts{user},
+               "help" => \$opts{help},
+               "server=s" => \$opts{server},
+               "port=i" => \$opts{port},
+               "quiet" => \$opts{quiet},
+               "publiconly" => \$opts{public},
+               "journal=s" => \$opts{usejournal},
+               "clean" => \$opts{clean},
+               "file=s" => \$opts{file},
+               "password=s" => \$opts{password},
+               "md5pass=s" => \$opts{md5password},
+               "alter-security=s" => \$opts{alter_security},
+               "confirm-alter" => \$opts{confirm_alter},
+               "no-comments" => \$opts{no_comments},);
+# hit up .jbackup for other options
+if (-e "$ENV{HOME}/.jbackup") {
+    # read in the options
+    open FILE, "<$ENV{HOME}/.jbackup";
+    foreach (<FILE>) {
+        $opts{$1} = $2
+            if /^(.+)=(.+)[\r\n]*$/;
+    }
+    close FILE;
+# setup some nice, sane defaults
+$opts{server} ||= 'www.livejournal.com';
+$opts{port} += 0;
+$opts{verbose} = $opts{quiet} ? 0 : 1;
+$opts{server} = "$opts{server}:$opts{port}"
+    if $opts{port} && $opts{port} != 80;
+# set some constants that should never need to change.
+my $COMMENTS_FETCH_META = 10000;   # up to 10000 comments, the maximum for comment_meta
+my $COMMENTS_FETCH_BODY = 1000;    # up to 1000 comments, the maximum for comment_body
+# now figure out what we're doing
+if ($opts{help} || !($opts{sync} || $opts{dumptype} || $opts{alter_security})) {
+    print <<HELP;
+jbackup.pl -- journal database generator and formatter
+  Informative/behavior options:
+    --help          Prints this help you see.
+    --quiet         Suppress progress printing to standard error.
+  Authentication options:
+    --user=X        Specify the user to use for authentication.
+    --password=X    Specify the password to use for the user.
+    --md5pass=X     Alternately, provide the MD5 digest of the password.
+    --journal=X     Specify an alternate journal to use.
+                    NOTE: You must be maintainer of the journal.
+    --server=X      Use a different server.  (Default: www.livejournal.com)
+    --port=X        Use a non-default port.  (Default: 80)
+  Data update options:
+    --sync          Update or create the database.
+    --no-comments   Do not update comment information.  (Much faster.)
+  Journal modification options:
+    --alter-security=X  Change the security setting of your public entries.
+    --confirm-alter     Confirm that you wish to actually edit your entries.
+  Data output options:
+    --dump=X        Dump data in the specified format: html, xml, raw.
+    --publiconly    When dumping, only spit out public entries.
+    --file=X        Dump to specified file instead of the screen.
+Usage examples:
+   ./jbackup.pl --sync
+Create or update the local copy of your journal.  You can put this command
+in a cron or just run it whenever you want.
+   ./jbackup.pl --alter-security=friends
+If you wish to alter all of your public entries to be friends only, you can
+use this command to see exactly what will be done.  If you are sure that
+the program is going to take the actions you want, add the 'confirm-alter'
+command line flag.  You can also specify private or the name of some friend
+group that you have defined.
+The script also checks for the presence of a ~/.jbackup file, and you can
+put options into it like this:
+    exit 1;
+# prompt for user/pass if we don't have them
+unless ($opts{user}) {
+    print "Username: ";
+    my $user = <>;
+    chomp $user;
+    $opts{user} = $user;
+    die "Need a username" unless $opts{user};
+if (!$opts{password} && !$opts{md5password} && $opts{sync}) {
+    print "Password: ";
+    ReadMode('noecho');
+    my $pass = ReadLine(0);
+    ReadMode('normal');
+    chomp $pass;
+    $opts{password} = $pass;
+    print "\n";
+    die "Need a password" unless $opts{password};
+$opts{linkuser} = $opts{usejournal} || $opts{user};
+# setup some global variables
+my %bak;
+my $filename = "$ENV{HOME}/$opts{user}." . ($opts{usejournal} ? "$opts{usejournal}." : '') . "jbak";
+# setup database
+my $tied = do_tie();
+# do something
+do_alter_security($opts{alter_security}, $opts{confirm_alter}) if $opts{alter_security};
+do_sync() if $opts{sync};
+do_dump($opts{dumptype}) if $opts{dumptype};
+# clean up before we exit
+#### helper functions below here ############################################
+sub d {
+    # just dump a message to stderr if we're in verbose mode
+    return unless $opts{verbose};
+    print STDERR shift(@_) . "\n";
+sub do_sync {
+    # see if we have any sync data saved
+    my %sync;
+    my $lastsync = $bak{"event:lastsync"};
+    my $synccount = 0;
+    # get sync data
