[Bps-public-commit] Prophet branch, master, updated. 0.69_01-31-ga774328

spang at bestpractical.com spang at bestpractical.com
Wed Sep 2 23:00:19 EDT 2009

The branch, master has been updated
       via  a774328e278e08ad7086a5f445eefc51a0fde792 (commit)
      from  2643425822d4fe4609574b707b52f0c3df1e5304 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 Makefile.PL                  |    2 +-
 lib/Prophet/TempUUIDTiny.pm  |  833 ------------------------------------------
 lib/Prophet/UUIDGenerator.pm |    3 +-
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 836 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lib/Prophet/TempUUIDTiny.pm

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a774328e278e08ad7086a5f445eefc51a0fde792
Author: Christine Spang <spang at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Wed Sep 2 22:42:43 2009 -0400

    Switch to UUID::Tiny 1.02 and remove our temporary fork
    closes 67ba10dd-8b9c-11de-815a-c1408031c2cb

diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index 9b48b7d..1707828 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ license('mit');
+requires('UUID::Tiny' => '1.02');
 requires('LWP::UserAgent');     #  LWP::ConnCache too
diff --git a/lib/Prophet/TempUUIDTiny.pm b/lib/Prophet/TempUUIDTiny.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cc9046..0000000
--- a/lib/Prophet/TempUUIDTiny.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,833 +0,0 @@
-# We're currently waiting on UUID::Tiny 1.02 or newer for the new API
-package Prophet::TempUUIDTiny;
-use 5.008;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Digest::MD5;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use Time::HiRes;
-use POSIX;
-our $SHA1_CALCULATOR = undef;
-    # Check for availability of SHA-1 ...
-	local $@; # don't leak an error condition
-	eval { require Digest::SHA; $SHA1_CALCULATOR =  Digest::SHA->new(1)} ||
-	eval { require Digest::SHA1; $SHA1_CALCULATOR =  Digest::SHA1->new() } ||
-	eval { require Digest::SHA::PurePerl; $SHA1_CALCULATOR =  Digest::SHA::PurePerl->new(1)};
-our $MD5_CALCULATOR = Digest::MD5->new();
-=head1 NAME
-UUID::Tiny - Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
-=head1 VERSION
-Version 1.01_06
-our $VERSION = '1.01_06';
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Create version 1, 3, 4 and 5 UUIDs:
-    use UUID::Tiny;
-    my $v1_mc_UUID         = create_UUID();
-    my $v3_md5_UUID        = create_UUID(UUID_V3, $str);
-    my $v3_md5_UUID        = create_UUID(UUID_V3, UUID_NS_DNS, 'caugustin.de');
-    my $v4_rand_UUID       = create_UUID(UUID_V4);
-    my $v5_sha1_UUID       = create_UUID(UUID_V5, $str);
-    my $v5_with_NS_UUID    = create_UUID(UUID_V5, UUID_NS_DNS, 'caugustin.de');
-    my $v1_mc_UUID_string  = create_UUID_as_string(UUID_V1);
-    my $v3_md5_UUID_string = UUID_to_string($v3_md5_UUID);
-    if ( version_of_UUID($v1_mc_UUID) == 1   ) { ... };
-    if ( version_of_UUID($v5_sha1_UUID) == 5 ) { ... };
-    if ( is_UUID_string($v1_mc_UUID_string)  ) { ... };
-    if ( equal_UUIDs($uuid1, $uuid2)         ) { ... };
-    my $uuid_time    = time_of_UUID($v1_mc_UUID);
-    my $uuid_clk_seq = clk_seq_of_UUID($v1_mc_UUID);
-UUID::Tiny is a lightweight, low dependency Pure Perl module for UUID
-creation and testing. This module provides the creation of version 1 time
-based UUIDs (using random multicast MAC addresses), version 3 MD5 based UUIDs,
-version 4 random UUIDs, and version 5 SHA-1 based UUIDs.
