[Bps-public-commit] App-CLI annotated tag, 0.09, created. 0.09

Chia-liang Kao clkao at bestpractical.com
Sun Oct 17 06:08:51 EDT 2010

The annotated tag, 0.09 has been created
        at  d2cf0bdc3afef8bbed8b5d3ab4e4c9f3801bc990 (tag)
   tagging  ac38f1284aaae8e5c90c892953f7066c9d7f9079 (commit)
 tagged by  Chia-liang Kao
        on  Sun Oct 17 19:08:48 2010 +0900

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging version '0.09' using shipit.

Alex Vandiver (3):
      Allow commands to be provided by inner packages
      0.08 releng
      Final cleanups for 0.08

Chia-liang Kao (14):
      directory for app::cli
      import r409 of App::CLI from svn://svn.clkao.org/member/clkao/modules
      directory for App::CLI
      * Factored out Help system from SVK
      forgot to bundle command::help.
      this was 0.04, didn't actually committed it
      App::CLI 0.07
      patches from charsbar:
      moved to bps public
      Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.09.  Changelog diff is:

c9s (1):
      Fix filename pattern.


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