[Bps-public-commit] Module-Install-RTx annotated tag, 0.24, created. 0.24

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Thu Oct 8 09:26:42 EDT 2009

The annotated tag, 0.24 has been created
        at  2e927ee566f0976289d07aedf58decb8fee8b8f9 (tag)
   tagging  556ba99fca79cce4e6255c28444669713c869712 (commit)
 tagged by  Kevin Falcone
        on  Thu Oct 8 09:24:55 2009 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Bump version to 0.24

Jesse Vincent (5):
      SVM: skipping changes 0-794 for http://svn.elixus.org/member/autrijus
      make initdb now prompts for passwords
      Smarter about not trying to install packlists to places the rtuser can't write to

Kevin Falcone (2):
      also look in local/lib for requires()
      fix bug where schema and acl changes can't be added from extensions

Robert Spier (1):
      Add $_/lib to path used to search for RT.pm after being prompted,

Ruslan Zakirov (13):
      push local libs path into @INC
      run all utils that may load RT config with local/lib path in @INC
      merge changes Audrey did and released as 0.21 to the CPAN
      bump version
      delete VERSION from POD, we just always forget to update it
      minor, indent
      clean code
      die when target is RT 3.8.0
      update docs: synopsis and add CAVEATS section
      update Changes
      regen README using pod2text
      add meta to the repo
      bump version


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