[Bps-public-commit] r17644 - in sd/trunk: lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help

spang at bestpractical.com spang at bestpractical.com
Thu Jan 8 10:42:52 EST 2009

Author: spang
Date: Thu Jan  8 10:42:51 2009
New Revision: 17644

   sd/trunk/   (props changed)

 r53422 at loki:  spang | 2009-01-08 17:40:04 +0200
 more merging doc examples from http://syncwith.us/sd/using and cleanups

Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Attachments.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Attachments.pm	(original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Attachments.pm	Thu Jan  8 10:42:51 2009
@@ -15,8 +15,15 @@
     $cmd ticket attachment list 456
       Show all attachemnts on ticket 456.
+    $cmd ticket attachment show 567
+      Show the properties of attachment 567 (including the content).
     $cmd ticket attachment content 567
       Send the content of attachment 567 to STDOUT.
+    $cmd ticket attachment content 567 > to_apply.patch
+      Save the contents of attachment 567 to a file so the patch
+      can be applied.

Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Comments.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Comments.pm	(original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Comments.pm	Thu Jan  8 10:42:51 2009
@@ -15,11 +15,18 @@
     $cmd ticket comment 456 --file=myfile
       Add a comment to the ticket with id 456, using the content of 'myfile'.
+    $cmd ticket comment 456 --content="The text of the comment."
+      Add a comment to the ticket with id 456, specifying its content on
+      the commandline.
     $cmd ticket comment list
       List all ticket comments.
     $cmd ticket comment show 4
       Show ticket comment 4 and all metadata.
+    $cmd ticket comments 9
+      Show all comments belonging to the ticket with id 9.

Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Search.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Search.pm	(original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Search.pm	Thu Jan  8 10:42:51 2009
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
       List all tickets with a status that does not match 'closed'.
     $cmd ticket search --regex abc
-      List all tickets with content matching 'abc'.
+      List all tickets with content matching 'abc'. Regular
+      expressions are Perl regexes.
     $cmd ticket search -- status!=closed summary =~ http 
       List all tickets with a status that does match closed
@@ -22,17 +23,18 @@
        List all tickets with a status that does not match 'closed', 
        grouped by owner.
-    $cmd ticket show 1234
+    $cmd ticket basics 1234
       Show basic information for the ticket with local id 1234.
-    $cmd ticket details 1234
+    $cmd ticket show 1234
       Show basic information and history for the ticket with local id 1234.
+      ('details' is an alias for 'show')
     $cmd ticket history 1234
       Show history for the ticket with local id 1234.
     $cmd ticket delete 1234
-      Deletes ticket with local id 1234.
+      Delete ticket with local id 1234.

Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Sync.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Sync.pm	(original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Sync.pm	Thu Jan  8 10:42:51 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 package App::SD::CLI::Command::Help::Sync;
 use Moose;
 extends 'App::SD::CLI::Command::Help';
@@ -43,6 +42,20 @@
       PUBLIC WRITE ACCESS via HTTP POST.  This command will make your
       replica modifiable, browsable and pullable by ANYONE with remote
       access to your computer.
+    SD can sync to external systems as well as itself. Currently,
+    there are foreign replica types for RT (http://bestpractical.com/rt)
+    and Hiveminder (http://hiveminder.com/). If you're interested in
+    building a replica type for your bug tracker, you should get
+    in touch with SD's developers (see http://syncwith.us/contact).
+    $cmd push --to rt:http://rt3.fsck.com|rt3|Owner='jesse'
+      Push changes to the given foreign replica. Foreign replica
+      schemas will vary based on the replica type.
+    $cmd pull --from rt:http://rt3.fsck.com|rt3|Owner='jesse'
+      Pull changes from a foreign replica to be merged into the
+      local replica.

Modified: sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Tickets.pm
--- sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Tickets.pm	(original)
+++ sd/trunk/lib/App/SD/CLI/Command/Help/Tickets.pm	Thu Jan  8 10:42:51 2009
@@ -4,25 +4,30 @@
 sub run {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->print_header('Working with tickets');
+    $self->print_header('Creating and Updating tickets');
     my $cmd = $self->_get_cmd_name;
 print <<EOF
     $cmd ticket create
-      Invokes a text editor with a ticket creation template
+      Invokes a text editor with a ticket creation template.
     $cmd ticket create -- summary="This is a summary" status=open
-      Create a new ticket non-interactively
+      Create a new ticket non-interactively.
     $cmd ticket update 123 -- status=closed
-      Sets the status of the ticket with local id 123 to closed 
+      Sets the status of the ticket with local id 123 to closed.
     $cmd ticket resolve 123
-      Sets the status of the ticket with local id 123 to closed 
+      Sets the status of the ticket with local id 123 to closed.
+    $cmd ticket resolve 123 --edit
+      Sets the status of the ticket with local id 123 to closed,
+      allowing you to edit any properties in an editor and
+      optionally add a comment in the process.
     $cmd ticket update fad5849a-67f1-11dd-bde1-5b33d3ff2799 -- status=closed
-      Sets the status of the ticket with uuid 
-      fad5849a-67f1-11dd-bde1-5b33d3ff2799 to closed 
+      Sets the status of the ticket with uuid
+      fad5849a-67f1-11dd-bde1-5b33d3ff2799 to closed.

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