+    my @usejournal = $opts{usejournal} ? ('usejournal', $opts{usejournal}) : ();
+    while (1) {
+        # contact server for list of items
+        d("do_sync: calling syncitems with lastsync = " . ($lastsync || 'none yet'));
+        my $hash = call_xmlrpc('syncitems', { lastsync => $lastsync, @usejournal });
+        # push this info, set lastsync
+        foreach my $item (@{$hash->{syncitems} || []}) {
+            next unless $item->{item} =~ /L-(\d+)/;
+            $synccount++;
+            $sync{$1} = [ $item->{action}, $item->{'time'} ];
+            $lastsync = $item->{'time'}
+                if $item->{'time'} gt $lastsync;
+            $bak{"event:realtime:$1"} = $item->{'time'};
+        }
+        $bak{'event:lastsync'} = $lastsync;
+        do_flush();
+        # last if necessary
+        d("do_sync: got $hash->{count} of $hash->{total} syncitems.");
+        last if $hash->{count} == $hash->{total};
+    }
+    print "$synccount total new and/or updated entries.\n";
+    $bak{'event:lastsync'} = $lastsync;
+    # helper sub
+    my $realtime = sub {
+        my $id = shift;
+        return $sync{$id}->[1] if @{$sync{$id} || []};
+        return $bak{"event:realtime:$id"};
+    };
+    # get list of ids so far
+    my %eventids = ( map { $_, 1 } split(',', $bak{"event:ids"}) );
+    # setup our download hash
+    my $lastgrab = $bak{"event:lastgrab"};
+    my %data;
+    while (1) {
+        # shortcut to maybe not have to hit getvents
+        last if $lastgrab eq $lastsync;
+        # get newest item we have cached
+        my $count = 0;
+        d("do_sync: calling getevents with lastgrab = " . ($lastgrab || 'none yet'));
+        my $hash = call_xmlrpc('getevents', { selecttype => 'syncitems',
+                                              lastsync => $lastgrab,
+                                              ver => 1,
+                                              lineendings => 'unix',
+                                              @usejournal, });
+        # parse incoming data one event at a time
+        foreach my $evt (@{$hash->{events} || []}) {
+            # got an event
+            $count++;
+            $eventids{$evt->{itemid}} = 1;
+            $evt->{realtime} = $realtime->($evt->{itemid});
+            $lastgrab = $evt->{realtime}
+                if $evt->{realtime} gt $lastgrab;
+            save_event($evt);
+        }
+        $bak{"event:lastgrab"} = $lastgrab;
+        $bak{"event:ids"} = join ',', keys %eventids;
+        do_flush();
+        # do we all be done here?
+        d("do_sync: got $count items.");
+        last unless $count && $lastgrab;
+    }
+    # see if we shouldn't be doing this
+    return if $opts{no_comments};
+    # first we hit up the server to get a session
+    my $hash = call_xmlrpc('sessiongenerate', { expiration => 'short' });
+    my $ljsession = $hash->{ljsession};
+    # downloaded meta data information
+    my %meta;
+    my @userids;
+    # setup our parsing function
+    my $maxid = 0;
+    my $server_max_id = 0;
+    my $server_next_id = 1;
+    my $lasttag = '';
+    my $meta_handler = sub {
+        # this sub actually processes incoming meta information
+        $lasttag = $_[1];
+        shift; shift;      # remove the Expat object and tag name
+        my %temp = ( @_ ); # take the rest into our humble hash
+        if ($lasttag eq 'comment') {
+            # get some data on a comment
+            $meta{$temp{id}} = {
+                id => $temp{id},
+                posterid => $temp{posterid}+0,
+                state => $temp{state} || 'A',
+            };
+            update_comment($meta{$temp{id}});
+        } elsif ($lasttag eq 'usermap') {
+            # put this data in our usermap
+            $bak{"usermap:$temp{id}"} = $temp{user};
+            push @userids, $temp{id};
+        }
+    };
+    my $meta_closer = sub {
+        # we hit a closing tag so we're not in a tag anymore
+        $lasttag = '';
+    };
+    my $meta_content = sub {
+        # if we're in a maxid tag, we want to save that value so we know how much further
+        # we have to go in downloading meta info
+        return unless ($lasttag eq 'maxid') || ($lasttag eq 'nextid');
+        $server_max_id = $_[1] + 0 if ($lasttag eq 'maxid');
+        $server_next_id = $_[1] + 0 if ($lasttag eq 'nextid');
+    };
+    # hit up the server for metadata
+    while (defined $server_next_id  && $server_next_id =~ /^\d+$/) {
+        my $content = do_authed_fetch('comment_meta', $server_next_id, $COMMENTS_FETCH_META, $ljsession);
+        die "Some sort of error fetching metadata from server" unless $content;
+        $server_next_id = undef;
+        # now we want to XML parse this
