[Bps-public-commit] r17668 - in sd/trunk: .
spang at bestpractical.com
spang at bestpractical.com
Fri Jan 9 06:36:38 EST 2009
Author: spang
Date: Fri Jan 9 06:36:33 2009
New Revision: 17668
sd/trunk/ (props changed)
r53429 at loki: spang | 2009-01-09 12:59:32 +0200
test cases for history enabling/disabling in ticket show
Added: sd/trunk/t/06-ticket-show.t
--- (empty file)
+++ sd/trunk/t/06-ticket-show.t Fri Jan 9 06:36:33 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Prophet::Test tests => 6;
+use App::SD::Test;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+use Path::Class;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+no warnings 'once';
+ require File::Temp;
+ $ENV{'PROPHET_REPO'} = $ENV{'SD_REPO'} = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 0 ) . '/_svb';
+ diag "export SD_REPO=".$ENV{'PROPHET_REPO'} ."\n";
+run_script( 'sd', [ 'init']);
+my $replica_uuid = replica_uuid;
+# create from sd
+my ($ticket_id, $ticket_uuid) = create_ticket_ok( '--summary', 'YATTA');
+diag('default (shows history)');
+run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'show', $ticket_id ],
+ [
+ '',
+ '',
+ "id: $ticket_id ($ticket_uuid)",
+ 'summary: YATTA',
+ 'status: ' . colored('new', 'red'),
+ 'milestone: alpha',
+ 'component: core',
+ qr/^created:\s+\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
+ qr/^creator:\s+$ENV{USER}$/,
+ qr/reporter:\s+$ENV{EMAIL}$/,
+ qr/original_replica:\s+$replica_uuid$/,
+ '',
+ '= HISTORY',
+ '',
+ qr/^Change \d+ by $ENV{USER} at \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
+ qr/\s+\(\d+\@$replica_uuid\)$/,
+ '',
+ '',
+ " + \"original_replica\" set to \"$replica_uuid\"",
+ " + \"creator\" set to \"$ENV{USER}\"",
+ ' + "status" set to "new"',
+ " + \"reporter\" set to \"$ENV{EMAIL}\"",
+ qr/^ \+ "created" set to "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}"$/,
+ ' + "component" set to "core"',
+ ' + "summary" set to "YATTA"',
+ ' + "milestone" set to "alpha"',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ]
+diag("passing --skip history (doesn't show history)");
+run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'show', $ticket_id, '--skip-history'],
+ [
+ '',
+ '',
+ "id: $ticket_id ($ticket_uuid)",
+ 'summary: YATTA',
+ 'status: ' . colored('new', 'red'),
+ 'milestone: alpha',
+ 'component: core',
+ qr/^created:\s+\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
+ qr/^creator:\s+$ENV{USER}$/,
+ qr/reporter:\s+$ENV{EMAIL}$/,
+ qr/original_replica:\s+$replica_uuid$/,
+ ]
+my $config_filename = $ENV{'SD_REPO'} . '/sdrc';
+ "disable_ticket_show_history_by_default = 1\n");
+$ENV{'SD_CONFIG'} = $config_filename;
+diag("config option disable_ticket_show_history_by_default set");
+diag("(shouldn't show history)");
+run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'show', $ticket_id ],
+ [
+ '',
+ '',
+ "id: $ticket_id ($ticket_uuid)",
+ 'summary: YATTA',
+ 'status: ' . colored('new', 'red'),
+ 'milestone: alpha',
+ 'component: core',
+ qr/^created:\s+\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
+ qr/^creator:\s+$ENV{USER}$/,
+ qr/reporter:\s+$ENV{EMAIL}$/,
+ qr/original_replica:\s+$replica_uuid$/,
+ ]
+diag("config option disable_ticket_show_history_by_default set");
+diag("and --skip-history passed (shouldn't show history)");
+run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'show', $ticket_id, '--skip-history'],
+ [
+ '',
+ '',
+ "id: $ticket_id ($ticket_uuid)",
+ 'summary: YATTA',
+ 'status: ' . colored('new', 'red'),
+ 'milestone: alpha',
+ 'component: core',
+ qr/^created:\s+\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
+ qr/^creator:\s+$ENV{USER}$/,
+ qr/reporter:\s+$ENV{EMAIL}$/,
+ qr/original_replica:\s+$replica_uuid$/,
+ ]
+# config option set and --show-history passed (should show history)
+diag('config option disable_ticket_show_history_by_default set');
+diag('and --show-history passed (should show history)');
+run_output_matches( 'sd', [ 'ticket', 'show', $ticket_id, '--show-history' ],
+ [
+ '',
+ '',
+ "id: $ticket_id ($ticket_uuid)",
+ 'summary: YATTA',
+ 'status: ' . colored('new', 'red'),
+ 'milestone: alpha',
+ 'component: core',
+ qr/^created:\s+\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
+ qr/^creator:\s+$ENV{USER}$/,
+ qr/reporter:\s+$ENV{EMAIL}$/,
+ qr/original_replica:\s+$replica_uuid$/,
+ '',
+ '= HISTORY',
+ '',
+ qr/^Change \d+ by $ENV{USER} at \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/,
+ qr/\s+\(\d+\@$replica_uuid\)$/,
+ '',
+ '',
+ " + \"original_replica\" set to \"$replica_uuid\"",
+ " + \"creator\" set to \"$ENV{USER}\"",
+ ' + "status" set to "new"',
+ " + \"reporter\" set to \"$ENV{EMAIL}\"",
+ qr/^ \+ "created" set to "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}"$/,
+ ' + "component" set to "core"',
+ ' + "summary" set to "YATTA"',
+ ' + "milestone" set to "alpha"',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ]
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