-No fancy OO interface, no plethora of different UUID representation formats
-and transformations - just string and binary. Conversion, test and time
-functions equally accept UUIDs and UUID strings, so don't bother to convert
-UUIDs for them!
-All constants and public functions are exported by default, because if you
-didn't need/want them, you wouldn't use this module ...
-UUID::Tiny deliberately uses a minimal functional interface for UUID creation
-(and conversion/testing), because in this case OO looks like overkill to me
-and makes the creation and use of UUIDs unnecessarily complicated.
-If you need raw performance for UUID creation, or the real MAC address in
-version 1 UUIDs, or an OO interface, and if you can afford module compilation
-and installation on the target system, then better look at other CPAN UUID
-modules like L<Data::UUID>.
-This module should be thread save, because the (necessary) global variables
-are locked in the functions that access them. (Not tested.)
-This module should run from Perl 5.8 up and uses mostly standard (5.8 core)
-modules for its job. No compilation or installation required. These are the
-modules UUID::Tiny depends on:
-    Carp
-    Digest::MD5   Perl 5.8 core
-    Digest::SHA   Perl 5.10 core (OR Digest::SHA1 OR Digest::SHA::PurePerl)
-    MIME::Base64  Perl 5.8 core
-    Time::HiRes   Perl 5.8 core
-    POSIX         Perl 5.8 core
-After some debate I'm convinced that it is more Perlish (and far easier to
-write) to use all-lowercase function names - without exceptions. And that it
-is more polite to export symbols only on demand.
-While the 1.0x versions will continue to export the old, "legacy" interface on
-default, the future standard interface is available using the C<:std> tag on
-import from version 1.02 on:
-    use UUID::Tiny ':std';
-    my $md5_uuid = create_uuid(UUID_MD5, $str);
-In preparation for the upcoming version 2.00 of UUID::Tiny you should use the
-C<:legacy> tag if you want to stay with the version 1.0x interface:
-    use UUID::Tiny ':legacy';
-    my $md5_uuid = create_UUID(UUID_V3, $str);
-use Exporter;
-our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT;
-our @EXPORT_OK;
-our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
-     std =>         [qw(
-                        UUID_NIL
-                        UUID_NS_DNS UUID_NS_URL UUID_NS_OID UUID_NS_X500
-                        UUID_V1 UUID_TIME
-                        UUID_V3 UUID_MD5
-                        UUID_V4 UUID_RANDOM
-                        UUID_V5 UUID_SHA1
-                        UUID_SHA1_AVAIL
-                        create_uuid create_uuid_as_string
-                        is_uuid_string
-                        uuid_to_string string_to_uuid
-                        version_of_uuid time_of_uuid clk_seq_of_uuid
-                        equal_uuids
-                    )],
-    legacy =>       [qw(
-                        UUID_NIL
-                        UUID_NS_DNS UUID_NS_URL UUID_NS_OID UUID_NS_X500
-                        UUID_V1
-                        UUID_V3
-                        UUID_V4
-                        UUID_V5
-                        UUID_SHA1_AVAIL
-                        create_UUID create_UUID_as_string
-                        is_UUID_string
-                        UUID_to_string string_to_UUID
-                        version_of_UUID time_of_UUID clk_seq_of_UUID
-                        equal_UUIDs
