[Bps-public-commit] rt-authen-externalauth branch, multiple-emails, updated. 0.09-42-gbddaadc

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Sat May 14 04:41:44 EDT 2011

The branch, multiple-emails has been updated
       via  bddaadc881608efe49bb93c7265348558a5e06d8 (commit)
       via  764badbc700448e9c6bb054882dd3492f8113c1a (commit)
       via  c6bfda39366e3484758b3ae298d5934cfc1c2792 (commit)
       via  937812796e76b296cea531a02215bbafae660961 (commit)
      from  8cee06245cc375ca888a2f463ed5c297cc25fafb (commit)

Summary of changes:
 lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm      |  173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/Test.pm |    2 +-
 xt/ldap/late-sync.t                |   89 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 xt/ldap/late-sync.t

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 937812796e76b296cea531a02215bbafae660961
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Sat May 14 11:20:00 2011 +0400

    test late sync, e.g. ExtAuth enabled on live system

diff --git a/xt/ldap/late-sync.t b/xt/ldap/late-sync.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0673910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/ldap/late-sync.t
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::Test ldap => 1, tests => 43;
+my $class = 'RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::Test';
+my ($server, $client) = $class->bootstrap_ldap_basics;
+ok( $server, "spawned test LDAP server" );
+my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue(Name => 'General');
+ok($queue->id, "loaded the General queue");
+RT->Config->Set( AutoCreate                  => { Privileged => 1 } );
+RT->Config->Set( AutoCreateNonExternalUsers  => 1 );
+    { Principal => 'Everyone', Right => [qw(SeeQueue ShowTicket CreateTicket)] },
+my ( $baseurl, $m ) = RT::Test->started_ok();
+diag "send email w/o LDAP, login with LDAP";
+    my $username = 'test1';
+    my $first_user;
+    {
+        my $mail = << "MAIL";
+Subject: Test
+From: $username\@invalid.tld
+        my ($status, $id) = RT::Test->send_via_mailgate($mail);
+        is ($status >> 8, 0, "The mail gateway exited normally");
+        ok ($id, "got id of a newly created ticket - $id");
+        my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+        $ticket->Load( $id );
+        ok ($ticket->id, 'loaded ticket');
+        # no LDAP account
+        my $user = $first_user = $ticket->CreatorObj;
+        is( $user->Name, "$username\@invalid.tld" );
+        is( $user->EmailAddress, "$username\@invalid.tld" );
+    }
+    $class->add_ldap_user_simple( cn => $username );
+    {
+        ok( $m->login( $username, 'password' ), 'logged in' );
+        ok( $m->goto_create_ticket( $queue ), "go to create ticket" );
+        $m->form_name('TicketCreate');
+        $m->submit;
+        my ($id) = ($m->content =~ /.*Ticket (\d+) created.*/g);
+        ok $id, "created a ticket";
+        my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+        $ticket->Load( $id );
+        ok ($ticket->id, 'loaded ticket');
+        my $user = $ticket->CreatorObj;
+        is( $user->id, $first_user->id );
+        is( $user->Name, $username );
+        is( $user->EmailAddress, "$username\@invalid.tld" );
+    }

commit c6bfda39366e3484758b3ae298d5934cfc1c2792
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Sat May 14 11:20:52 2011 +0400

    make it possible to pass cn (name) into add_ldap_user_simple

diff --git a/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/Test.pm b/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/Test.pm
index dfdb426..057348b 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/Test.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/Test.pm
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ sub add_ldap_user_simple {
     my $self = shift;
     my %args = @_;
-    my $name = "testuser". ++$i;
+    my $name = delete $args{'cn'} || "testuser". ++$i;
     s/\%name\b/$name/g foreach grep defined, values %args;

commit 764badbc700448e9c6bb054882dd3492f8113c1a
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Sat May 14 11:22:46 2011 +0400

    split LoadByCols addition into two attempts
    new attempt checks for not yet synced records, for example
    user (foo at xxx, foo at xxx) logs in as foo which exist in external
    source as (foo, foo at xxx).

