[Bps-public-commit] Test-Spelling branch, master, created. 8f3abd16dcffd973f80b3e249bf3ae24e885d29c

Shawn Moore sartak at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 25 11:51:52 EDT 2011

The branch, master has been created
        at  8f3abd16dcffd973f80b3e249bf3ae24e885d29c (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 2fa8464648ea69d0ce14aa80af1b24e28dee8502
Author: Ivan Tubert-Brohman <itub at cpan.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 2 18:36:39 2005 -0800

    initial import of Test-Spelling 0.10 from CPAN
    git-cpan-module:   Test-Spelling
    git-cpan-version:  0.10
    git-cpan-authorid: ITUB
    git-cpan-file:     authors/id/I/IT/ITUB/Test-Spelling-0.10.tar.gz

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bf754b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Revision history for Test-Spelling
+0.10  2005-08-02
+        - First version
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbfd90b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+MANIFEST			This list of files
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57c610b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         Test-Spelling
+version:      0.10
+version_from: lib/Test/Spelling.pm
+installdirs:  site
+    File::Spec:                    0
+    Pod::Spell:                    1.01
+    Test::Builder::Tester:         0
+    Test::More:                    0
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e56a6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use 5.006;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+WriteMakefile (
+    'NAME'           => 'Test::Spelling',
+    'VERSION_FROM'   => 'lib/Test/Spelling.pm',
+    'PREREQ_PM'      => {
+        'Pod::Spell'            => '1.01',
+        'Test::More'            => 0,
+        'Test::Builder::Tester' => 0,
+        'File::Spec'            => 0,
+    },
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f7bec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Test::Spelling version 0.10
+    "Test::Spelling" lets you check the spelling of a POD file, and report
+    its results in standard "Test::Simple" fashion. This module requires the
+    spell program.
+        use Test::More;
+        use Test::Spelling;
+        plan tests => $num_tests;
+        pod_file_spelling_ok( $file, "POD file spelling OK" );
+    Module authors can include the following in a t/pod_spell.t file and
+    have "Test::Spelling" automatically find and check all POD files in a
+    module distribution:
+        use Test::More;
+        use Test::Spelling;
+        all_pod_files_spelling_ok();
+    Note, however that it is not really recommended to include this test
+    with a CPAN distribution, or a package that will run in an uncontrolled
+    environment, because there's no way of predicting if spell will be
+    available or the wordlist used will give the same results (what if it's
+    in a different language, for example?).
+    You can add your own stopwords (words that should be ignored by the
+    spell check):
+        add_stopwords(qw(adsf thiswordiscorrect));
+    perl Makefile.PL
+    make
+    make test
+    make install
+        perl-5.6.0+
+        Pod::Spell              1.01
+        Test::More              0
+        Test::Builder::Tester   0
+        File::Spec              0
+Copyright (C) 2005 Ivan Tubert-Brohman <itub at cpan.org>
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
diff --git a/lib/Test/Spelling.pm b/lib/Test/Spelling.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed4fd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Test/Spelling.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+package Test::Spelling;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use Pod::Spell;
+use Test::Builder;
+use File::Spec;
+use IPC::Open2;
+our $VERSION = '0.10';
+my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+my $Spell_cmd = 'spell';