-                    )],
-=over 4
-=item B<NIL UUID>
-This module provides the NIL UUID (shown with its string representation):
-    UUID_NIL: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
-use constant UUID_NIL => "\x00" x 16;
-=item B<Pre-defined Namespace UUIDs>
-This module provides the common pre-defined namespace UUIDs (shown with their
-string representation):
-    UUID_NS_DNS:  '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'
-    UUID_NS_URL:  '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'
-    UUID_NS_OID:  '6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'
-    UUID_NS_X500: '6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'
-use constant UUID_NS_DNS  =>
-    "\x6b\xa7\xb8\x10\x9d\xad\x11\xd1\x80\xb4\x00\xc0\x4f\xd4\x30\xc8";
-use constant UUID_NS_URL  =>
-    "\x6b\xa7\xb8\x11\x9d\xad\x11\xd1\x80\xb4\x00\xc0\x4f\xd4\x30\xc8";
-use constant UUID_NS_OID  =>
-    "\x6b\xa7\xb8\x12\x9d\xad\x11\xd1\x80\xb4\x00\xc0\x4f\xd4\x30\xc8";
-use constant UUID_NS_X500 =>
-    "\x6b\xa7\xb8\x14\x9d\xad\x11\xd1\x80\xb4\x00\xc0\x4f\xd4\x30\xc8";
-=item B<UUID versions>
-This module provides the UUID version numbers as constants:
-    UUID_V1
-    UUID_V3
-    UUID_V4
-    UUID_V5
-With C<use UUID::Tiny ':std';> you get additional, "speaking" constants:
-    UUID_MD5
-    UUID_SHA1
-use constant UUID_V1 => 1; use constant UUID_TIME   => 1;
-use constant UUID_V3 => 3; use constant UUID_MD5    => 3;
-use constant UUID_V4 => 4; use constant UUID_RANDOM => 4;
-use constant UUID_V5 => 5; use constant UUID_SHA1   => 5;
-    my $uuid = create_UUID( UUID_SHA1_AVAIL? UUID_V5 : UUID_V3, $str );
-This function returns a positive value if a module to create SHA-1 digests
-could be loaded, 0 otherwise.
-UUID::Tiny (since version 1.02) tries to load
-Digest::SHA (1), Digest::SHA1 (2) or Digest::SHA::PurePerl (3), but does not
-die if none of them is found. Instead C<create_UUID()> and
-C<create_UUID_as_string()> die when trying to create an SHA-1 based UUID
-without an appropriate module available.
-    return defined $SHA1_CALCULATOR ? 1 :0;
-All public functions are exported by default (they should not collide with
-other functions).
-C<create_UUID()> creates standard binary UUIDs in network byte order
-(MSB first), C<create_UUID_as_string()> creates the standard string
-represantion of UUIDs.
-All query and test functions (except C<is_UUID_string>) accept both
-=over 4
-=item B<create_UUID()>, B<create_uuid()> (:std)
-    my $v1_mc_UUID   = create_UUID();
-    my $v1_mc_UUID   = create_UUID(UUID_V1);
-    my $v3_md5_UUID  = create_UUID(UUID_V3, $ns_uuid, $name_or_filehandle);
-    my $v3_md5_UUID  = create_UUID(UUID_V3, $name_or_filehandle);
-    my $v4_rand_UUID = create_UUID(UUID_V4);
-    my $v5_sha1_UUID = create_UUID(UUID_V5, $ns_uuid $name_or_filehandle);
-    my $v5_sha1_UUID = create_UUID(UUID_V5, $name_or_filehandle);
-Creates a binary UUID in network byte order (MSB first). For v3 and v5 UUIDs a
-C<SCALAR> (normally a string), C<GLOB> ("classic" file handle) or C<IO> object
-(i.e. C<IO::File>) can be used; files have to be opened for reading.
-I found no hint if and how UUIDs should be created from file content. It seems
-to be undefined, but it is useful - so I would suggest to use UUID_NIL as the
-namespace UUID, because no "real name" is used; UUID_NIL is used by default if
-a namespace UUID is missing (only 2 arguments are used).