+        my $parser = new XML::Parser(Handlers => { Start => $meta_handler, Char => $meta_content, End => $meta_closer });
+        $parser->parse($content);
+    }
+    $bak{"comment:ids"} = join ',', keys %meta;
+    $bak{"usermap:userids"} = join ',', @userids;
+    # setup our handlers for body XML info
+    my $lastid = $bak{"comment:lastid"}+0;
+    my $curid = 0;
+    my @tags;
+    my $body_handler = sub {
+        # this sub actually processes incoming body information
+        $lasttag = $_[1];
+        push @tags, $lasttag;
+        shift; shift;      # remove the Expat object and tag name
+        my %temp = ( @_ ); # take the rest into our humble hash
+        if ($lasttag eq 'comment') {
+            # get some data on a comment
+            $curid = $temp{id};
+            $meta{$curid}{parentid} = $temp{parentid}+0;
+            $meta{$curid}{jitemid} = $temp{jitemid}+0;
+            # line below commented out because we shouldn't be trying to be clever like this ;p
+            # $lastid = $curid if $curid > $lastid;
+        }
+    };
+    my $body_closer = sub {
+        # we hit a closing tag so we're not in a tag anymore
+        my $tag = pop @tags;
+        $lasttag = $tags[0];
+    };
+    my $body_content = sub {
+        # this grabs data inside of comments: body, subject, date
+        return unless $curid;
+        return unless $lasttag =~ /(?:body|subject|date)/;
+        $meta{$curid}{$lasttag} .= $_[1];
+        # have to .= it, because the parser will split on punctuation such as an apostrophe
+        # that may or may not be in the data stream, and we won't know until we've already
+        # gotten some data
+    };
+    # at this point we have a fully regenerated metadata cache and we want to grab a block of comments
+    while (1) {
+        my $content = do_authed_fetch('comment_body', $lastid+1, $COMMENTS_FETCH_BODY, $ljsession);
+        die "Some sort of error fetching body data from server" unless $content;
+        # now we want to XML parse this
+        my $parser = new XML::Parser(Handlers => { Start => $body_handler, Char => $body_content, End => $body_closer });
+        $parser->parse($content);
+        # now at this point what we have to decide whether we should loop again for more metadata
+        $lastid += $COMMENTS_FETCH_BODY;
+        last unless $lastid < $server_max_id;
+    }
+    # at this point we should have a set of fully formed comments, so let's save everything
+    my $count = 0;
+    foreach my $id (keys %meta) {
+        next unless $meta{$id}{jitemid}; # jitemid == 0 means we didn't get body info on this comment
+        $count++;
+        save_comment($meta{$id});
+    }
+    print "$count new comments downloaded.\n";
+    # update our lastid.  we want this to always point to the last comment we downloaded, because
+    # comment ids will never go backwards, and we can always count on the next one being > lastid
+    $bak{"comment:lastid"} = $lastid if $count;
+# save an event that we get
+sub save_event {
+    my $data = shift;
+    my $id = $data->{itemid}; # convenience
+    # DO NOT SET REALTIME HERE.  It is set by syncitems.
+    foreach (qw(subject anum event eventtime security allowmask poster)) {
+        next unless $data->{$_};
+        my $tmp = pack('C*', unpack('C*', $data->{$_}));
+        $bak{"event:$_:$id"} = $tmp;
+    }
+    my @props;
+    while (my ($p, $v) = each %{$data->{props} || {}}) {
+        $bak{"event:prop:$id:$p"} = $v;
+        push @props, $p;
+    }
+    $bak{"event:proplist:$id"} = join ',', @props; # so we don't have to sort through the whole database
+# load up an event given an id
+sub load_event {
+    my $id = shift;
+    my %hash = ( props => {} );
+    foreach (qw(subject anum event eventtime security allowmask poster realtime)) {
+        $hash{$_} = $bak{"event:$_:$id"};
+    }
+    my $proplist = $bak{"event:proplist:$id"};
+    my @props = split ',', $proplist;
+    foreach (@props) {
+        $hash{props}->{$_} = $bak{"event:prop:$id:$_"};
+    }
+    $hash{itemid} = $id;
+    return \%hash;
+# updates a comment (state and posterid)
+sub update_comment {
+    my $new = shift;
+    my $old = load_comment($new->{id});
+    return unless $old && $old->{id};
+    $old->{$_} = $new->{$_} foreach qw(state posterid);
+    save_comment($old);
+# takes in a comment hashref and saves it to the database
+sub save_comment {
+    my $data = shift;
+    $bak{"comment:state:$data->{id}"} = "$data->{state}:$data->{posterid}:$data->{jitemid}:$data->{parentid}";
+    foreach (qw(subject body date)) {
+        next unless $data->{$_};
+        # GDBM doesn't deal with UTF-8, it only wants a string of bytes, so let's do that
+        # by clearing the UTF-8 flag on our input scalars.
