[Bps-public-commit] Config-GitLike annotated tag, 1.02, created. 1.02

Christine Spang spang at bestpractical.com
Sat Apr 3 01:19:37 EDT 2010

The annotated tag, 1.02 has been created
        at  9166efc6699f8f0999a7ae527fca609751e5ae2e (tag)
   tagging  a45201acf830bc5b352fe2e6f342632047f80f4c (commit)
  replaces  1.00
 tagged by  Christine Spang
        on  Wed Aug 19 13:49:47 2009 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging version '1.02' using shipit.

Alex Vandiver (1):
      Add a Config::GitLike::Git for loading Git config files

Christine Spang (15):
      Config::GitLike::Git: doc tweaks + enable enforce git compatibility option by default
      Remove spurious dependency Regexp::Common
      Bump version number
      Some updates to Makefile.PL
      don't ship inc/.author or xt
      update Changes for 1.01
      add SIGNATURE to gitignore
      gitignore META.yml
      Minor stylistic nits + fix a comment that didn't say quite the right thing
      Note sunnavy's fixes in changelog
      gitignore Devel::Cover's output
      I don't want my shipit dists to end up in ~/shipit-dist
      Small cleanups and comments
      Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 1.02.  Changelog diff is:

Jesse Vincent (1):
      Moose -> Any::Moose

sunnavy (9):
      specify the least version of File::Temp
      replace File::Temp->newdir with an older one: tempdir
      add test for escaped backslashes in subsection
      bug fixed: previous check for unescaped \ or " in subsection is lame.
      added tests for value with \ or "
      fix bug: escaped \ in value should be reverted back too
      skip symlink tests for win
      don't contain volumn part in user_file, global_file and dir_file for test
      we should auto escape \ and " for subsection


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