[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-notificationmatrix annotated tag, 1.9, created. 1.9

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 26 11:48:39 EDT 2011

The annotated tag, 1.9 has been created
        at  b09144b6b5a933bf479d353980ded1e7bba2b9b9 (tag)
   tagging  3675630046e67a5588f3022421deb107247dc26c (commit)
 tagged by  Thomas Sibley
        on  Tue Jul 26 11:48:23 2011 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 1.9
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Chia-liang Kao (42):
      first cut of notification matrix UI
      fix attribute loading
      UI for adding userdefined groups into the matrix.
      basic test and rule for ticketcreated condition.
      make use of the on create condition.
      provide generic rule hook.
      A few more conditions and tests.
      use real rule names.
      minor cleanup
      fix misplaced tag
      UI tweaks.
      silence a warning.
      ticket updated externally rule.
      menu hook.
      Load templates in a chain-of-responsibility fashion.
      per rule default template
      Fill in default templates.
      provide hints and descriptions for the nm rules.
      more verbose description.
      minor ui tweaks.
      kill a warning.
      Fix typo.
      support negation.
      hints about unselect.
      acl and result messages.
      remove useless template.
      send to queue watchers as well as ticket watchers.
      split external and internal sendemail actions.
      Provide default external templates for TicketUpdatedExternally and TicketCreated
      test for external tempaltes.
      rules about external templates.
      Fix scrips preview hinting.
      Don't need queue names in template names.
      document template used by rules.
      correct external template preferences in pod.
      correct NM_Entry
      refactor for providing recipient classes
      distinguish recipient class from group types.
      reimplement the notifyactor and to-line logic from Action::Notify
      support sending as comment, for the TicketCommented Rule
      more tests

Jesse Vincent (10):
      Added MANIFEST
      First pass on TicketRepliedTo
      fixes for ticket replied to actually working.
      better phrasing on ticketrepliedto
      manifest update
      Add autoreply tests
      further test corrections
      On Autoreply, we DO want to notify the owner

Thomas Sibley (2):
      Support queue level template overrides
      Sign when we make dist


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