-sub create_uuid {
-    use bytes;
-    my ($v, $arg2, $arg3) = (shift || UUID_V1, shift, shift);
-    my $uuid    = UUID_NIL;
-    my $ns_uuid = string_to_uuid(defined $arg3 ? $arg2 : UUID_NIL);
-    my $name    = defined $arg3 ? $arg3 : $arg2;
-    if ($v == UUID_V1) {
-		$uuid = _create_v1_uuid();
-    }
-    elsif ($v == UUID_V3 ) {
-		$uuid = _create_v3_uuid($ns_uuid, $name);
-	}
-    elsif ($v == UUID_V4) {
-		$uuid = _create_v4_uuid();
-	}
-    elsif ($v == UUID_V5) {
-		$uuid = _create_v5_uuid($ns_uuid, $name);
-    }
-    else {
-        croak __PACKAGE__ . "::create_uuid(): Invalid UUID version '$v'!";
-    }
-    # Set variant 2 in UUID ...
-    substr $uuid, 8, 1, chr(ord(substr $uuid, 8, 1) & 0x3f | 0x80);
-    return $uuid;
-*create_UUID = \&create_uuid;
-sub _create_v1_uuid {
-    my $uuid = '';
-    # Create time and clock sequence ...
-    my $timestamp = Time::HiRes::time();
-    my $clk_seq   = _get_clk_seq($timestamp);
-    # hi = time mod (1000000 / 0x100000000)
-    my $hi = floor( $timestamp / 65536.0 / 512 * 78125 );
-    $timestamp -= $hi * 512.0 * 65536 / 78125;
-    my $low = floor( $timestamp * 10000000.0 + 0.5 );
-    # MAGIC offset: 01B2-1DD2-13814000
-    if ( $low < 0xec7ec000 ) {
-        $low += 0x13814000;
-    } else {
-        $low -= 0xec7ec000;
-        $hi++;
-    }
-    if ( $hi < 0x0e4de22e ) {
-        $hi += 0x01b21dd2;
-    } else {
-        $hi -= 0x0e4de22e;    # wrap around
-    }
-    # Set time in UUID ...
-    substr $uuid, 0, 4, pack( 'N', $low );            # set time low
-    substr $uuid, 4, 2, pack( 'n', $hi & 0xffff );    # set time mid
-    substr $uuid, 6, 2, pack( 'n', ( $hi >> 16 ) & 0x0fff );    # set time high
-    # Set clock sequence in UUID ...
-    substr $uuid, 8, 2, pack( 'n', $clk_seq );
-    # Set random node in UUID ...
-    substr $uuid, 10, 6, _random_node_id();
-    return _set_uuid_version($uuid => 0x10);
-sub _create_v3_uuid {
-    my $ns_uuid = shift;
-    my $name    = shift;
-    my $uuid    = '';
-    # Create digest in UUID ...
-    $MD5_CALCULATOR->reset();
-    $MD5_CALCULATOR->add($ns_uuid);
-    if ( ref($name) =~ m/^(?:GLOB|IO::)/ ) {
-        $MD5_CALCULATOR->addfile($name);
-    } elsif ( ref $name ) {
-        croak __PACKAGE__ . '::create_uuid(): Name for v3 UUID' . ' has to be SCALAR, GLOB or IO object, not '.ref($name).'!';
-    } elsif ( defined $name ) {
-        $MD5_CALCULATOR->add($name);
-    } else {
-        croak __PACKAGE__ . '::create_uuid(): Name for v3 UUID is not defined!';
-    }
-    $uuid = substr( $MD5_CALCULATOR->digest(), 0, 16 );    # Use only first 16 Bytes
-    return _set_uuid_version( $uuid => 0x30 );
-sub _create_v4_uuid {
-    # Create random value in UUID ...