+        my $tmp = pack('C*', unpack('C*', $data->{$_}));
+        $bak{"comment:$_:$data->{id}"} = $tmp;
+    }
+# load a comment up into a hash and return the hash
+sub load_comment {
+    my $id = shift;
+    my $state = $bak{"comment:state:$id"};
+    return {} unless $state;
+    my @data = ($1, $2, $3, $4)
+        if $state =~ /^(\w):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/;
+    my %hash = (
+        id => $id,
+        subject => $bak{"comment:subject:$id"},
+        body => $bak{"comment:body:$id"},
+        date => $bak{"comment:date:$id"},
+        state => $data[0] || 'D',
+        posterid => $data[1]+0,
+        jitemid => $data[2]+0,
+        parentid => $data[3]+0,
+    );
+    return \%hash;
+sub do_authed_fetch {
+    my ($mode, $startid, $numitems, $sess) = @_;
+    d("do_authed_fetch: mode = $mode, startid = $startid, numitems = $numitems, sess = $sess");
+    # hit up the server with the specified information and return the raw content
+    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+    $ua->agent('JBackup/1.0');
+    my $authas = $opts{usejournal} ? "&authas=$opts{usejournal}" : '';
+    my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://$opts{server}/export_comments.bml?get=$mode&startid=$startid&numitems=$numitems$authas");
+    $request->push_header(Cookie => "ljsession=$sess");
+    my $response = $ua->request($request);
+    return if $response->is_error();
+    my $xml = $response->content();
+    return $xml if $xml;
+    # blah
+    d("do_authed_fetch: failure! retrying");
+    return do_authed_fetch($mode, $startid, $numitems, $sess);
+sub do_dump {
+    # raw handler preemption
+    my $dt = shift;
+    return raw_dump() if $dt eq 'raw';
+    # put our data into a format usable by the dumpers
+    d("do_dump: loading comments");
+    my %data;
+    my @ids = split ',', $bak{"comment:ids"};
+    foreach my $id (@ids) {
+        $data{$id} = load_comment($id);
+    }
+    # get the usermap loaded
+    d("do_dump: loading users");
+    my %usermap;
+    my @userids = split ',', $bak{"usermap:userids"};
+    foreach my $id (@userids) {
+        $usermap{$id} = $bak{"usermap:$id"};
+    }
+    # now let's hit up the events
+    d("do_dump: loading events");
+    my %events;
+    @ids = split ',', $bak{"event:ids"};
+    foreach my $id (@ids) {
+        $events{$id} = load_event($id);
+        delete $events{$id} if $opts{publiconly} &&
+                               $events{$id}->{security} && $events{$id}->{security} ne 'public';
+    }
+    # and now, the wild and crazy 'dump this' handler ... in case you can't tell, it just
+    # dispatches to the appropriate dumper, and if an invalid dump type is specified, it
+    # tells the user they can't do that
+    my $content = ({html => \&dump_html, xml => \&dump_xml}->{$dt} || \&dump_invalid)->(\%data, \%usermap, \%events);
+    if ($opts{file}) {
+        # open file and print
+        open FILE, ">$opts{file}"
+            or die "do_dump: unable to open file: $!\n";
+        print FILE $content;
+        close FILE;
+    } else {
+        # just throw it out, oh well
+        print $content;
+    }
+sub do_alter_security {
+    # raw handler preemption
+    my ($newsec, $confirmed) = @_;
+    # verify new security
+    my ($security, $allowmask);
+    if ($newsec eq 'friends') {
+        ($security, $allowmask) = ('usemask', 1);
+    } elsif ($newsec eq 'private') {
+        ($security, $allowmask) = ('private', 0);
+    } else {
+        # probably a group? load their groups
+        my $groups = call_xmlrpc('getfriendgroups', { ver => 1 });
+        foreach my $group (@{$groups->{friendgroups} || []}) {
+            if ($group->{name} eq $newsec) {
+                # it's this group, set it up
+                ($security, $allowmask) = ('usemask', 1 << $group->{id});
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    die "New security must be one of: friends, private, or the name of a group you have.\n"
+        unless defined $security && defined $allowmask;
+    d("do_alter_security: new security = $security ($allowmask)");
+    # load up the user's events
+    d("do_alter_security: loading events");
+    my %events;
+    my @ids = split ',', $bak{"event:ids"};
+    foreach my $id (@ids) {
+        $events{$id} = load_event($id);
+        # delete events that are not public
+        delete $events{$id} if $events{$id}->{security} &&
+                               $events{$id}->{security} ne 'public';
+    }
+    # now spit out to the user what we're going to change
+    unless ($confirmed) {
+        foreach my $evt (sort { $a->{eventtime} cmp $b->{eventtime} } values %events) {
+            my ($subj, $time) = ($evt->{subject} || '(no subject)', $evt->{eventtime});
