[Bps-public-commit] r17717 - in RT-Extension-MergeUsersHistory: lib lib/RT sbin
ruz at bestpractical.com
ruz at bestpractical.com
Mon Jan 12 16:31:16 EST 2009
Author: ruz
Date: Mon Jan 12 16:31:16 2009
New Revision: 17717
* initial commit
Added: RT-Extension-MergeUsersHistory/lib/RT/Extension/MergeUsersHistory.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-MergeUsersHistory/lib/RT/Extension/MergeUsersHistory.pm Mon Jan 12 16:31:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use 5.008003;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package RT::Extension::MergeUsersHistory;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+=head1 NAME
+RT::Extension::MergeUsersHistory - merge historical activity of RT users.
+This distribution is shipped with a command line script F<sbin/rt-merge-users-history>,
+run it without arguments to get usage details.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ruslan Zakirov E<lt>ruz at bestpractical.comE<gt>
+=head1 LICENSE
+Under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: RT-Extension-MergeUsersHistory/sbin/rt-merge-users-history
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-MergeUsersHistory/sbin/rt-merge-users-history Mon Jan 12 16:31:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+use 5.008003;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my @models = qw(
+ Attachment
+ Attribute
+ CachedGroupMember
+ CustomField
+ CustomFieldValue
+ GroupMember
+ Group
+ Link
+ ObjectCustomField
+ ObjectCustomFieldValue
+ Principal
+ Queue
+ ScripAction
+ ScripCondition
+ Scrip
+ Template
+ Ticket
+ Transaction
+ User
+my $usage = <<END;
+This script turns historical activity of two users into activity of one.
+Then you can either delete one of them or use MergeUsers extension to make
+one account an alias to another.
+ usage: $0 <merge_user> <into_user>
+my ($from, $into) = @ARGV;
+die "$usage" unless $from && $into;
+ require File::Spec;
+### after: my @libs = ("@LOCAL_LIB_PATH@", "@RT_LIB_PATH@");
+ my @libs = ("/opt/rt3/local/lib", "/opt/rt3/lib");
+ my $bin_path;
+ for my $lib (@libs) {
+ unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($lib) ) {
+ unless ($bin_path) {
+ if ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(__FILE__) ) {
+ $bin_path = ( File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__) )[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ require FindBin;
+ no warnings "once";
+ $bin_path = $FindBin::Bin;
+ }
+ }
+ $lib = File::Spec->catfile( $bin_path, File::Spec->updir, $lib );
+ }
+ unshift @INC, $lib;
+ }
+require RT;
+print $usage;
+RT->Config->Set( LogToScreen => 'debug' );
+RT->Config->Set( StatementLog => 'info' );
+my $merge = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$merge->Load( $from );
+die "Couldn't load user using '$from'" unless $merge->id;
+my $user = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+$user->Load( $into );
+die "Couldn't load user using '$into'" unless $user->id;
+my ($from_id, $into_id) = ($merge->id, $user->id);
+print <<END;
+Going to merge user #$from_id into user #$into_id.
+User #$into_id will be added to all groups where user #$from_id
+is member. User #$from_id will be deleted from all groups
+except system internal.
+All other references to user #$from_id will be replaced with
+references to user you're merging into.
+exit 0 unless prompt_yN("Are you sure you want to do that?");
+my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh;
+$RT::Handle->BeginTransaction or die "couldn't start a transaction";
+foreach my $column ( qw(OldValue NewValue) ) {
+ my $query = "UPDATE Transactions SET $column = ?"
+ ." WHERE $column LIKE ? AND ObjectType = ? AND Type = ?";
+ # Txn.OldValue, Txn.NewValue for type = DelWatcher, AddWatcher
+ foreach my $t ( qw(DelWatcher AddWatcher) ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Updating '$column' column of $t transactions");
+ execute($query, $into_id, $from_id, 'RT::Ticket', $t);
+ }
+ # Txn.OldValue, Txn.NewValue for type = Set, Take, Untake, Force, Steal or Give
+ foreach my $t ( qw(Set Take Untake Force Steal Give) ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Updating '$column' column of $t transactions");
+ execute($query ." AND Field = ?", $into_id, $from_id, 'RT::Ticket', $t, 'Owner');
+ }
+# *.LastUpdatedBy and *.Creator
+# XXX: do something about Creator == ACL.equiv.group.id
+foreach my $model ( @models ) {
+ my $class = "RT::$model";
+ my $object = $class->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ my $table = $object->Table;
+ foreach my $column ( qw(LastUpdatedBy Creator) ) {
+ next unless $object->_Accessible( $column => 'auto' );
+ my $query = "UPDATE $table SET $column = ? WHERE $column = ?";
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Updating '$column' column in $table");
+ execute($query, $into_id, $from_id);
+ }
+# add user to all groups...
