[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-ActivityReports annotated tag, 1.01, created. 1.01

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Thu Jul 1 15:12:44 EDT 2010

The annotated tag, 1.01 has been created
        at  8c69ccd1af7286517c78a43a7e37a08c9ca9dacd (tag)
   tagging  3c4bc3e28380acaa0c0db52d6894280340b3a628 (commit)
 tagged by  Kevin Falcone
        on  Thu Jul 1 15:09:14 2010 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 1.01
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)


Alex Vandiver (12):
      Three kinds of reports sketched out; they still need style, query help
      Tabs stuff.  Works, but probably not 100% correctly.  I want Jifty.
      Bullet-proof in case $max is somehow 0
      Add first pass of TimeWorked statistics
      Deal with missing Whiteboard custom field
      Version bump
      Rework according to revised spec
      Improve formatting slightly
      Version bump
      Default query to ''
      Link to main search pages for sorting columns on 'open tickets' query

Chia-liang Kao (8):
      Move ActivityDetail content into an element.
      Move activity reports code into elements.
      use new api for saving reports.
      Less code, more feature with SavedSearch widget.
      Link to activity report from portlet with new style arguments.
      Bring back links to printable version.
      When linking to printable report, provide a default reportype to be
      Revert previous change.  Only show printable link when report is generated.

Jesse Vincent (12):
      Added the last report
      moved reports to new dir
      Styling per customer requirements
      minor stylistic cleanups
      oops. failed to push this
      name the "saved activity reports" widget correctly
      Activity reports updated to respect date on the detail search
      Missing 'use' line

Kevin Falcone (7):
      bump Module::Install and Module::Install::RTx
      version bump because I forgot to add @Plugins to README
      (version numbers)--
      useful ignores
      useful ignores
      upgrade M::I
      bump version

Shawn M Moore (1):
      Basic documentation of what this extension does

Tara Andrews (3):
      add a user picklist to the report limiting options; add some callbacks for a new plugin
      fix the callback arg passing; try to fix some uninitialized string warnings
      adding inc::Module::Install


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