+            my $ditemid = $evt->{itemid} * 256 + $evt->{anum};
+            $subj = substr($subj, 0, 40);
+            printf "\%-45s\%s\n", $subj, "http://$opts{server}/users/$opts{linkuser}/$ditemid.html";
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    # if we're confirmed we get here and we should handle uploading the changed entries
+    foreach my $evt (sort { $a->{eventtime} cmp $b->{eventtime} } values %events) {
+        # make SURE we have event text (otherwise we delete their entry)
+        die "FATAL: no event text for event itemid $evt->{itemid}!\n"
+            unless $evt->{event};
+        # break up the event time
+        my ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min);
+        if ($evt->{eventtime} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):\d\d$/) {
+            ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
+        } else {
+            # if we have no time, this is also fatal
+            die "FATAL: $evt->{eventtime} does not match expected eventtime format.\n";
+        }
+        # now call for the update
+        my $hash = call_xmlrpc('editevent', {
+            ver => 1,
+            itemid => $evt->{itemid},
+            event => $evt->{event},
+            subject => $evt->{subject},
+            security => $security,
+            allowmask => $allowmask,
+            props => $evt->{props}, # hashref
+            usejournal => $evt->{linkuser},
+            year => $year,
+            mon => $mon,
+            day => $day,
+            hour => $hour,
+            min => $min,
+        });
+        # see what we got back and make sure it's kosher
+        die "FATAL: Server sent back ($hash->{itemid}, $hash->{anum}) but expected ($evt->{itemid}, $evt->{anum}).\n"
+            if $hash->{itemid} != $evt->{itemid} || $hash->{anum} != $evt->{anum};
+        # print success
+        my $ditemid = $hash->{itemid} * 256 + $hash->{anum};
+        printf "\%s\n%-35s\%s\n\n", ($evt->{subject} || "(no subject)"), "public -> $security ($allowmask)",
+            "http://$opts{server}/users/$opts{linkuser}/$ditemid.html";
+    }
+    # tell user to run --sync
+    print "WARNING: you should now run jbackup.pl again with the --sync\n" .
+          "option, AFTER making a backup copy of your current jbak GDBM\n" .
+          "file. That way, if anything got messed up, you still have your journal.\n";
+sub dump_invalid {
+    d("dump_invalid: invalid dump type");
+    return "Invalid dump type specified.  Valid values are xml, html, and raw.\n";
+# makes an array of trees of comments so they can easily be parsed in dumpers
+sub make_tree {
+    d("make_tree: calculating");
+    my $comments = shift;
+    my %jitems;
+    my %children;
+    while (my ($id, $data) = each %$comments) {
+        if ($data->{parentid}) {
+            # not a top level comment
+            push @{$children{$data->{parentid}}}, $id;
+        } else {
+            # top level comment, so add it to the list
+            push @{$jitems{$data->{jitemid}}}, $id;
+        }
+    }
+    # now we want to sort all the comments by date
+    while (my ($id, $list) = each %children) {
+        $children{$id} = [ sort { $comments->{$a}{date} cmp $comments->{$b}{date} } @$list ];
+    }
+    while (my ($id, $list) = each %jitems) {
+        $jitems{$id} = [ sort { $comments->{$a}{date} cmp $comments->{$b}{date} } @$list ];
+    }
+    # now we have all the location information necessary to construct our array
+    my $creator;
+    $creator = sub {
+        my ($jitemid, $jtalkid) = @_;
+        # two modes: first creates hashref for an entry, second an arrayref of comments
+        if ($jitemid) {
+            my @temp;
+            foreach my $id (@{$jitems{$jitemid}}) {
+                # we get comment ids here
+                push @temp, $creator->(0, $id);
+            }
+            return \@temp;
+        } elsif ($jtalkid) {
+            my $hash = $comments->{$jtalkid};
+            push @{$hash->{children}}, $creator->(0, $_)
+                foreach @{$children{$jtalkid} || []};
+            return $hash;
+        }
+    };
+    # create the result array to send back
+    my %res;
+    $res{$_} = $creator->($_, 0) foreach keys %jitems;
+    # all done
+    return \%res;
+sub prune_nonvisible {
+    # prunes out nonvisible trunks of the passed comment tree.  a nonvisible trunk is defined
+    # as a part of the comment tree that has no visible children.  this could mean they're all
+    # deleted, or perhaps they're all screened and we're hiding private data.  however, note
+    # that we show normally hidden things if a visible comment is further down the trunk, but
+    # we want to show as little as possible, so we prune out most things.