-    my $uuid = '';
-    for ( 1 .. 4 ) {
-        $uuid .= pack 'I', _rand_32bit();
-    }
-    return _set_uuid_version($uuid => 0x40);
-sub _create_v5_uuid {
-    my $ns_uuid = shift;
-    my $name    = shift;
-    my $uuid    = '';
-	if (!$SHA1_CALCULATOR) {
-         croak __PACKAGE__
-        . '::create_uuid(): No SHA-1 implementation available! '
-        . 'Please install Digest::SHA1, Digest::SHA or '
-        . 'Digest::SHA::PurePerl to use SHA-1 based UUIDs.';
-	}
-    $SHA1_CALCULATOR->reset();
-    $SHA1_CALCULATOR->add($ns_uuid);
-    if ( ref($name) =~ m/^(?:GLOB|IO::)/ ) {
-        $SHA1_CALCULATOR->addfile($name);
-    } elsif ( ref $name ) {
-        croak __PACKAGE__ . '::create_uuid(): Name for v5 UUID' . ' has to be SCALAR, GLOB or IO object, not '.ref($name).'!';
-    } elsif ( defined $name ) {
-        $SHA1_CALCULATOR->add($name);
-    } else {
-        croak __PACKAGE__ . '::create_uuid(): Name for v5 UUID is not defined!';
-    }
-    $uuid = substr( $SHA1_CALCULATOR->digest(), 0, 16 );    # Use only first 16 Bytes
-    return _set_uuid_version($uuid => 0x50);
-sub _set_uuid_version {
-	my $uuid = shift;
-	my $version = shift;
-    substr $uuid, 6, 1, chr( ord( substr( $uuid, 6, 1 ) ) & 0x0f | $version );
-	return $uuid;
-=item B<create_UUID_as_string()>, B<create_uuid_as_string()> (:std)
-Similar to C<create_UUID>, but creates a UUID string.
-sub create_uuid_as_string {
-    return uuid_to_string(create_uuid(@_));
-*create_UUID_as_string = \&create_uuid_as_string;
-=item B<is_UUID_string()>, B<is_uuid_string()> (:std)
-    my $bool = is_UUID_string($str);
-our $IS_UUID_STRING = qr/^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/is;
-our $IS_UUID_HEX    = qr/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/is;
-our $IS_UUID_Base64 = qr/^[+\/0-9A-Za-z]{22}(?:==)?$/s;
-sub is_uuid_string {
-    my $uuid = shift;
-    return $uuid =~ m/$IS_UUID_STRING/;
-*is_UUID_string = \&is_uuid_string;
-=item B<UUID_to_string()>, B<uuid_to_string()> (:std)
-    my $uuid_str = UUID_to_string($uuid);
-This function returns C<$uuid> unchanged if it is a UUID string already.
-sub uuid_to_string {
-    my $uuid = shift;
-    use bytes;
-    return $uuid
-        if $uuid =~ m/$IS_UUID_STRING/;
-    croak __PACKAGE__ . "::uuid_to_string(): Invalid UUID!"
-        unless length $uuid == 16;
-    return  join q{-},
-            map { unpack 'H*', $_ }
-            map { substr $uuid, 0, $_, q{} }
-            ( 4, 2, 2, 2, 6 );
-*UUID_to_string = \&uuid_to_string;
-=item B<string_to_UUID()>, B<string_to_uuid()> (:std)
-    my $uuid = string_to_UUID($uuid_str);
-This function returns C<$uuid_str> unchanged if it is a UUID already.
-In addition to the standard UUID string representation and its URN forms
-(starting with C<urn:uuid:> or C<uuid:>), this function accepts 32 digit hex
-strings, variants with different positions of C<-> and Base64 encoded UUIDs.
-Throws an exception if string can't be interpreted as a UUID.
-If you want to make shure to have a "pure" standard UUID representation, check
-with C<is_UUID_string>!
-sub string_to_uuid {
-	my $uuid = shift;
-    use bytes;
-    return $uuid if length $uuid == 16;
-    return decode_base64($uuid) if ($uuid =~ m/$IS_UUID_Base64/);
-    my $str = $uuid;
-    $uuid =~ s/^(?:urn:)?(?:uuid:)?//io;
-    $uuid =~ tr/-//d;
-    return pack 'H*', $uuid if $uuid =~ m/$IS_UUID_HEX/;
-    croak __PACKAGE__ . "::string_to_uuid(): '$str' is no UUID string!";
-*string_to_UUID = \&string_to_uuid;
-=item B<version_of_UUID()>, B<version_of_uuid()> (:std)
-    my $version = version_of_UUID($uuid);
-This function accepts binary and string UUIDs.
