[Bps-public-commit] Path-Dispatcher branch, master, updated. a8e0cb12bcebd2d459f8173ee375bee3614f22c5

sartak at bestpractical.com sartak at bestpractical.com
Fri Mar 6 19:38:59 EST 2009

The branch, master has been updated
       via  a8e0cb12bcebd2d459f8173ee375bee3614f22c5 (commit)
       via  395937a42e1445b5f6a615483ddd83e0e5c461f7 (commit)
      from  20a9758ab9949e4bcc93f78b0e6dce855163558b (commit)

Summary of changes:
 lib/Path/Dispatcher.pm             |    4 +
 lib/Path/Dispatcher/Declarative.pm |   10 ++-
 lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule.pm        |    1 +
 lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm  |   23 +++++
 lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Under.pm  |   12 +++-
 t/020-chain.t                      |  169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm
 create mode 100644 t/020-chain.t

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 395937a42e1445b5f6a615483ddd83e0e5c461f7
Author: robertkrimen <robertkrimen at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 24 23:46:25 2009 -0800

    Added rudimentary chaining support in the form of a new rule and a new
    Modified ::Under to handle chaining

diff --git a/lib/Path/Dispatcher.pm b/lib/Path/Dispatcher.pm
index 448a710..7b59b1c 100644
--- a/lib/Path/Dispatcher.pm
+++ b/lib/Path/Dispatcher.pm
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ sub dispatch_rule {
     my %args = @_;
     my @matches = $args{rule}->match($args{path});
+    # Support ::Chain here? Probably not. As ::Chain doesn't make sense unless it is within an ::Under
+#    return if $matches[-1]->rule->isa('Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain'); 
     return @matches;
diff --git a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Declarative.pm b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Declarative.pm
index 3b3c625..a8a3dd5 100644
--- a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Declarative.pm
+++ b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Declarative.pm
@@ -107,6 +107,14 @@ sub build_sugar {
+        chain => sub (&) {
+            my $block = shift;
+            my $rule = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain->new(
+                stage => 'on',
+                block => $block,
+            );
+            $into->_add_rule($rule);
+        },
         under => sub {
             my ($matcher, $rules) = @_;
@@ -340,7 +348,7 @@ next rule via C<next_rule>
 The only argument is a coderef that processes normally (like L<on>).
-NOTE: You *can* avoid running a following rule by using C<abort_rule>.
+NOTE: You *can* avoid running a following rule by using C<last_rule>.
 An example:
diff --git a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule.pm b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule.pm
index b449d66..2f23a30 100644
--- a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule.pm
+++ b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule.pm
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ no Any::Moose;
 # don't require others to load our subclasses explicitly
 require Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Always;
+require Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain;
 require Path::Dispatcher::Rule::CodeRef;
 require Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Dispatch;
 require Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Empty;
diff --git a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..762ebcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain;
+use Any::Moose;
+extends 'Path::Dispatcher::Rule';
+sub BUILD {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ($self->has_block) {
+        my $block = $self->block;
+        $self->block(sub {
+            $block->(@_);
+            die "Path::Dispatcher next rule\n"; # FIXME From Path::Dispatcher::Declarative... maybe this should go in a common place?
+        });
+    }
+sub _match {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $path = shift;
+    return (1, $path->path);
+sub readable_attributes { 'chain' }
+no Any::Moose;
diff --git a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Under.pm b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Under.pm
index c1ebd38..a7dcd4e 100644
--- a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Under.pm
+++ b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Under.pm
@@ -24,7 +24,17 @@ sub match {
     my $new_path = $path->clone_path($prefix_match->leftover);
-    return grep { defined } map { $_->match($new_path) } $self->rules;
+    # Pop off @matches until we have a last rule that is not ::Chain
+    #
+    # A better technique than isa might be to use the concept of 'endpoint', 'midpoint', or 'anypoint' rules and
+    # add a method to ::Rule that lets evaluate whether any rule is of the right kind (i.e. ->is_endpoint)
+    #
+    # Because the checking for ::Chain endpointedness is here, this means that outside of an ::Under, ::Chain behaves like
+    # an ::Always (one that will always trigger next_rule if it's block is ran)
+    #
+    return unless my @matches = grep { defined } map { $_->match($new_path) } $self->rules;
+    pop @matches while @matches && $matches[-1]->rule->isa('Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain'); 
+    return @matches;
 sub readable_attributes { shift->predicate->readable_attributes }
diff --git a/t/020-chain.t b/t/020-chain.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f1a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/020-chain.t