+    my $stem = shift;
+    my $anyvis = 0; # any visible?
+    # hit up each child
+    my @list;
+    foreach my $data (@{$stem->{children} || []}) {
+        $data = prune_nonvisible($data);
+        if ($data && %$data) {
+            $anyvis = 1;
+            push @list, $data;
+        }
+    }
+    $stem->{children} = \@list;
+    # now hop back and undefine this stem if necessary.  we undefine if we have no visible
+    # children and we are also not visible.
+    $stem = undef if !$anyvis && $stem->{state} ne 'A';
+    return $stem;
+sub dump_html {
+    my ($comments, $users, $events) = @_;
+    d("dump_html: dumping.");
+    # dumper
+    my $ret = "<html><body>";
+    my $cdumper;
+    $cdumper = sub {
+        my ($ary, $link, $anum, $level) = @_;
+        foreach my $data (@{$ary || []}) {
+            # prune out paths that we shouldn't see
+            $data = prune_nonvisible($data);
+            next unless $data;
+            # we have something to dump, so let's get to it
+            $ret .= "<br /><div style='margin-left: 15px;'>\n";
+            my $col = ($level % 2) ? '#bbb' : '#ddd';
+            $ret .= "<div style='background-color: $col; border: black 1px solid;'>\n";
+            if ($data->{state} eq 'D') {
+                $ret .= "(deleted comment)";
+            } elsif ($data->{state} eq 'S' && $opts{publiconly}) {
+                $ret .= "(screened comment)";
+            } else {
+                my $ditemid = $data->{id} * 256 + $anum;
+                my $commentlink = "$link?thread=$ditemid#t$ditemid";
+                $ret .= $data->{posterid} ?
+                        "<a href='$commentlink'>Comment</a> by <a href='http://$opts{server}/userinfo.bml?user=$users->{$data->{posterid}}'>$users->{$data->{posterid}}</a> " :
+                        "<a href='$commentlink'>Anonymous comment</a> ";
+                $ret .= "on $data->{date}<br />\n";
+                $data->{subject} = $opts{clean} ? clean_subject($data->{subject}) : ehtml($data->{subject});
+                $ret .= "<b>Subject:</b> $data->{subject}<br />\n" if $data->{subject};
+                $data->{body} = $opts{clean} ? clean_comment($data->{body}) : ehtml($data->{body});
+                $ret .= $data->{body} . "\n<br />";
+                my $replylink = "$link?replyto=$ditemid";
+                $ret .= "(<a href='$replylink'>reply</a>)\n";
+            }
+            $ret .= "</div>\n";
+            # now hit up their children
+            $cdumper->($data->{children}, $link, $anum, $level+1);
+            $ret .= "</div>\n";
+        }
+    };
+    # iterate through all entries, sorted by date
+    my $tree = make_tree($comments);
+    my $maxcount = scalar keys %$events;
+    my $count = 0;
+    foreach my $evt (sort { $a->{eventtime} cmp $b->{eventtime} } values %{$events || {}}) {
+        $ret .= "<br /><div style='background-color: #eee; border: blue 1px solid;'>\n";
+        my $itemid = $evt->{itemid} * 256 + $evt->{anum};
+        my $link = "http://$opts{server}/users/$opts{linkuser}/$itemid.html";
+        $evt->{subject} = $opts{clean} ? clean_subject($evt->{subject}) : ehtml($evt->{subject});
+        $ret .= "<b>$evt->{subject}</b>" if $evt->{subject};
+        my $altposter = $evt->{poster} ? " (posted by $evt->{poster})" : "";
+        $ret .= "$altposter<br />\n";
+        $ret .= "<a href='$link'>$evt->{eventtime}</a><br /><br />\n";
+        $evt->{event} = $opts{clean} ? clean_event($evt->{event}) : ehtml($evt->{event});
+        $ret .= "$evt->{event}<br />";
+        $ret .= "(<a href='$link?mode=reply'>reply</a>)<br />\n";
+        $cdumper->($tree->{$evt->{itemid}}, $link, $evt->{anum}); # dump comments
+        $ret .= "</div>\n";
+        $count++;
+        unless ($count % 100) {
+            my $str = sprintf "%.2f%% ...", ($count / $maxcount * 100);
