[Bps-public-commit] Prophet - A disconnected, replicated p2p database branch, master, updated. 639940085110f915a9f3648148f9b315177ac24d

spang at bestpractical.com spang at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 20 05:27:54 EST 2009

The branch, master has been updated
       via  639940085110f915a9f3648148f9b315177ac24d (commit)
      from  9bec95a1256d5fd327a6c571a824a4fe317cd632 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 lib/Prophet/CLI/TextEditorCommand.pm |   11 ++++++++---
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 639940085110f915a9f3648148f9b315177ac24d
Author: Christine Spang <spang at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Jan 20 12:15:48 2009 +0200

    don't continuously append new error sections to templates if the user
    submits templates with errors multiple times

diff --git a/lib/Prophet/CLI/TextEditorCommand.pm b/lib/Prophet/CLI/TextEditorCommand.pm
index c083c00..c31b5df 100644
--- a/lib/Prophet/CLI/TextEditorCommand.pm
+++ b/lib/Prophet/CLI/TextEditorCommand.pm
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ Should be called in C<process_template> if errors (usually validation ones)
 occur while processing a record template. This method prompts the user to
 re-edit and updates the template given by C<template_ref> to contain the bad
 template (given by the arg C<bad_template> prefixed with the error messages
-given in the C<error> arg.
+given in the C<error> arg. If an errors section already exists in the
+template, it is replaced with an errors section containing the new errors.
 Other arguments are: C<rtype>: the type of the record being edited. All
 arguments are required.
@@ -96,12 +97,16 @@ sub handle_template_errors {
     my $self = shift;
     my %args = validate( @_, { error => 1, template_ref => 1,
                                bad_template => 1, rtype => 1 } );
+    my $errors_pattern = "=== errors in this $args{rtype} ===";
     $self->prompt_Yn("Whoops, an error occurred processing your $args{rtype}.\nTry editing again? (Errors will be shown.)") || die "Aborted.\n";
+    # if the bad template already has an errors section in it, remove it
+    $args{bad_template} =~ s/$errors_pattern.*?\n(?==== .*? ===\n)//s;
     ${ $args{'template_ref'} }
-        = "=== errors in this $args{rtype} ====\n\n"
-        . $args{error} . "\n\n"
+        = "$errors_pattern\n\n"
+        . $args{error} . "\n\n\n"
         . 'You can bypass validation for a property by appending a ! to it.'
         . "\n\n" . $args{bad_template};
     return 0;


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