+sub import {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $caller = caller;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *{$caller.'::pod_file_spelling_ok'}      = \&pod_file_spelling_ok;
+    *{$caller.'::all_pod_files_spelling_ok'} = \&all_pod_files_spelling_ok;
+    *{$caller.'::add_stopwords'}             = \&add_stopwords;
+    *{$caller.'::set_spell_cmd'}             = \&set_spell_cmd;
+    *{$caller.'::all_pod_files'}             = \&all_pod_files
+        unless defined &{$caller. '::all_pod_files'};
+    $Test->exported_to($caller);
+    $Test->plan(@_);
+sub pod_file_spelling_ok {
+    my $file = shift;
+    my $name = @_ ? shift : "POD spelling for $file";
+    if ( !-f $file ) {
+        $Test->ok( 0, $name );
+        $Test->diag( "$file does not exist" );
+        return;
+    }
+    my $checker = Pod::Spell->new;
+    my($fh_in, $fh_out);
+    my $pid = open2($fh_in, $fh_out, $Spell_cmd);
+    $checker->parse_from_file($file, $fh_out);
+    close $fh_out or die;
+    my @words = <$fh_in>;
+    close $fh_in or die;
+    chomp for @words;
+    @words = grep { !$Pod::Wordlist::Wordlist{$_} } @words;
+    my %seen;
+    @seen{@words} = ();
+    @words = map "    $_\n", sort keys %seen;
+    my $ok = !@words;
+    $Test->ok( $ok, $name );
+    if ( !$ok ) {
+        $Test->diag("Errors:\n" . join '', @words);
+    }
+    return $ok;
+sub all_pod_files_spelling_ok {
+    my @files = all_pod_files(@_);
+    $Test->plan( tests => scalar @files );
+    my $ok = 1;
+    foreach my $file ( @files ) {
+        pod_file_spelling_ok( $file, ) or undef $ok;
+    }
+    return $ok;
+sub all_pod_files {
+    my @queue = @_ ? @_ : _starting_points();
+    my @pod = ();
+    while ( @queue ) {
+        my $file = shift @queue;
+        if ( -d $file ) {
+            local *DH;
+            opendir DH, $file or next;
+            my @newfiles = readdir DH;
+            closedir DH;
+            @newfiles = File::Spec->no_upwards( @newfiles );
+            @newfiles = grep { $_ ne "CVS" && $_ ne ".svn" } @newfiles;
+            push @queue, map "$file/$_", @newfiles;
+        }
+        if ( -f $file ) {
+            push @pod, $file if _is_perl( $file );
+        }
+    } # while
+    return @pod;
+sub _starting_points {
+    return 'blib' if -e 'blib';
+    return 'lib';
+sub _is_perl {
+    my $file = shift;
+    return 1 if $file =~ /\.PL$/;
+    return 1 if $file =~ /\.p(l|m|od)$/;
+    return 1 if $file =~ /\.t$/;
+    local *FH;
+    open FH, $file or return;
+    my $first = <FH>;
+    close FH;
+    return 1 if defined $first && ($first =~ /^#!.*perl/);
+    return;
+sub add_stopwords {
+    for (@_) {
+        my $word = $_;
+        chomp $word;
+        next if $word =~ /^# Error:/ or $word =~ /^# Looks like/
+            or $word =~ /Failed test/;
+        $word =~ s/^#\s*//;
+        $Pod::Wordlist::Wordlist{$word} = 1;
+    }
+sub set_spell_cmd {
+    $Spell_cmd = shift;
+=head1 NAME
+Test::Spelling - check for spelling errors in POD files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<Test::Spelling> lets you check the spelling of a POD file, and report
+its results in standard C<Test::Simple> fashion. This module requires the
+F<spell> program.
+    use Test::More;
+    use Test::Spelling;
+    plan tests => $num_tests;
+    pod_file_spelling_ok( $file, "POD file spelling OK" );
+Module authors can include the following in a F<t/pod_spell.t> file and
+have C<Test::Spelling> automatically find and check all POD files in a
+module distribution:
+    use Test::More;
+    use Test::Spelling;
+    all_pod_files_spelling_ok();
+Note, however that it is not really recommended to include this test with a
+CPAN distribution, or a package that will run in an uncontrolled environment,
+because there's no way of predicting if F<spell> will be available or the
+wordlist used will give the same results (what if it's in a different language,
+for example?).
+You can add your own stopwords (words that should be ignored by the spell
+    add_stopwords(qw(adsf thiswordiscorrect));
+Check POD files for spelling mistakes, using
