[Bps-public-commit] Module-Refresh annotated tag, 0.14, created. 0.14

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Apr 12 04:10:27 EDT 2011

The annotated tag, 0.14 has been created
        at  f4c229ebc7ac2587ee6fcde9d984f864769cf0ef (tag)
   tagging  0608b4f71672b9a4b07a06ef1d95b7a446b35228 (commit)
 tagged by  Jesse Vincent
        on  Tue Apr 12 18:09:45 2011 +1000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
0.14 release
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Alex Vandiver (1):
      * Tests should clean up after themselves

Audrey Tang (3):
      * Various cleanups to make it 5.005-friendly.
      * ->cleanup_subs now actually work as advertised. :)
      * "Anonymize" all our methods so we can refresh ourselves.

David Glasser (2):
      Trade overrefreshing for underrefreshing in some cases; test and document
      Workaround perl <5.8.7 $^P/eval/caller bug.  This will be 0.07 once it definitely works.

Jesse Vincent (23):
      New CPAN module
      Directory for svk import.
      prepping for release
      More tests that fail!
      remiving useless files
      r9018 at tinbook:  jesse | 2004-11-10T10:01:29.891706Z
      commit 7291e643e039309d45818a2e4da8df6a5d7cdf64
      Bumped to 0.02
      minor doc updates
      Minor doc fix
      Bumping to 0.03
      * Fix tests to run correctly on win32
      do not clobber our own version. become 0,05
      * This be 0.06
      * blow-away-current-sub bug caught by ivan kohler
      * 0.09 -doc fixes
      0.10_01 Tue May  9 01:21:55 EDT 2006
      * 0.11 - fixes a problem where the test suite didn't celan up after itself
      * 0.13. Does not work on 5.6
      Tests for [rt.cpan.org #67262] subroutines not being unloaded - Jesse Luehrs
      Fixes for [rt.cpan.org #67262] subroutines not being unloaded

Robert Spier (1):
      tweak the DESCRIPTION block to be a little more informative


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