diff --git a/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm b/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
index 9b66a0e..b3321ed 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
@@ -586,50 +586,132 @@ sub CanonicalizeUserInfo {
         my $rv = $orig->( $self, %args );
         return $rv if $self->id;
-# we couldn't load a user. ok, but user may exist anyway. It may happen when
-# RT fields in attr_match_list are mapped to multiple attributes in an external
+# we couldn't load a user. ok, but user may exist anyway. It may happen in the following
+# cases:
+# 1) Service has multiple fields in attr_match_list, it's important when we have Name
+# and EmailAddress in there. 
+        my (%other) = FindRecordsByOtherFields( $self, %args );
+        while ( my ($search_by, $values) = each %other ) {
+            foreach my $value ( @$values ) {
+                my $rv = $orig->( $self, $search_by => $value );
+                return $rv if $self->id;
+            }
+        }
+# 2) RT fields in attr_match_list are mapped to multiple attributes in an external
 # source, for example: attr_map => { EmailAddress => [qw(mail alias1 alias2 alias3)], }
+        my ($search_by, @alternatives) = FindRecordsWithAlternatives( $self, %args );
+        foreach my $value ( @alternatives ) {
+            my $rv = $orig->( $self, %args, $search_by => $value );
+            return $rv if $self->id;
+        }
-        # find services that may have alternative values for a field we search by
-        my @info_services = $RT::ExternalInfoPriority ? @{$RT::ExternalInfoPriority} : ();
-        foreach my $service ( splice @info_services ) {
-            my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{ $service };
-            next if $config->{'type'} eq 'cookie';
-            next unless
-                grep ref $_,
-                map $config->{'attr_map'}{ $_ },
-                @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} };
+        return $rv;
+    };
+sub FindRecordsWithAlternatives {
+    my $user = shift;
+    my %args = @_;
-            push @info_services, $service;
+    # find services that may have alternative values for a field we search by
+    my @info_services = $RT::ExternalInfoPriority ? @{$RT::ExternalInfoPriority} : ();
+    foreach my $service ( splice @info_services ) {
+        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{ $service };
+        next if $config->{'type'} eq 'cookie';
+        next unless
+            grep ref $_,
+            map $config->{'attr_map'}{ $_ },
+            @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} };
+        push @info_services, $service;
+    }
+    return unless @info_services;
+    # find user in external service and fetch alternative values
+    # for a field
+    foreach my $service (@info_services) {
+        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+        my $search_by = undef;
+        foreach my $rt_attr ( @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} } ) {
+            next unless exists $args{ $rt_attr }
+                && defined $args{ $rt_attr }
+                && length $args{ $rt_attr };
+            next unless ref $config->{'attr_map'}{ $rt_attr };
+            $search_by = $rt_attr;
+            last;
-        return $rv unless @info_services;
-        # find user in external service and fetch alternative values
-        # for a field
-        my ($found, $search_by, @alternatives);
-        foreach my $service (@info_services) {
-            my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
-            $search_by = undef;
-            foreach my $rt_attr ( @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} } ) {
-                next unless exists $args{ $rt_attr }
-                    && defined $args{ $rt_attr }
-                    && length $args{ $rt_attr };
-                next unless ref $config->{'attr_map'}{ $rt_attr };
-                $search_by = $rt_attr;
-                last;
-            }
-            next unless $search_by;
+        next unless $search_by;
+        my @search_args = (
+            $service,
+            $config->{'attr_map'}{ $search_by },
+            $args{ $search_by },
+            $config->{'attr_map'}{ $search_by },
+        );
+        my ($found, %params);
+        if($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
+            ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::CanonicalizeUserInfo( @search_args );
+        } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
+            ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::DBI::CanonicalizeUserInfo( @search_args );
+        } else {
+            $RT::Logger->debug( (caller(0))[3],
+                                "does not consider",
+                                $service,
+                                "a valid information service");
+        }
+        next unless $found;
+        my @alternatives = grep defined && length && $_ ne $args{ $search_by }, values %params;
+        # Don't Check any more services
+        return @alternatives;
+    }
+    return;
+sub FindRecordsByOtherFields {
+    my $user = shift;
+    my %args = @_;
+    my @info_services = $RT::ExternalInfoPriority ? @{$RT::ExternalInfoPriority} : ();
+    foreach my $service ( splice @info_services ) {
+        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{ $service };
+        next if $config->{'type'} eq 'cookie';
+        next unless @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} } > 1;
+        push @info_services, $service;
+    }
+    return unless @info_services;
+    # find user in external service and fetch alternative values
+    # for a field
+    foreach my $service (@info_services) {
+        my $config = $RT::ExternalSettings->{$service};
+        foreach my $search_by ( @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} } ) {
+            next unless exists $args{ $search_by }
+                && defined $args{ $search_by }
+                && length $args{ $search_by };
+            my @fetch =
+                map ref $_? @$_ : $_,
+                grep defined,
+                map $config->{'attr_map'}{ $_ },
+                grep $_ ne $search_by,
+                @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} };
             my @search_args = (
                 $config->{'attr_map'}{ $search_by },
                 $args{ $search_by },
-                $config->{'attr_map'}{ $search_by },
+                \@fetch,
-            my %params;
+            my ($found, %params);
             if($config->{'type'} eq 'ldap') {
                 ($found, %params) = RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::CanonicalizeUserInfo( @search_args );
             } elsif ($config->{'type'} eq 'db') {
@@ -642,20 +724,19 @@ sub CanonicalizeUserInfo {
             next unless $found;
-            @alternatives = grep defined && length && $_ ne $args{ $search_by }, values %params;
-            # Don't Check any more services
-            last;
-        }
-        return $rv unless $found;
-        # lookup by alternatives
-        foreach my $value ( @alternatives ) {
-            my $rv = $orig->( $self, %args, $search_by => $value );
-            return $rv if $self->id;
+            my %res =
+                map { $_ => $config->{'attr_map'}{ $_ } }
+                grep defined $config->{'attr_map'}{ $_ },
+                grep $_ ne $search_by,
+                @{ $config->{'attr_match_list'} }
+            ;
+            foreach my $value ( values %res ) {
+                $value = ref $value? [ map $params{$_}, @$value ] : [ $params{ $value } ];
+            }
+            return %res;
-        return $rv;
-    };
+    }
+    return;
 sub WorkaroundAutoCreate {