+            d($str);
+        }
+    }
+    $ret .= "</body></html>";
+    d("100.00% ..."); # just to make it look polished
+    d("dump_html: done.");
+    return $ret;
+sub dump_xml {
+    my ($comments, $users, $events) = @_;
+    d("dump_xml: dumping.");
+    # comment dumper
+    my $ret;
+    my $cdumper;
+    $cdumper = sub {
+        my ($ary, $level) = @_;
+        my $res;
+        foreach my $data (@{$ary || []}) {
+            # prune out paths that we shouldn't see
+            $data = prune_nonvisible($data);
+            next unless $data;
+            # we have something to dump, so let's get to it
+            $res .= "\t\t\t\t<comment jtalkid='$data->{id}'";
+            $res .= " poster='$users->{$data->{posterid}}' posterid='$data->{posterid}'" if $data->{posterid};
+            $res .= " parentid='$data->{parentid}'" if $data->{parentid};
+            $res .= " state='$data->{state}'" if $data->{state} ne 'A';
+            $res .= ">\n";
+            $res .= "\t\t\t\t\t<date>$data->{date}</date>\n";
+            unless ($data->{state} eq 'D' ||
+                    $data->{state} eq 'S' && $opts{publiconly}) {
+                # spit out subject/body info
+                foreach (qw(subject body)) {
+                    $data->{$_} = exml($data->{$_});
+                    $res .= "\t\t\t\t\t<$_>$data->{$_}</$_>\n" if $data->{$_};
+                }
+            }
+            # now hit up their children
+            my $sc = $cdumper->($data->{children}, $level+1);
+            $res .= "\t\t\t\t\t<comments>\n$sc\t\t\t\t\t</comments>\n" if $sc;
+            $res .= "\t\t\t\t</comment>\n";
+        }
+        return $res;
+    };
+    # dump xml formatted comments
+    $ret .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
+    $ret .= "<livejournal>\n\t<events>\n";
+    # now start iterating
+    my $tree = make_tree($comments);
+    my $maxcount = scalar keys %$events;
+    my $count = 0;
+    foreach my $evt (sort { $a->{eventtime} cmp $b->{eventtime} } values %{$events || {}}) {
+        my $ditemid = $evt->{itemid} * 256 + $evt->{anum};
+        $ret .= "\t\t<event jitemid='$evt->{itemid}' anum='$evt->{anum}' ditemid='$ditemid'";
+        $ret .= " security='$evt->{security}'" if $evt->{security} && $evt->{security} ne 'public';
+        $ret .= " allowmask='$evt->{allowmask}'" if $evt->{allowmask};
+        $ret .= " poster='$evt->{poster}'" if $evt->{poster};
+        $ret .= ">\n";
+        foreach (qw(subject event)) {
+            $evt->{$_} = exml($evt->{$_});
+            $ret .= "\t\t\t<$_>$evt->{$_}</$_>\n" if $evt->{$_};
+        }
+        $ret .= "\t\t\t<date>$evt->{eventtime}</date>\n";
+        $ret .= "\t\t\t<systemdate>$evt->{realtime}</systemdate>\n";
+        my $p;
+        while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$evt->{props} || {}}) {
+            $k = exml($k);
+            $v = exml($v);
+            $p .= "\t\t\t\t<prop name='$k' value='$v' />\n";
+        }
+        $ret .= "\t\t\t<props>\n$p\t\t\t</props>\n" if $p;
+        my $c = $cdumper->($tree->{$evt->{itemid}}); # dump comments
+        $ret .= "\t\t\t<comments>\n$c\t\t\t</comments>\n" if $c;
+        $ret .= "\t\t</event>\n";
+        $count++;
+        unless ($count % 100) {
+            my $str = sprintf "%.2f%% ...", ($count / $maxcount * 100);
+            d($str);
+        }
+    }
+    d("100.00% ..."); # spit and polish
+    # close out, we're done
+    $ret .= "\t</events>\n</livejournal>\n";
+    d("dump_xml: done.");
+    return $ret;
+sub xmlrpc_call_helper {
+    # helper function that makes life easier on folks that call xmlrpc stuff.  this handles
+    # running the actual request and checking for errors, as well as handling the cases where
+    # we hit a problem and need to do something about it.  (abort or retry.)