-sub version_of_uuid {
-    my $uuid = shift;
-    use bytes;
-    $uuid = string_to_uuid($uuid);
-    return (ord(substr($uuid, 6, 1)) & 0xf0) >> 4;
-*version_of_UUID = \&version_of_uuid;
-=item B<time_of_UUID()>, B<time_of_uuid()> (:std)
-    my $uuid_time = time_of_UUID($uuid);
-This function accepts UUIDs and UUID strings. Returns the time as a floating
-point value, so use C<int()> to get a C<time()> compatible value.
-Returns C<undef> if the UUID is not version 1.
-sub time_of_uuid {
-    my $uuid = shift;
-    use bytes;
-    $uuid = string_to_uuid($uuid);
-    return unless version_of_uuid($uuid) == 1;
-    my $low = unpack 'N', substr($uuid, 0, 4);
-    my $mid = unpack 'n', substr($uuid, 4, 2);
-    my $high = unpack('n', substr($uuid, 6, 2)) & 0x0fff;
-    my $hi = $mid | $high << 16;
-    # MAGIC offset: 01B2-1DD2-13814000
-    if ($low >= 0x13814000) {
-        $low -= 0x13814000;
-    }
-    else {
-        $low += 0xec7ec000;
-        $hi --;
-    }
-    if ($hi >= 0x01b21dd2) {
-        $hi -= 0x01b21dd2;
-    }
-    else {
-        $hi += 0x0e4de22e;  # wrap around
-    }
-    $low /= 10000000.0;
-    $hi  /= 78125.0 / 512 / 65536;  # / 1000000 * 0x10000000
-    return $hi + $low;
-*time_of_UUID = \&time_of_uuid;
-=item B<clk_seq_of_UUID()>, B<clk_seq_of_uuid()> (:std)
-    my $uuid_clk_seq = clk_seq_of_UUID($uuid);
-This function accepts UUIDs and UUID strings. Returns the clock sequence for a
-version 1 UUID. Returns C<undef> if UUID is not version 1.
-sub clk_seq_of_uuid {
-    use bytes;
-    my $uuid = shift;
-    $uuid = string_to_uuid($uuid);
-    return unless version_of_uuid($uuid) == 1;
-    my $r = unpack 'n', substr($uuid, 8, 2);
-    my $v = $r >> 13;
-    my $w = ($v >= 6) ? 3 # 11x
-          : ($v >= 4) ? 2 # 10-
-          :             1 # 0--
-          ;
-    $w = 16 - $w;
-    return $r & ((1 << $w) - 1);
-*clk_seq_of_UUID = \&clk_seq_of_uuid;
-=item B<equal_UUIDs()>, B<equal_uuids()> (:std)
-    my $bool = equal_UUIDs($uuid1, $uuid2);
-Returns true if the provided UUIDs are equal. Accepts UUIDs and UUID strings
-(can be mixed).
-sub equal_uuids {
-    my ($u1, $u2) = @_;
-    return unless defined $u1 && defined $u2;
-    return string_to_uuid($u1) eq string_to_uuid($u2);
-*equal_UUIDs = \&equal_uuids;
-# Private functions ...
