[Bps-public-commit] www-mechanize branch, master, updated. 1.68-2-g5b8d747

Jason May jasonmay at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 1 17:49:47 EDT 2011

The branch, master has been updated
       via  5b8d7477e7e744df9a685ef56bed08cf7f2567ff (commit)
       via  603cc85e10f46be6237d486ca8a71272ae314104 (commit)
      from  564087617ea8ee69a2fcdbf00a708865cdc69766 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 .shipit                |    3 +-
 Changes                |    7 ++
 lib/WWW/Mechanize.pm   |    2 +-
 t/local/LocalServer.pm |  207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 t/local/failure.t      |    2 +-
 t/local/get.t          |   14 ++--
 t/local/log-server     |  123 ++++++++++++++++++++++------
 t/local/reload.t       |    6 +-
 8 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 603cc85e10f46be6237d486ca8a71272ae314104
Author: Max Maischein <corion at corion.net>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 12:16:13 2011 +0200

    Update the Test::HTTP::LocalServer files (and tests) to a recent version
    - remove ->creds_required(), as that path does not exist in the server
    - add some more error conditions to the server (unused by WWW::Mechanize)
    - delete environment variables for proxies ETC
    - remove logfile on disk
    - update copyright

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 4127412..dc5df0d 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ Revision history for WWW::Mechanize
 Mech now has its own mailing list at Google Groups:
+The test suite for the local tests was updated
 1.68        Fri Apr 22 01:10:40 EST 2011
 No changes from 1.67_01
diff --git a/t/local/LocalServer.pm b/t/local/LocalServer.pm
index b15544e..393af37 100644
--- a/t/local/LocalServer.pm
+++ b/t/local/LocalServer.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package LocalServer;
 # start a fake webserver, fork, and connect to ourselves
 use warnings;
 use strict;
-use Test::More;
 use LWP::Simple;
 use FindBin;
 use File::Spec;
@@ -11,7 +10,21 @@ use File::Temp;
 use URI::URL qw();
 use Carp qw(carp croak);
-=head2 C<< Test::HTTP::LocalServer->spawn %ARGS >>
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.55';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use LWP::Simple qw(get);
+  my $server = Test::HTTP::LocalServer->spawn;
+  ok get $server->url, "Retrieve " . $server->url;
+  $server->stop;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 C<Test::HTTP::LocalServer-E<gt>spawn %ARGS>
 This spawns a new HTTP server. The server will stay running until
 C<< $server->stop >> is called.
@@ -20,22 +33,37 @@ Valid arguments are:
 =over 4
-=item * html
+=item *
+C<< html => >> scalar containing the page to be served
+=item *
-scalar containing the page to be served
+C<< file => >> filename containing the page to be served
-=item * file
+=item *
-filename containing the page to be served
+C<<  debug => 1 >> to make the spawned server output debug information
-=item * debug
+=item *
-Set to true to make the spawned server output debug information
+C<<  eval => >> string that will get evaluated per request in the server
+Try to avoid characters that are special to the shell, especially quotes.
+A good idea for a slow server would be
+  eval => sleep+10
 All served HTML will have the first %s replaced by the current location.
+The following entries will be removed from C<%ENV>:
+    http_proxy
 sub spawn {
@@ -44,7 +72,10 @@ sub spawn {
   bless $self,$class;
-  $ENV{TEST_HTTP_VERBOSE} = 1 if delete $args{debug};
+    if (delete $args{debug});
+  delete @ENV{qw(HTTP_PROXY http_proxy CGI_HTTP_PROXY)};
   $self->{delete} = [];
   if (my $html = delete $args{html}) {
@@ -61,28 +92,27 @@ sub spawn {
   close $fh;
   push @{$self->{delete}},$logfile;
   $self->{logfile} = $logfile;
-  my $web_page = delete $args{file};
-  if (defined $web_page) {
-    $web_page = qq{"$web_page"}
-  } else {
-    $web_page = "";
-  };
+  my $web_page = delete $args{file} || "";
   my $server_file = File::Spec->catfile( $FindBin::Bin,'log-server' );
+  my @opts;
+  push @opts, "-e" => qq{"} . delete($args{ eval }) . qq{"}
+      if $args{ eval };
-  open my $server, qq'$^X "$server_file" "$web_page" "$logfile" |'
-    or die "Couldn't spawn fake server $server_file : $!";
+  my $pid = open my $server, qq'$^X "$server_file" "$web_page" "$logfile" @opts|'
+    or croak "Couldn't spawn local server $server_file : $!";
   my $url = <$server>;
   chomp $url;
-  die "Couldn't find fake server url" unless $url;
-  $self->{_fh} = $server;
+  die "Couldn't read back local server url"
+      unless $url;
+  # What is this code supposed to fix?