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+#use Test::More tests => 15;
+use Test::More; plan qw/no_plan/;
+use Path::Dispatcher;
+my $predicate = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens->new(
+    tokens => ['ticket'],
+    prefix => 1,
+my $chain = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain->new(
+my $create = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens->new(
+    tokens => ['create'],
+my $update = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Tokens->new(
+    tokens => ['update'],
+    prefix => 1,
+my $under_always = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Under->new(
+    predicate => $predicate,
+    rules     => [Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Always->new, $create, $update],
+my $under_chain = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Under->new(
+    predicate => $predicate,
+    rules     => [$chain, $create, $update],
+my %tests = (
+    "ticket" => {
+        fail => 1,
+        catchall => 1,
+        always => 1,
+    },
+    "ticket create" => {},
+    "ticket update" => {},
+    "  ticket   update  " => {
+        name => "whitespace doesn't matter for token-based rules",
+    },
+    "ticket update foo" => {
+        name => "'ticket update' rule is prefix",
+    },
+    "ticket create foo" => {
+        fail => 1,
+        catchall => 1,
+        always => 1,
+        name => "did not match 'ticket create foo' because it's not a suffix",
+    },
+    "comment create" => {
+        fail => 1,
+        name => "did not match 'comment create' because the prefix is ticket",
+    },
+    "ticket delete" => {
+        fail => 1,
+        catchall => 1,
+        always => 1,
+        name => "did not match 'ticket delete' because delete is not a suffix",
+    },
+sub run_tests {
+    my $under = shift;
+    my $is_always = shift;
+    for my $path (keys %tests) {
+        my $data = $tests{$path};
+        my $name = $data->{name} || $path;
+        my $match = $under->match(Path::Dispatcher::Path->new($path));
+        $match = !$match if $data->{fail} && !($is_always && $data->{always}); # Always always matches
+        ok($match, $name);
+    }
+    my $catchall = Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Regex->new(
+        regex => qr/()/,
+    );
+    $under->add_rule($catchall);
+    for my $path (keys %tests) {
+        my $data = $tests{$path};
+        my $name = $data->{name} || $path;
+        my $match = $under->match(Path::Dispatcher::Path->new($path));
+        $match = !$match if $data->{fail} && !$data->{catchall};
+        ok($match, $name);
+    }
+run_tests $under_chain, 0;
+run_tests $under_always, 1;
+my @result;
+do {
+    package ChainDispatch;
+    use Path::Dispatcher::Declarative -base;
+    under 'ticket' => sub {
+        chain {
+            push @result, "(ticket chain)";
+        };
+        on 'create' => sub { push @result, "ticket create" };
+        chain {
+            push @result, "(ticket chain just for update)";
+        };
+        on 'update' => sub { push @result, "ticket update" };
+    };
+    under 'blog' => sub {
+        chain {
+            push @result, "(blog chain)";
+        };
+        under 'post' => sub {
+            chain {
+                push @result, "(after post)";
+            };
+            on 'create' => sub { push @result, "create blog post" };
+            on 'delete' => sub { push @result, "delete blog post" };
+        };
+        chain {
+            push @result, "(before comment)";
+        };
+        under 'comment' => sub {
+            on 'create' => sub { push @result, "create blog comment" };
+            on 'delete' => sub { push @result, "delete blog comment" };
+            chain {
+                push @result, "(never included)";
+            };
+        };
+    };
+ChainDispatch->run('ticket create');
+is_deeply([splice @result], ['(ticket chain)', 'ticket create']);
+ChainDispatch->run('ticket update');
+is_deeply([splice @result], ['(ticket chain)', '(ticket chain just for update)', 'ticket update']);
+ChainDispatch->run('ticket foo');
+is_deeply([splice @result], []);
+is_deeply([splice @result], []);
+ChainDispatch->run('blog post');
+is_deeply([splice @result], []);
+ChainDispatch->run('blog post create');
+is_deeply([splice @result], ['(blog chain)', '(after post)', 'create blog post']);
+ChainDispatch->run('blog comment');
+is_deeply([splice @result], []);
+ChainDispatch->run('blog comment create');
+is_deeply([splice @result], ['(blog chain)', '(before comment)', 'create blog comment']);

commit a8e0cb12bcebd2d459f8173ee375bee3614f22c5
Author: Shawn M Moore <sartak at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 6 19:38:50 2009 -0500

    Make Chain a subclass of Always

diff --git a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm
index 762ebcb..f0b311e 100644
--- a/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm
+++ b/lib/Path/Dispatcher/Rule/Chain.pm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 package Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Chain;
 use Any::Moose;
-extends 'Path::Dispatcher::Rule';
+extends 'Path::Dispatcher::Rule::Always';
 sub BUILD {
     my $self = shift;
@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@ sub BUILD {
-sub _match {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $path = shift;
-    return (1, $path->path);
 sub readable_attributes { 'chain' }


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