[Bps-public-commit] Text-Password-Pronounceable branch, master, updated. e02544924c3d68dcd147b3d46812e6510e2bcc7d

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 16 14:56:25 EDT 2010

The branch, master has been updated
       via  e02544924c3d68dcd147b3d46812e6510e2bcc7d (commit)
      from  0a334b701fa3f70410a1e66d4a18a62890a5609b (commit)

Summary of changes:
 README |   33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e02544924c3d68dcd147b3d46812e6510e2bcc7d
Author: Thomas Sibley <tom at zulutango.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 16 14:56:37 2010 -0400

    Update the README

diff --git a/README b/README
index 6cb9e60..47fe6e2 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -13,13 +13,38 @@ DESCRIPTION
     This module generates pronuceable passwords, based the the English
     digraphs by D Edwards.
+    new
+          $pp = Text::Password::Pronounceable->new($min, $max);
+          $pp = Text::Password::Pronounceable->new($len);
+        Construct a password factory with length limits of $min and $max. Or
+        create a password factory with fixed length if only one argument is
+        provided.
+    generate
+          $pp->generate;
+          $pp->generate($len);
+          $pp->generate($min, $max);
+          Text::Password::Pronounceable->generate($len);
+          Text::Password::Pronounceable->generate($min, $max);
+        Generate password. If used as an instance method, arguments override
+        the factory settings.
     This code derived from mpw.pl, a bit of code with a sordid history.
-    CPAN module by Chia-liang Kao 9/11/2006. Perl cleaned up a bit by Jesse
-    Vincent 1/14/2001. Converted to perl from C by Marc Horowitz, 1/20/2000.
-    Converted to C from Multics PL/I by Bill Sommerfeld, 4/21/86. Original
-    PL/I version provided by Jerry Saltzer.
+    *   CPAN module by Chia-liang Kao 9/11/2006.
+    *   Perl cleaned up a bit by Jesse Vincent 1/14/2001.
+    *   Converted to perl from C by Marc Horowitz, 1/20/2000.
+    *   Converted to C from Multics PL/I by Bill Sommerfeld, 4/21/86.
+    *   Original PL/I version provided by Jerry Saltzer.
     Copyright 2006 by Best Practical Solutions, LLC.


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