   my $lhurl = URI::URL->new( $url );
   $lhurl->host( 'localhost' );
   $self->{_server_url} = $lhurl;
-  diag "Started $lhurl";
+  $self->{_fh} = $server;
+  $self->{_pid} = $pid;
@@ -103,46 +133,46 @@ sub port {
 =head2 C<< $server->url >>
 This returns the url where you can contact the server. This url
-is valid until you call
-C<< $server->stop >>
-C<< $server->get_output >>
+is valid until the C<$server> goes out of scope or you call
+C<< $server->stop >> or C<< $server->get_log >>.
 sub url {
-  my $url = $_[0]->{_server_url}->abs;
-  return $url->as_string;
+  $_[0]->{_server_url}->abs->as_string
-=head2 C<< $server->creds_required >>
+=head2 C<< $server->stop >>
-This returns a URL for a page that requires HTTP Basic-Auth.  The
-content returned is invariant and irrelevant; this method is for
-testing credential-passing code.  The username is 'luser' and the
-password is 'fnord'.  When these credentials are passed, the returned
-status will be 200, otherwise it will be 401.
+This stops the server process by requesting a special
-sub creds_required {
-  return $_[0]->{_server_url} . 'creds_required';
+sub stop {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    get( $self->quit_server );
+    undef $self->{_server_url};
+    if ( $self->{_fh} ) {
+        close $self->{_fh};
+        delete $self->{_fh};
+    }
-=head2 C<< $server->stop >>
+=head2 C<< $server->kill >>
-This stops the server process by requesting a special
+This kills the server process via C<kill>. The log
+cannot be retrieved then.
-sub stop {
-  get( $_[0]->{_server_url} . 'quit_server' );
-  undef $_[0]->{_server_url}
+sub kill {
+  CORE::kill( 9 => $_[0]->{ _pid } );
+  undef $_[0]->{_server_url};
+  undef $_[0]->{_pid};
-=head2 C<< $server->get_output >>
+=head2 C<< $server->get_log >>
 This stops the server by calling C<stop> and then returns the
 output of the server process. This output will be a list of
@@ -151,27 +181,76 @@ as a string.
-sub get_output {
+sub get_log {
   my ($self) = @_;
+  my $log = get( $self->get_server_log );
-  local $/;
-  local *LOG;
-  open LOG, '<', $self->{logfile}
-    or die "Couldn't retrieve logfile";
-  return join "", <LOG>;
+  return $log;
 sub DESTROY {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->stop if $self->{_server_url};
-    if ( $self->{_fh} ) {
-        close $self->{_fh};
-        delete $self->{_fh};
-    }
-    for my $file ( @{$self->{delete}} ) {
-        unlink $file or warn "Couldn't remove tempfile $file : $!\n";
-    }
+  $_[0]->stop if $_[0]->{_server_url};
+  for my $file (@{$_[0]->{delete}}) {
+    unlink $file or warn "Couldn't remove tempfile $file : $!\n";
+  };
+=head1 URLs implemented by the server
+=head2 302 redirect C<< $server->redirect($target) >>
+This URL will issue a redirect to C<$target>. No special care is taken
+towards URL-decoding C<$target> as not to complicate the server code.
+You need to be wary about issuing requests with escaped URL parameters.
+=head2 404 error C<< $server->error_notfound($target) >>
+This URL will response with status code 404.
+=head2 Timeout C<< $server->error_timeout($seconds) >>
+This URL will send a 599 error after C<$seconds> seconds.
+=head2 Timeout+close C<< $server->error_close($seconds) >>
+This URL will send nothing and close the connection after C<$seconds> seconds.
