[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-rt_cpan_org branch, master, updated. 30d8fd5a7708de1b62cc51ad94737da7adde1bba

Shawn Moore sartak at bestpractical.com
Fri May 27 14:45:39 EDT 2011

The branch, master has been updated
       via  30d8fd5a7708de1b62cc51ad94737da7adde1bba (commit)
      from  565e5f57fc3a46198de24e1059055eb1dedb64ac (commit)

Summary of changes:
 html/Elements/QueueSummary |    2 +-
 html/Elements/Quicksearch  |    6 +++---
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 30d8fd5a7708de1b62cc51ad94737da7adde1bba
Author: Shawn M Moore <sartak at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri May 27 14:41:55 2011 -0400

    Don't localize the status in QueueSummary links
        Otherwise when using rt.cpan in another language we generate URLs like:
        instead of:
        which leads to:
            no such status as 'オープン'

diff --git a/html/Elements/QueueSummary b/html/Elements/QueueSummary
index b2b6637..a545f3a 100644
--- a/html/Elements/QueueSummary
+++ b/html/Elements/QueueSummary
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 <td><a href="<% $RT::WebPath%>/Dist/Display.html?Status=Active&Queue=<% $queue->{Name} |u %>"><% $queue->{Name} %></a></td>
 %   for my $condition (@$conditions) {
 %       $Tickets->FromSQL( "Queue = $queue->{id} AND ". $condition->{cond} );
-<td align="right"><a href="<% $RT::WebPath%>/Dist/Display.html?Status=<% $condition->{name} |u %>&Queue=<% $queue->{Name} |u %>"><% $Tickets->Count %></a></td>
+<td align="right"><a href="<% $RT::WebPath%>/Dist/Display.html?Status=<% $condition->{status} |u %>&Queue=<% $queue->{Name} |u %>"><% $Tickets->Count %></a></td>
 %   }
 % }
diff --git a/html/Elements/Quicksearch b/html/Elements/Quicksearch
index 4acbc20..5c85e4d 100755
--- a/html/Elements/Quicksearch
+++ b/html/Elements/Quicksearch
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 <& /Elements/QueueSummary,
    cache => 'quick_search_queues',
    queue_filter => sub { $_->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket') && !exists $unwanted->{$_->Name} },
-   conditions => [ {cond => "Status = 'new'",  name => loc ('new')  },
-		   {cond => "Status = 'open'", name => loc ('open') },
-		   {cond => "Status = 'stalled'", name => loc ('stalled') }] &>
+   conditions => [ {cond => "Status = 'new'",  name => loc ('new'), status => 'new'  },
+		   {cond => "Status = 'open'", name => loc ('open'), status => 'open' },
+		   {cond => "Status = 'stalled'", name => loc ('stalled'), status => 'stalled' }] &>


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