+C<Pod::Spell> and F<spell> to do the heavy lifting.
+=head2 pod_file_spelling_ok( FILENAME[, TESTNAME ] )
+C<pod_file_spelling_ok()> will okay the test if the POD has no spelling errors.
+When it fails, C<pod_file_spelling_ok()> will show any spelling errors as
+The optional second argument TESTNAME is the name of the test.  If it
+is omitted, C<pod_file_spelling_ok()> chooses a default test name "POD spelling
+=head2 all_pod_files_spelling_ok( [@files/@directories] )
+Checks all the files in C<@files> for POD spelling.  It runs L<all_pod_files()>
+on each file/directory, and calls the C<plan()> function for you (one test for
+each function), so you can't have already called C<plan>.
+If C<@files> is empty or not passed, the function finds all POD files in
+the F<blib> directory if it exists, or the F<lib> directory if not.
+A POD file is one that ends with F<.pod>, F<.pl> and F<.pm>, or any file
+where the first line looks like a shebang line.
+If you're testing a module, just make a F<t/pod.t>:
+    use Test::More;
+    use Test::Spelling;
+    all_pod_files_spelling_ok();
+Returns true if all pod files are ok, or false if any fail.
+=head2 all_pod_files( [@dirs] )
+Returns a list of all the Perl files in I<$dir> and in directories below.
+If no directories are passed, it defaults to F<blib> if F<blib> exists,
+or else F<lib> if not.  Skips any files in CVS or .svn directories.
+A Perl file is:
+=over 4
+=item * Any file that ends in F<.PL>, F<.pl>, F<.pm>, F<.pod> or F<.t>.
+=item * Any file that has a first line with a shebang and "perl" on it.
+The order of the files returned is machine-dependent.  If you want them
+sorted, you'll have to sort them yourself.
+=head2 add_stopwords(@words)
+Add words that should be skipped by the spell check. A suggested use is to list
+these words, one per line, in the __DATA__ section of your test file, and just
+    add_stopwords(<DATA>);
+As a convenience, C<add_stopwords> will automatically ignore a comment mark and
+one or more spaces from the beginning of the line, and it will ignore lines
+that say '# Error:' or '# Looks like' or /Failed test/. The reason? Let's say
+you run a test and get this result:
+    1..1
+    not ok 1 - POD spelling for lib/Test/Spelling.pm
+    #     Failed test (lib/Test/Spelling.pm at line 70)
+    # Errors:
+    #     stopwords
+    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 1.
+Let's say you decide that all the words that were marked as errors are really
+correct. The diagnostic lines are printed to STDERR; that means that, if you
+have a decent shell, you can type something like
+    perl t/spell.t 2>> t/spell.t
+which will append the diagnostic lines to the end of your test file. Assuming
+you already have a __DATA__ line in your test file, that should be enough to
+ensure that the test passes the next time.
+=head2 set_spell_cmd($command)
+If the F<spell> program has a different name or is not in your path, you can
+specify an alternative with C<set_spell_cmd>. Any command that takes text
+from standard input and prints a list of misspelled words, one per line, to
+standard output will do. For example, you can use C<aspell -l>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ivan Tubert-Brohman C<< <itub at cpan.org> >>
+Heavily based on L<Test::Pod> by Andy Lester and brian d foy.
+Copyright 2004, Ivan Tubert-Brohman, All Rights Reserved.
+You may use, modify, and distribute this package under the
+same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/t/load.t b/t/load.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8cf2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/load.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More tests=>1;
+    use_ok( 'Test::Spelling' );
diff --git a/t/pod.t b/t/pod.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df0c600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/pod.t
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!perl -Tw
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

