[Bps-public-commit] r20160 - RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Elements

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Mon Nov 30 02:46:17 EST 2009

Author: ruz
Date: Mon Nov 30 02:46:17 2009
New Revision: 20160


* refactor personal quickbar

Modified: RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar
--- RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar	(original)
+++ RT-BugTracker-Public/html/Elements/PersonalQuickbar	Mon Nov 30 02:46:17 2009
@@ -1,51 +1,43 @@
-$Prefs => '/User/Prefs.html'
-$URL => undef
-use URI::Escape;
-my $return_url = $RT::WebPath
-                    . '/index.html?goto='
-                    . URI::Escape::uri_escape(
-                        URI::Escape::uri_escape(
-                            $m->request_comp->path
-                            . '?'
-                            . $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %{$r->args})
-                        )
-                      );
-  <div id="quick-personal">
+<div id="quick-personal">
     <span class="hide"><a href="#skipnav"><&|/l&>Skip Menu</&></a> | </span>
-% if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Name
-%       and $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name ne $RT::WebPublicUser)
-% {
-    <&|/l, "<span>".$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name."</span>" &>Logged in as [_1]</&>
-% }
-% elsif ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Name eq $RT::WebPublicUser) {
+% if ( $public_user ) {
     <&|/l&>You are currently an anonymous guest.</&>
-    |
-    <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/Logout.html?URL=<% $return_url %>"><&|/l&>Login</&></a>
-    |
-    <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/Logout.html"><&|/l&>Return to Main</&></a>
-% }
-% else {
+    | <a href="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/NoAuth/Logout.html?URL=<% $return_url %>"><&|/l&>Login</&></a>
+    | <a href="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/NoAuth/Logout.html"><&|/l&>Return to Main</&></a>
+% } elsif ( $logged_in ) {
+    <&|/l, "<span>".$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name."</span>" &>Logged in as [_1]</&>
+% } else {
     <&|/l&>Not logged in.</&>
 % }
-% if (    $session{'CurrentUser'}->Id
-%    and $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System )) {
-    | <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%><%$Prefs%>"><&|/l&>Preferences</&></a>
+% if ( $can_modify_self ) {
+    | <a href="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%><% $Prefs %>"><&|/l&>Preferences</&></a>
 % }
-% if ($session{'CurrentUser'}->Name ne $RT::WebPublicUser
-%       and $m->request_comp->path =~ m|^/Public/|)
-% {
-    | <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/"><&|/l&>Return to Main</&></a>
+% $m->callback( %ARGS );
+% if ( $logged_in && !$public_user ) {
+<& Logout, %ARGS &>
 % }
-  <& /Elements/Callback, %ARGS &>
-% unless (!$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name
-%         or ($RT::WebExternalAuth and !$RT::WebFallbackToInternalAuth)
-%         or $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name eq $RT::WebPublicUser) {
-    | <a  href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/Logout.html<%$URL ? "?URL=".$URL : ''%>"><&|/l&>Logout</&></a>
-% }
-  </div>
+$Prefs => '/Prefs/Other.html'
+my $logged_in = $session{'CurrentUser'}->Name;
+my ($can_modify_self, $public_user, $return_url) = (0, 0, '');
+if ( $logged_in ) {
+    $can_modify_self = $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight(
+        Right => 'ModifySelf', Object => $RT::System,
+    ) if $Prefs;
+    $public_user = $logged_in eq $RT::WebPublicUser;
+if ( $public_user ) {
+    $return_url =
+        RT->Config->Get('WebPath')
+        . '/index.html?goto='
+        . URI::Escape::uri_escape( URI::Escape::uri_escape(
+            $m->request_path
+            . '?'
+            . $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %{$r->args})
+        ) );

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