[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-mobileui annotated tag, 0.9, created. 0.9

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Aug 5 16:54:03 EDT 2010

The annotated tag, 0.9 has been created
        at  4b02029ac25a1006e228ecd064084cb11481639b (tag)
   tagging  0b6064e90ed6095d309a61d4e9140707de32bbcd (commit)
 tagged by  Jesse Vincent
        on  Thu Aug 5 13:54:44 2010 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging version '0.9' using shipit.

Jesse Vincent (26):
      Initial import of ongoing work
      ticket creation, beginnings of ui
      somewhat usable styling for showing tickets, logging in, menus.
      "home" button
      all the basic functionality we need for 0.1
      warnings avoidance
      a bit more utility after testing a mobile ui
      almost ready. need to add a way to get out of the mobile ui
      Lots of cleanup
      order of searches for saved searches
      history latest first in mobile
      actually link the ShowTime component correctly in show.
      Better saved search handling, dealing with issues pointed out by alex
      ui hacking
      remove debugging border
      tighten up styles
      more tweaking
      Initial release engineering
      more releng
      more releng
      quote version
      Add changes file
      Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.9.


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