+    my ($xmlrpc, $method, $req, $mode, $hash) = @_;
+    d("\t\txmlrpc_call_helper: $method");
+    my $res;
+    eval { $res = $xmlrpc->call($method, $req); };
+    if ($res && $res->fault) {
+        # fatal error, so don't use d() as we want to print even in case of non-verbosity
+        print STDERR "xmlrpc_call_helper error:\n\tString: " . $res->faultstring . "\n\tCode: " . $res->faultcode . "\n";
+        do_abort();
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    unless ($res) {
+        # when server times out
+        d("\t\txmlrpc_call_helper: timeout... retrying.");
+        return call_xmlrpc($mode, $hash);
+    }
+    return $res->result;
+sub call_xmlrpc {
+    # also a way to help people do xmlrpc stuff easily.  this method actually does the
+    # challenge response stuff so we never send the user's password or md5 digest over
+    # the intarweb.  of course, we say nothing about the user's password security anyway...
+    my ($mode, $hash) = @_;
+    $hash ||= {};
+    my $xmlrpc = new XMLRPC::Lite;
+    $xmlrpc->proxy("http://$opts{server}/interface/xmlrpc");
+    my $chal;
+    while (!$chal) {
+        my $get_chal = xmlrpc_call_helper($xmlrpc, 'LJ.XMLRPC.getchallenge');
+        $chal = $get_chal->{'challenge'};
+    }
+    #d("\tcall_xmlrpc: challenge obtained: $chal");
+    my $response = md5_hex($chal . ($opts{md5password} ? $opts{md5password} : md5_hex($opts{password})));
+    #d("\tcall_xmlrpc: calling LJ.XMLRPC.$mode");
+    my $res = xmlrpc_call_helper($xmlrpc, "LJ.XMLRPC.$mode", {
+        'username' => $opts{user},
+        'auth_method' => 'challenge',
+        'auth_challenge' => $chal,
+        'auth_response' => $response,
+        %$hash, # interpolate $hash into our hash here...isn't Perl great?
+    }, $mode, $hash);
+    return $res;
+sub do_flush {
+    # simply flush ourselves
+    d('do_flush: flushing database');
+    $tied->sync();
+sub do_tie {
+    # try to open the database for access
+    d("do_tie: tying database");
+    my $x = tie %bak, 'GDBM_File', $filename, &GDBM_WRCREAT, 0600
+        or die "Could not open/tie $filename: $!\n";
+    return $x;
+sub do_untie {
+    # close our database.
+    d("do_untie: untying database");
+    return untie %bak;
+sub do_abort {
+    # hard abort.  save our database and just exit right back to the OS.
+    print STDERR "Aborted.\n";
+    do_untie();
+    exit 1;
+sub raw_dump {
+    # dump out the raw GDBM data
+    while (my ($k, $v) = each %bak) {
+        print "$k = $v\n";
+    }
+sub exml {
+    # stolen from ljlib.pl, LJ::exml
+    # fast path for the commmon case:
+    return $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /[&\"\'<>\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/;
+    # what are those character ranges? XML 1.0 allows:
+    # #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
+    my $a = shift;
+    $a =~ s/\&/&/g;
+    $a =~ s/\"/"/g;
+    $a =~ s/\'/'/g;
+    $a =~ s/</</g;
+    $a =~ s/>/>/g;
+    $a =~ s/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]//g;
+    return $a;
+sub ehtml {
+    # also stolen from ljlib.pl, LJ::ehtml
+    # fast path for the commmon case:
+    return $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /[&\"\'<>]/;
+    # this is faster than doing one substitution with a map:
+    my $a = $_[0];
+    $a =~ s/\&/&/g;
+    $a =~ s/\"/"/g;
+    $a =~ s/\'/&\#39;/g;
+    $a =~ s/</</g;
+    $a =~ s/>/>/g;
+    return $a;
+# yeah, the cleaners are pretty sad right now.  the idea is that perhaps the LJ HTML cleaner can
+# be invoked if the user typed the --clean option, it just hasn't been coded in yet.  for now, if
+# they specify --clean, we will just replace poll tags with links to the poll, and not do much else.
+sub clean_event {
+    my $input = shift;
+    $input =~ s!<lj-poll-(\d+)>!<a href="http://$opts{server}/poll/?id=$1">View poll.</a>!g;
+    return $input;
+sub clean_comment {
+    my $input = shift;
+    return $input;
+sub clean_subject {
+    my $input = shift;
+    return $input;

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