[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-SLA annotated tag, 0.03, created. 0.03

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 2 18:06:57 EDT 2011

The annotated tag, 0.03 has been created
        at  1d757afedbff96d186d060087a24cfa99879ea8f (tag)
   tagging  f1963baeb2645e695326abedb88b2b6ffabff2b1 (commit)
 tagged by  Ruslan Zakirov
        on  Fri Jun 3 01:09:19 2011 +0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 0.03
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin)


Ruslan Zakirov (93):
      Service Level Agreements extension for RT
      initial commit
      makefile, metafile
      M::I facility
      add CF
      add M::I::RTx::Factory
      add conditions
      make a class from a module
      our actions and conditions are subclasses of RT::Extension::SLA first of all
      update things acording to the latest changes
      update docs
      delete a module we've added by accident
      move things from RT::Action::SLA::* into RT::Action::SLA_*,
      move condition, we have no support of :: in ExecModule field
      fixes, fixes, fixes
      new condition
      docs update
      add new method into RT::ConditionSLA
      add GetCustomField method
      use GetCustomField
      implement SetStarts action
      add default RequireStartsSet condition
      update initialdata
      simple tests
      update M::I, META and makefile
      add manifest
      fix docs typo
      use different levels for replies and responses
      for resolve due use ticket's created time
      docs update
      add GetDefaultServiceLevel method
      use new method so we have now one default service level for a ticket,
      implement OutOfHours modifier
      update initial data
      update M::I
      add $ticket that is used
      add support of 'StartImmediately'
      apply scrip only if SLA SF is applied to the ticket(queue)
      add few tests
      basic tests for Starts date are ready and things even work
      add a SPEC with examples
      add Agreement method and use it in the Agreements method
      set Starts only when service level is set
      run DueSet script on Correspond, but only service level is set
      rewrite SetDue action, now it's much closer to the spec
      update docs...
      move code that gets B::Hours' properties into BusinessHours method
      add questionable items to the top, so may be devs/users pay
      add first simple test around due
      add more tests, looks like things work
      doc update
      add more tests
      fix number of tests in the file
      replace LastCorrespond with 'LastRequestorsEffectiveAct'
      update doc
      update todo list
      rename lib/RT/Extension/QueueSLA.pm -> lib/RT/Queue_SLA.pm
      fix number of tests and a little bug in the test
      abstract setting up date field
      make test a  little bit more correct
      delete some old functions we don't want to use
      we don't Business::SLA anymore
      allow to speccify per queue defaults in the config as we have no web UI right now
      update docs
      add ACL checks on queue
      replace RT::SLA option with RT::ServiceAgreements as
      rename RT::BusinessHours option into RT::ServiceBusinessHours
      load global field if local is not applied
      use method we have instead of duplicating
      we check that level is set in Prepare code and return error otherwise,
      $method is already declared with 'my' earlier
      fix call to GetCustomField
      make tests less noisy
      update META and M::I
      doc every feature we have in this module
      update meta and makefile, we distribute under GPL2
      it's version 0.01
      POD fixes
      add changes to the repo
      update M::I
      bump version
      update M::I
      docs updates, thanks to Richard Foley
      describe a new feature in the doc
      implement KeepInLoop feature
      add tests for KeepInLoop thing
      update inc/
      bump version, update Changes and meta file

sunnavy (14):
      doc fix
      lack a )
      doc typo fix
      Queue SLA Attribute support
      default queue SLA should work now
      initial unique Business::Hours object for each level
      business_hours accept hash, not hash ref
      Default stuff support for Business::Hours, also docs
      bugs fix
      added default queue sla  test
      initial tests for business_hours, rough
      use Time::MockTime to test more accurately
      more accuate tests
      no warnings 'once' for %RT::SLA and %RT::BusinessHours


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