-my $last_timestamp;
-my $clk_seq;
-sub _get_clk_seq {
-    my $ts = shift;
-    lock $last_timestamp;
-    lock $clk_seq;
-    $clk_seq = _generate_clk_seq() if !defined $clk_seq;
-    if (!defined $last_timestamp || $ts <= $last_timestamp) {
-        $clk_seq = ($clk_seq + 1) % 65536;
-    }
-    $last_timestamp = $ts;
-    return $clk_seq & 0x03ff;
-sub _generate_clk_seq {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my @data;
-    push @data, q{}  . $$;
-    push @data, q{:} . Time::HiRes::time();
-	# 16 bit digest
-    return unpack 'n', _digest_as_octets(2, @data);
-sub _random_node_id {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $r1 = _rand_32bit();
-    my $r2 = _rand_32bit();
-    my $hi = ($r1 >> 8) ^ ($r2 & 0xff);
-    my $lo = ($r2 >> 8) ^ ($r1 & 0xff);
-    $hi |= 0x80;
-    my $id  = substr pack('V', $hi), 0, 3;
-       $id .= substr pack('V', $lo), 0, 3;
-    return $id;
-sub _rand_32bit {
-    my $v1 = int(rand(65536)) % 65536;
-    my $v2 = int(rand(65536)) % 65536;
-    return ($v1 << 16) | $v2;
-sub _fold_into_octets {
-    use bytes;
-    my ($num_octets, $s) = @_;
-    my $x = "\x0" x $num_octets;
-    while (length $s > 0) {
-        my $n = q{};
-        while (length $x > 0) {
-            my $c = ord(substr $x, -1, 1, q{}) ^ ord(substr $s, -1, 1, q{});
-            $n = chr($c) . $n;
-            last if length $s <= 0;
-        }
-        $n = $x . $n;
-        $x = $n;
-    }
-    return $x;
-sub _digest_as_octets {
-    my $num_octets = shift;
-	$MD5_CALCULATOR->reset();
-    $MD5_CALCULATOR->add($_) for @_;
-    return _fold_into_octets($num_octets, $MD5_CALCULATOR->digest);
-=item B<Why version 1 only with random multi-cast MAC addresses?>
-The random multi-cast MAC address gives privacy, and getting the real MAC
-address with Perl is really dirty (and slow);
-=item B<Should version 3 or version 5 be used?>
-Using SHA-1 reduces the probabillity of collisions and provides a better
-"randomness" of the resulting UUID compared to MD5. Version 5 is recommended
-in RFC 4122 if backward compatibility is not an issue.
-Using MD5 (version 3) has a better performance. This could be important with
-creating UUIDs from file content rather than names.
-See RFC 4122 (L<http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt>) for technical details on
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Much of this code is borrowed from UUID::Generator by ITO Nobuaki
-E<lt>banb at cpan.orgE<gt>. But that module is announced to be marked as
-"deprecated" in the future and it is much too complicated for my liking.
-So I decided to reduce it to the necessary parts and to re-implement those
-parts with a functional interface ...
-Christian Augustin, C<< <mail at caugustin.de> >>
-=head1 BUGS
-Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-uuid-tiny at rt.cpan.org>,
-or through the web interface at
-I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
-your bug as I make changes.
-=head1 SUPPORT
-You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
-    perldoc UUID::Tiny
-You can also look for information at:
-=over 4
-=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
-=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
-=item * CPAN Ratings
-=item * Search CPAN
-Kudos to ITO Nobuaki E<lt>banb at cpan.orgE<gt> for his UUID::Generator::PurePerl
-module! My work is based on his code, and without it I would've been lost with
-all those incomprehensible RFC texts and C codes ...
-Thanks to Jesse Vincent for his feedback and tips.
-Copyright 2009 Christian Augustin, all rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-1; # End of UUID::Tiny
diff --git a/lib/Prophet/UUIDGenerator.pm b/lib/Prophet/UUIDGenerator.pm
index d028c5a..25c390e 100644
--- a/lib/Prophet/UUIDGenerator.pm
+++ b/lib/Prophet/UUIDGenerator.pm
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ package Prophet::UUIDGenerator;
 use Any::Moose;
 use MIME::Base64::URLSafe;
-#use UUID::Tiny;
-use Prophet::TempUUIDTiny ':std';
+use UUID::Tiny ':std';
 # uuid_scheme: 1 - v1 and v3 uuids.


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