+=head2 Error in response content C<< $server->error_after_headers >>
+This URL will send headers for a successfull response but will close the
+socket with an error after 2 blocks of 16 spaces have been sent.
+=head2 Chunked response C<< $server->chunked >>
+This URL will return 5 blocks of 16 spaces at a rate of one block per second
+in a chunked response.
+=head2 Other URLs
+All other URLs will echo back the cookies and query parameters.
+use vars qw(%urls);
+%urls = (
+    'quit_server' => 'quit_server',
+    'get_server_log' => 'get_server_log',
+    'redirect' => 'redirect/%s',
+    'error_notfound' => 'error/notfound/%s',
+    'error_timeout' => 'error/timeout/%s',
+    'error_close' => 'error/close/%s',
+    'error_after_headers' => 'error/after_headers',
+    'chunked' => 'chunks',
+for (keys %urls) {
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my $name = $_;
+    *{ $name } = sub {
+        my $self = shift;
+        $self->url . sprintf $urls{ $name }, @_;
+    };
 =head1 EXPORT
@@ -181,7 +260,7 @@ None by default.
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Copyright (C) 2003 Max Maischein
+Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Max Maischein
 =head1 AUTHOR
@@ -191,7 +270,7 @@ Please contact me if you find bugs or otherwise improve the module. More tests a
 =head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/t/local/failure.t b/t/local/failure.t
index 72768b0..0470c02 100644
--- a/t/local/failure.t
+++ b/t/local/failure.t
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ GOOD_PAGE: {
     ok( $response->is_success, 'Success' );
     ok( $mech->success, 'Get webpage' );
     ok( $mech->is_html, 'It\'s HTML' );
-    is( $mech->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page', 'Correct title' );
+    is( $mech->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page', 'Correct title' );
     my @links = $mech->links;
     is( scalar @links, 10, '10 links, please' );
diff --git a/t/local/get.t b/t/local/get.t
index 31c2138..c4106d5 100644
--- a/t/local/get.t
+++ b/t/local/get.t
@@ -28,33 +28,33 @@ ok( $response->is_success, 'Page read OK' );
 ok( $agent->success, "Get webpage" );
 is( $agent->ct, "text/html", "Got the content-type..." );
 ok( $agent->is_html, "... and the is_html wrapper" );
-is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page', 'Titles match' );
+is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page', 'Titles match' );
 $agent->get( '/foo/' );
 ok( $agent->success, 'Got the /foo' );
 is( $agent->uri, sprintf('%sfoo/',$server->url), 'Got relative OK' );
 ok( $agent->is_html,'Got HTML back' );
-is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page', 'Got the right page' );
+is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page', 'Got the right page' );
 $agent->get( '../bar/' );
 ok( $agent->success, 'Got the /bar page' );
 is( $agent->uri, sprintf('%sbar/',$server->url), 'Got relative OK' );
 ok( $agent->is_html, 'is HTML' );
-is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page', 'Got the right page' );
+is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page', 'Got the right page' );
 $agent->get( 'basics.html' );
 ok( $agent->success, 'Got the basics page' );
 is( $agent->uri, sprintf('%sbar/basics.html',$server->url), 'Got relative OK' );
 ok( $agent->is_html, 'is HTML' );
-is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page', 'Title matches' );
-like( $agent->content, qr/WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page/, 'Got the right page' );
+is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page', 'Title matches' );
+like( $agent->content, qr/WWW::Mechanize test page/, 'Got the right page' );
 $agent->get( './refinesearch.html' );
 ok( $agent->success, 'Got the "refine search" page' );
 is( $agent->uri, sprintf('%sbar/refinesearch.html',$server->url), 'Got relative OK' );
 ok( $agent->is_html, 'is HTML' );
-is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page', 'Title matches' );
-like( $agent->content, qr/WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page/, 'Got the right page' );
+is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page', 'Title matches' );
+like( $agent->content, qr/WWW::Mechanize test page/, 'Got the right page' );
 my $rslength = do {use bytes; length $agent->content};
 my $tempfile = './temp';
diff --git a/t/local/log-server b/t/local/log-server
index 6490f2f..dfde1c5 100755
--- a/t/local/log-server
+++ b/t/local/log-server
@@ -4,19 +4,35 @@ use strict;
 use HTTP::Daemon;
 use CGI;
 use encoding 'iso-8859-1';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.55';
-my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new or die;
-print $d->url, "\n";
+    'e=s' => \my $expression,
+my $host = 'localhost';
+my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(
+    LocalAddr => $host,
+) or die;
+# HTTP::Deamon doesn't return http://localhost:.../
+# for LocalAddr => 'localhost'. This causes the
+# tests to fail of many machines.