commit 54af14d59fee457f7e11bf2f6370eacc6711efd6
Author: Ivan Tubert-Brohman <itub at cpan.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 15 18:11:50 2005 -0800

    import Test-Spelling 0.11 from CPAN
    git-cpan-module:   Test-Spelling
    git-cpan-version:  0.11
    git-cpan-authorid: ITUB
    git-cpan-file:     authors/id/I/IT/ITUB/Test-Spelling-0.11.tar.gz

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 0bf754b..b5a86ca 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 Revision history for Test-Spelling
+0.11  2005-11-15
+        - Some documentation fixes.
+        - Added note about per-file stopwords by Chris Dolan.
+        - Use a temporary file instead of open2() to solve win32 portability
+          issues. (Thanks to Chris Laco!)
 0.10  2005-08-02
         - First version
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index 57c610b..dead18d 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 # http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
 #XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
 name:         Test-Spelling
-version:      0.10
+version:      0.11
 version_from: lib/Test/Spelling.pm
 installdirs:  site
+    Carp:                          0
     File::Spec:                    0
+    File::Temp:                    0
     Pod::Spell:                    1.01
-    Test::Builder::Tester:         0
     Test::More:                    0
 distribution_type: module
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index e56a6aa..eae33c4 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ WriteMakefile (
     'PREREQ_PM'      => {
         'Pod::Spell'            => '1.01',
         'Test::More'            => 0,
-        'Test::Builder::Tester' => 0,
         'File::Spec'            => 0,
+        'File::Temp'            => 0,
+        'Carp'                  => 0,
diff --git a/README b/README
index 1f7bec1..b80a4ae 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Test::Spelling version 0.10
+Test::Spelling version 0.11
     "Test::Spelling" lets you check the spelling of a POD file, and report
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ Test::Spelling version 0.10
         add_stopwords(qw(adsf thiswordiscorrect));
+    These stopwords are global for the test. See L<Pod::Spell> for a variety of
+    ways to add per-file stopwords to each .pm file.
+        - Some documentation fixes.
+        - Added note about per-file stopwords by Chris Dolan.
+        - Use a temporary file instead of open2() to solve win32 portability
+          issues. (Thanks to Chris Laco!)
     perl Makefile.PL
@@ -43,6 +52,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
         Test::More              0
         Test::Builder::Tester   0
         File::Spec              0
+        File::Temp              0
diff --git a/lib/Test/Spelling.pm b/lib/Test/Spelling.pm
index 6ed4fd2..1524966 100644
--- a/lib/Test/Spelling.pm
+++ b/lib/Test/Spelling.pm
@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@ package Test::Spelling;
 use 5.006;
 use strict;
+use warnings;
 use Pod::Spell;
 use Test::Builder;
 use File::Spec;
-use IPC::Open2;
+use File::Temp;
+use Carp;
-our $VERSION = '0.10';
+our $VERSION = '0.11';
-my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
-my $Spell_cmd = 'spell';
+my $Test        = Test::Builder->new;
+my $Spell_cmd   = 'spell';
+my $Spell_temp  = File::Temp->new->filename;
 sub import {
     my $self = shift;
@@ -28,6 +31,8 @@ sub import {
+my $Pipe_err = 0;
 sub pod_file_spelling_ok {
     my $file = shift;
     my $name = @_ ? shift : "POD spelling for $file";
@@ -38,23 +43,26 @@ sub pod_file_spelling_ok {
+    # save digested POD to temp file
     my $checker = Pod::Spell->new;
-    my($fh_in, $fh_out);
-    my $pid = open2($fh_in, $fh_out, $Spell_cmd);
+    $checker->parse_from_file($file, $Spell_temp);
-    $checker->parse_from_file($file, $fh_out);
-    close $fh_out or die;
-    my @words = <$fh_in>;
-    close $fh_in or die;
+    # run spell command and fetch output
+    open ASPELL, "$Spell_cmd < $Spell_temp|" 
+        or croak "Couldn't run spellcheck command '$Spell_cmd'";
+    my @words = <ASPELL>;
+    close ASPELL or die;
+    # clean up words, remove stopwords, select unique errors
     chomp for @words;
     @words = grep { !$Pod::Wordlist::Wordlist{$_} } @words;
     my %seen;
     @seen{@words} = ();
