[Bps-public-commit] TAP-Harness-Remote branch, master, updated. 1bbff13f756cc8ef81dd17f8dd5492dfd901aef1

clkao at bestpractical.com clkao at bestpractical.com
Fri Jan 15 04:54:09 EST 2010

The branch, master has been updated
       via  1bbff13f756cc8ef81dd17f8dd5492dfd901aef1 (commit)
       via  aa37e03b49d8df87a67cd04c146e240b6ba5d4b2 (commit)
       via  f116436ad9eb1c0e1df4feff04a5e7219d3f1b06 (commit)
      from  9835fefd7f2e607df7cc68c999c58ea4369e05b0 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm |   68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f116436ad9eb1c0e1df4feff04a5e7219d3f1b06
Author: Chia-liang Kao <clkao at clkao.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 15 17:35:12 2010 +0800

    Use the exec generic TAP::Source rather than Perl source which turns -I switches into PERL5LIB too late for us.

diff --git a/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm b/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
index 80cdbf8..e503dc2 100644
--- a/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
+++ b/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
@@ -118,15 +118,28 @@ sub new {
         unless -e $self->remote_config("ssh")
         and -x $self->remote_config("ssh");
-    $ENV{HARNESS_PERL} = $self->remote_config("ssh");
+    $self->exec( \&_get_cmd );
     $self->jobs( $self->jobs * @{ $self->remote_config("host") } );
     $self->callback( before_runtests => sub { $self->setup(@_) } );
-    $self->callback( parser_args     => sub { $self->change_switches(@_) } );
     return $self;
+sub _get_cmd {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @switches;
+    @switches = $self->lib if $self->lib;
+    push @switches => $self->switches if $self->switches;
+    my %args;
+    $args{switches}    = \@switches;
+    $self->change_switches(\%args);
+    return [ $self->remote_config("ssh"), @{ $args{switches} }, @_ ];
 =head2 config_path
 Returns the path to the configuration file; this is usually

commit aa37e03b49d8df87a67cd04c146e240b6ba5d4b2
Author: Chia-liang Kao <clkao at clkao.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 15 17:42:27 2010 +0800

    Merge change_switches into _get_cmd.

diff --git a/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm b/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
index e503dc2..c56923a 100644
--- a/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
+++ b/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
@@ -128,16 +128,27 @@ sub new {
 sub _get_cmd {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my ($self, $test_file) = @_;
     my @switches;
     @switches = $self->lib if $self->lib;
     push @switches => $self->switches if $self->switches;
-    my %args;
-    $args{switches}    = \@switches;
-    $self->change_switches(\%args);
-    return [ $self->remote_config("ssh"), @{ $args{switches} }, @_ ];
+    my @other = grep { not /^-I/ } @switches;
+    my @inc = map {"-I$_"} grep {defined $_} map { s/^-I//; $self->rewrite_path($_) }
+        grep {/^-I/} @switches;
+    my $host = $self->remote_config("host")
+        ->[ $self->{hostno}++ % @{ $self->remote_config("host") } ];
+    my $userhost = $self->userhost($host);
+    return [ $self->remote_config("ssh"),
+        @{ $self->remote_config("ssh_args") }, $userhost,
+        "cd",                                  $self->rewrite_path( Cwd::cwd ),
+        "&&",                                  "PERL5LIB='@{[$self->{perl5lib}]}'",
+        @{$self->{env}},
+        $self->remote_config("perl"),          @other,
+        @inc,                                  $test_file,
+    ];
 =head2 config_path
@@ -366,34 +377,6 @@ sub DESTROY {
-=head2 change_switches
-Changes the switches around, such that the remote perl is called, via
-ssh.  This code is called once per test file.
-sub change_switches {
-    my ( $self, $args, $test ) = @_;
-    my $remote = $self->remote_config("root");
-    my @other = grep { not /^-I/ } @{ $args->{switches} };
-    my @inc = map {"-I$_"} grep {defined $_} map { s/^-I//; $self->rewrite_path($_) }
-        grep {/^-I/} @{ $args->{switches} };
-    my $host = $self->remote_config("host")
-        ->[ $self->{hostno}++ % @{ $self->remote_config("host") } ];
-    my $userhost = $self->userhost($host);
-    $args->{switches} = [
-        @{ $self->remote_config("ssh_args") }, $userhost,
-        "cd",                                  $self->rewrite_path( Cwd::cwd ),
-        "&&",                                  "PERL5LIB='@{[$self->{perl5lib}]}'",
-        @{$self->{env}},
-        $self->remote_config("perl"),          @other,
-        @inc
-    ];

commit 1bbff13f756cc8ef81dd17f8dd5492dfd901aef1
Author: Chia-liang Kao <clkao at clkao.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 15 17:53:37 2010 +0800

    env_foward config item.

diff --git a/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm b/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
index c56923a..57399a6 100644
--- a/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
+++ b/lib/TAP/Harness/Remote.pm
@@ -314,6 +314,13 @@ sub setup {
         $val =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
         push @{$self->{env}}, "$k='$val'";
+    # env_forward to pass through from %ENV
+    for my $regex (@{$self->remote_config("env_forward")}) {
+        for (keys %ENV) {
+            push @{$self->{env}}, "$_='$ENV{$_}'"
+                if m/$regex/;
+        }
+    }
 =head2 rsync
@@ -439,6 +446,11 @@ creating new F<.remote_test> files.  See L<rsync(1)> for more details.
 A hash reference of environment variable names and values, to be
 used on the remote host.
+=item env_forward
+An array reference of regex, local envionrment variables matching them
+will be used on the remote host.


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