+( my $url = URI->new($d->url) )->host($host);
+print "$url\n";
 my ($filename,$logfile) = @ARGV[0,1];
 if ($filename) {
   open DATA, "< $filename"
     or die "Couldn't read page '$filename' : $!\n";
-open LOG, ">", $logfile
-  or die "Couldn't create logfile '$logfile' : $!\n";
+#open LOG, ">", $logfile
+#  or die "Couldn't create logfile '$logfile' : $!\n";
+my $log;
 binmode DATA,':encoding(iso-8859-1)';
 my $body = join "", <DATA>;
@@ -32,7 +48,6 @@ SERVERLOOP: {
   while (my $c = $d->accept) {
     debug "New connection";
     while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
-      print LOG "Request:\n" . $r->as_string . "\n";
       debug "Request:\n" . $r->as_string;
       my $location = ($r->uri->path || "/");
       my ($link1,$link2) = ('','');
@@ -40,33 +55,87 @@ SERVERLOOP: {
         ($link1,$link2) = ($1,$2);
       my $res;
-      if ($location =~ m!^/redirect/(.*)$!) {
-        $res = HTTP::Response->new(302);
-				$res->header('location', $d->url . $1);
+      if ($location eq '/get_server_log') {
+        $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, $log);
+        $log = '';
+      } elsif ( $location eq '/quit_server') {
+        debug "Quitting";
+        $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", [Connection => 'close'], "quit");
+        $quitserver = 1;
       } else {
-        my $q = CGI->new($r->uri->query);
+        eval $expression
+            if $expression;
+        warn "eval: $@" if $@;
+        $log .= "Request:\n" . $r->as_string . "\n";
+        if ($location =~ m!^/redirect/(.*)$!) {
+            $res = HTTP::Response->new(302);
+            $res->header('location', $d->url . $1);
+        } elsif ($location =~ m!^/error/notfound/(.*)$!) {
+            $res = HTTP::Response->new(404, "Not found", [Connection => 'close']);
+        } elsif ($location =~ m!^/error/timeout/(\d+)$!) {
+            sleep $1;
+            $res = HTTP::Response->new(599, "Timeout reached", [Connection => 'close']);
+        } elsif ($location =~ m!^/error/close/(\d+)$!) {
+            sleep $1;
+            $res = undef;
+        } elsif ( $location =~ m!^/chunks!) {
+            my $count = 5;
+            $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, sub {
+               sleep 1;
+               my $buf = 'x' x 16;
+               return $buf if $count-- > 0;
+               return undef; # done
+            });
+        } elsif ($location =~ m!^/error/after_headers$!) {
+            my $count = 2;
+            $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, sub {
+               sleep 1;
+               my $buf = 'x' x 16;
+               return $buf if $count-- > 0;
+               die "Planned error after headers";
+            });
+        } else {
+            my $q = CGI->new($r->uri->query);
-        # Make sticky form fields
-        my ($query,$session,%cat);
-        $query = defined $q->param('query') ? $q->param('query') : "(empty)";
-        $session = defined $q->param('session') ? $q->param('session') : 1;
-        %cat = map { $_ => 1 } (defined $q->param('cat') ? $q->param('cat') : qw( cat_foo cat_bar ));
-        my @categories = map { $cat{$_} ? "checked" : "" } qw( cat_foo cat_bar cat_baz );
-        $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, sprintf($body,$location,$session,$query, at categories));
-        $res->content_type('text/html; charset=utf8');
-        debug "Request " . ($r->uri->path || "/");
-        if ( $location eq '/quit_server') {
-          debug "Quitting";
-          $c->force_last_request;
-          $quitserver = 1;
-          close LOG;
+            # Make sticky form fields
+            my ($query,$session,%cat);
+            $query = defined $q->param('query') ? $q->param('query') : "(empty)";
+            $session = defined $q->param('session') ? $q->param('session') : 1;
+            %cat = map { $_ => 1 } (defined $q->param('cat') ? $q->param('cat') : qw( cat_foo cat_bar ));
+            my @categories = map { $cat{$_} ? "checked" : "" } qw( cat_foo cat_bar cat_baz );
+            (my $h = $r->headers->{host}) =~ s/:\d+//;