     @words = map "    $_\n", sort keys %seen;
+    # emit output
     my $ok = !@words;
-    $Test->ok( $ok, $name );
+    $Test->ok( $ok, "$name");
     if ( !$ok ) {
         $Test->diag("Errors:\n" . join '', @words);
@@ -124,10 +132,9 @@ sub _is_perl {
 sub add_stopwords {
     for (@_) {
         my $word = $_;
-        chomp $word;
-        next if $word =~ /^# Error:/ or $word =~ /^# Looks like/
-            or $word =~ /Failed test/;
-        $word =~ s/^#\s*//;
+        $word =~ s/^#?\s*//;
+        $word =~ s/\s+$//;
+        next if $word =~ /\s/ or $word =~ /:/;
         $Pod::Wordlist::Wordlist{$word} = 1;
@@ -166,18 +173,24 @@ module distribution:
 Note, however that it is not really recommended to include this test with a
 CPAN distribution, or a package that will run in an uncontrolled environment,
 because there's no way of predicting if F<spell> will be available or the
-wordlist used will give the same results (what if it's in a different language,
-for example?).
+word list used will give the same results (what if it's in a different language,
+for example?). You can have the test, but don't add it to F<MANIFEST> (or add
+it to F<MANIFEST.SKIP> to make sure you don't add it by accident). Anyway,
+your users don't really need to run this test, as it is unlikely that the 
+documentation will acquire typos while in transit. :-)
 You can add your own stopwords (words that should be ignored by the spell
-    add_stopwords(qw(adsf thiswordiscorrect));
+    add_stopwords(qw(asdf thiswordiscorrect));
+These stopwords are global for the test. See L<Pod::Spell> for a variety of
+ways to add per-file stopwords to each .pm file.
-Check POD files for spelling mistakes, using
-C<Pod::Spell> and F<spell> to do the heavy lifting.
+Check POD files for spelling mistakes, using L<Pod::Spell> and F<spell> to do
+the heavy lifting.
@@ -203,7 +216,7 @@ the F<blib> directory if it exists, or the F<lib> directory if not.
 A POD file is one that ends with F<.pod>, F<.pl> and F<.pm>, or any file
 where the first line looks like a shebang line.
-If you're testing a module, just make a F<t/pod.t>:
+If you're testing a module, just make a F<t/spell.t>:
     use Test::More;
     use Test::Spelling;
@@ -260,6 +273,9 @@ which will append the diagnostic lines to the end of your test file. Assuming
 you already have a __DATA__ line in your test file, that should be enough to
 ensure that the test passes the next time.
+Also note that L<Pod::Spell> skips words believed to be code, such as words
+in verbatim blocks and code labeled with CE<lt>>.
 =head2 set_spell_cmd($command)
 If the F<spell> program has a different name or is not in your path, you can
@@ -267,6 +283,14 @@ specify an alternative with C<set_spell_cmd>. Any command that takes text
 from standard input and prints a list of misspelled words, one per line, to
 standard output will do. For example, you can use C<aspell -l>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 VERSION
 =head1 AUTHOR
 Ivan Tubert-Brohman C<< <itub at cpan.org> >>
@@ -275,7 +299,7 @@ Heavily based on L<Test::Pod> by Andy Lester and brian d foy.
-Copyright 2004, Ivan Tubert-Brohman, All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright 2005, Ivan Tubert-Brohman, All Rights Reserved.
 You may use, modify, and distribute this package under the
 same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/t/load.t b/t/load.t
index c8cf2fb..eee7584 100644
--- a/t/load.t
+++ b/t/load.t
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-#!perl -T
 use Test::More tests=>1;
diff --git a/t/pod.t b/t/pod.t
index df0c600..437887a 100644
--- a/t/pod.t
+++ b/t/pod.t
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#!perl -Tw
 use Test::More;
 eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
 plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

commit c1054cd6b821c75d29335d6b0e4efba583d8a635
Author: Shawn M Moore <sartak at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 25 11:51:36 2011 -0400


diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b63c3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

commit 8f3abd16dcffd973f80b3e249bf3ae24e885d29c
Merge: c1054cd 54af14d
Author: Shawn M Moore <sartak at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 25 11:51:45 2011 -0400

    Merge remote branch 'gitpan/master'


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