[Bps-public-commit] www-mechanize annotated tag, v0.73_01, created. v0.73_01

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Tue Mar 1 19:19:06 EST 2011

The annotated tag, v0.73_01 has been created
        at  9c2b74adbad949cc4f815208e28b1e166c92fee3 (tag)
   tagging  d120baae3547a0c5b0ec1375f2b1b5995a59c619 (commit)
  replaces  v0.72
 tagged by  Andy Lester
        on  Sun Feb 29 05:50:07 2004 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release 0.73_01

Andy Lester (21):
      Removed unnecessary returns
      Added a new FAQ
      Added W:M:Timed
      Started the cookbook
      Added the ccdl script
      Releasing 0.72
      Added link to Mike Schilli's article at http://www.linux-magazin.de/Artikel/ausgabe/2004/03/perl/perl.html
      Uses new Test::Pod::Coverage
      Added the new meta link stuff
      Fixed up whitespace
      Retabbed, and added some fake incorrect equivs
      Added stuff for the meta tag
      Whitespace cleanup
      No longer used
      Starting in 0.73_01, the http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY environment variables
      Deleted the vars that set the rpoxy
      Cleaned up the proxy vars correctly
      Now requires 5.6.1
      New t/taint.t
      Rolling out 0.73_01

Max Maischein (1):
      + Fixed a minor Win32 niggle in Makefile.PL, now all tests are run


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