+            my $rbody = sprintf $body,$location,$session,$query, at categories;
+            $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", [
+                  "Set-Cookie" => $q->cookie(-name => 'log-server',-value=>'shazam2', -discard=>1,),
+                  'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
+                  'Pragma' => 'no-cache',
+                  'Max-Age' => 0,
+                  'Connection' => 'close',
+                  'Content-Length' => length($rbody),
+              ], $rbody);
+            $res->content_type('text/html');
+            debug "Request " . ($r->uri->path || "/");
-      debug "Response:\n" . $res->as_string;
-      $c->send_response($res);
+      debug "Response:\n" . $res->as_string
+          if $res;
+      eval {
+        $c->send_response($res)
+            if $res;
+      };
+      if (my $err = $@) {
+          debug "Server raised error: $err";
+          if ($err !~ /^Planned error\b/) {
+              warn $err;
+          };
+          $c->close;
+      };
+      if (! $res) {
+          $c->close;
+      };
       last if $quitserver;
-    $c->close;
+    sleep 1;
     last SERVERLOOP
       if $quitserver;
@@ -77,7 +146,7 @@ END { debug "Server stopped" };
-<title>WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page</title>
+<title>WWW::Mechanize test page</title>
 <h1>Location: %s</h1>
diff --git a/t/local/reload.t b/t/local/reload.t
index 1d04713..60e7373 100644
--- a/t/local/reload.t
+++ b/t/local/reload.t
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ FIRST_GET: {
     isa_ok( $r, 'HTTP::Response' );
     ok( $r->is_success, 'Get google webpage');
     ok( $agent->is_html, 'Valid HTML' );
-    is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page' );
+    is( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page' );
     undef $agent->{content};
     undef $agent->{ct};
-    isnt( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page' );
+    isnt( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page' );
     ok( !$agent->is_html, 'Not HTML' );
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ RELOAD: {
     my $r = $agent->reload;
     isa_ok( $r, 'HTTP::Response' );
     ok( $agent->is_html, 'Valid HTML' );
-    ok( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page' );
+    ok( $agent->title, 'WWW::Mechanize test page' );
 SKIP: {

commit 5b8d7477e7e744df9a685ef56bed08cf7f2567ff
Author: Jason May <jasonmay at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Aug 1 17:48:14 2011 -0400

    Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 1.69_01.
    Changelog diff is:
    diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
    index dc5df0d..018c62e 100644
    --- a/Changes
    +++ b/Changes
    @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ http://groups.google.com/group/www-mechanize-users
     The test suite for the local tests was updated
     1.68        Fri Apr 22 01:10:40 EST 2011

diff --git a/.shipit b/.shipit
index 44c02c1..0d9261c 100644
--- a/.shipit
+++ b/.shipit
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 # auto-generated shipit config file.
-steps = FindVersion, ChangeVersion, CheckChangeLog, DistTest, Commit, Tag, MakeDist, UploadCPAN, Twitter
+steps = FindVersion, ChangeVersion, CheckChangeLog, DistTest, Commit, Tag, MakeDist, UploadCPAN
 git.tagpattern = %v
-twitter.config = ~/.twitterrc
 # svn.tagpattern = MyProj-%v
 # svn.tagpattern = http://code.example.com/svn/tags/MyProj-%v
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index dc5df0d..018c62e 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ http://groups.google.com/group/www-mechanize-users
 The test suite for the local tests was updated
 1.68        Fri Apr 22 01:10:40 EST 2011
diff --git a/lib/WWW/Mechanize.pm b/lib/WWW/Mechanize.pm
index 4ea1765..7880cc6 100644
--- a/lib/WWW/Mechanize.pm
+++ b/lib/WWW/Mechanize.pm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Version 1.66
-our $VERSION = '1.68';
+our $VERSION = '1.69_01';
 =head1 SYNOPSIS


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