commit bddaadc881608efe49bb93c7265348558a5e06d8
Author: Ruslan Zakirov <ruz at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Sat May 14 12:32:54 2011 +0400

    workaround some cache issues in a test

diff --git a/xt/ldap/late-sync.t b/xt/ldap/late-sync.t
index 0673910..b7028d8 100644
--- a/xt/ldap/late-sync.t
+++ b/xt/ldap/late-sync.t
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::Test ldap => 1, tests => 43;
+use RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::Test ldap => 1, tests => 19;
 my $class = 'RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::Test';
 my ($server, $client) = $class->bootstrap_ldap_basics;
@@ -43,12 +43,16 @@ MAIL
         my $user = $first_user = $ticket->CreatorObj;
         is( $user->Name, "$username\@invalid.tld" );
         is( $user->EmailAddress, "$username\@invalid.tld" );
+        # make user privileged to stop $m->login failing
+        $user->SetPrivileged(1) unless $user->Privileged;
+    DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable->FlushCache;
     $class->add_ldap_user_simple( cn => $username );
-        ok( $m->login( $username, 'password' ), 'logged in' );
+        ok( custom_login( $username, 'password' ), 'logged in' );
         ok( $m->goto_create_ticket( $queue ), "go to create ticket" );
@@ -68,5 +72,18 @@ MAIL
+sub custom_login {
+    my $user = shift || 'root';
+    my $pass = shift || 'password';
+    $m->logout;
+    my $url = $m->rt_base_url;
+    $m->get($url . "?user=$user;pass=$pass");
+    return $m->status == 200
+        && $m->content =~ qr/Logout/i
+        && $m->content =~ m{<span>\Q$user\E\@invalid\.tld</span>}i;


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