+ my $user_is_owner = 0;
+ # select all GMs where user we're merging is member, but target user is not
+ my $query = "SELECT s.GroupId FROM GroupMembers s LEFT JOIN GroupMembers t"
+ ." ON t.GroupId = s.GroupId AND t.MemberId = ?"
+ ." WHERE s.MemberId = ? AND t.id IS NULL";
+ my $sth = execute( $query, $into_id, $from_id );
+ while ( my ($gid) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ my $group = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $group->LoadById( $gid );
+ die "couldn't load group #$gid" unless $group->id;
+ my $domain = $group->Domain;
+ next if $domain eq 'SystemInternal' || $domain eq 'ACLEquivalence';
+ # special case
+ $user_is_owner = 1 if $domain eq 'RT::Ticket-Role' && $group->Type eq 'Owner';
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Adding user #$into_id as member to ". describe( $group ) );
+ my ($status, $msg) = $group->_AddMember(
+ PrincipalId => $into_id,
+ InsideTransaction => 1,
+ );
+ unless ( $status ) {
+ die "couldn't add member to a group";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $user_is_owner ) {
+ my $query = "UPDATE Tickets SET Owner = ? WHERE Owner = ?";
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Replacing owner of tickets");
+ execute($query, $into_id, $from_id);
+ }
+# delete user from all groups...
+ # select all GMs where user we're merging is member
+ my $query = "SELECT gm.GroupId FROM GroupMembers gm"
+ ." WHERE gm.MemberId = ?";
+ my $sth = execute( $query, $from_id );
+ while ( my ($gid) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ my $group = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $group->LoadById( $gid );
+ die "couldn't load group #$gid" unless $group->id;
+ my $domain = $group->Domain;
+ next if $domain eq 'SystemInternal' || $domain eq 'ACLEquivalence';
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Deleting user #$from_id from ". describe( $group ) );
+ my ($status, $msg) = $group->_DeleteMember( $from_id );
+ unless ( $status ) {
+ die "couldn't delete member of a group: $msg";
+ }
+ }
+# update attachments' headers
+if ( $merge->EmailAddress && $user->EmailAddress ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Replacing email addresses in attachments' headers" );
+ my $query = "UPDATE Attachments a, Transactions t SET a.Headers = REPLACE(a.Headers, ?, ?)"
+ ." WHERE a.TransactionId = t.id AND t.Type NOT LIKE ?";
+ my $sth = execute( $query, $merge->EmailAddress, $user->EmailAddress, '%EmailRecord%' );
+ $sth->finish;
+exit 0 unless prompt_yN("We're ready to commit changes, continue?");
+$RT::Handle->Commit or die "couldn't commit the transaction";
+exit 0;
+sub execute {
+ my ($query, @binds) = (@_);
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query ) or die "couldn't prepare $query\n\tError: ". $dbh->errstr;
+ $sth->execute( @binds ) or die "couldn't execute $query\n\tError: ". $sth->errstr;
+ return $sth;
+sub prompt_yN {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ print $msg ." [N]: ";
+ my $a = <STDIN>;
+ return 1 if $a =~ /^(y|yes)$/i;
+ return 0;
+sub describe {
+ my $obj = shift;
+ return describe_group( $obj ) if $obj->isa('RT::Group');
+ die "No describe method for $obj";
+sub describe_group {
+ my $group = shift;
+ my $res = '';
+ my $domain = $group->Domain;
+ if ( $domain =~ /^RT::(.*)-Role$/i ) {
+ if ( lc($1) eq 'system' ) {
+ $res = $group->Type ." system role group";
+ } else {
+ $res = $group->Type ." role group of $1 #". $group->Instance;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( lc($domain) eq 'userdefined' ) {
+ $res = 'group #'. $group->id .' ('. $group->Name .')';
+ } else {
+ $res = 'group #'. $group->id;
+ }
+ return $res;
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