[Bps-public-commit] dbix-searchbuilder branch, set-undef-fix, updated. 1.59-39-g2b613bb
? sunnavy
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Mon May 30 13:42:44 EDT 2011
The branch, set-undef-fix has been updated
via 2b613bb8fbd41ac1b7cb7760953d6a7e162382d1 (commit)
via 86adcad23ceb5e57fd94fe457769f5836e859ad8 (commit)
via 60def87e138f770a3563c7d953bb0b679ca10c14 (commit)
from bce622140b2e7d415f7beec37ecefb5f463bfa15 (commit)
Summary of changes:
lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm | 15 ++++-
t/02records_integers.t | 16 +++-
t/20set_edge_cases.t | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 t/20set_edge_cases.t
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 60def87e138f770a3563c7d953bb0b679ca10c14
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue May 31 00:32:43 2011 +0800
test warning when setting a feild from null to not-null
diff --git a/t/02records_integers.t b/t/02records_integers.t
index 5cf3e1c..d13e2ee 100644
--- a/t/02records_integers.t
+++ b/t/02records_integers.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Test::More;
BEGIN { require "t/utils.pl" }
our (@AvailableDrivers);
-use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 36;
+use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 37;
my $total = scalar(@AvailableDrivers) * TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
plan tests => $total;
@@ -67,9 +67,17 @@ SKIP: {
ok($status, "status ok") or diag $status->error_message;
is($rec->Optional, undef, 'undef equal to NULL');
- $status = $rec->SetOptional( '' );
- ok($status, "status ok") or diag $status->error_message;
- is($rec->Optional, 0, 'empty string should be threated as zero');
+ {
+ my $warn;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ $warn++;
+ warn @_;
+ };
+ $status = $rec->SetOptional('');
+ ok( $status, "status ok" ) or diag $status->error_message;
+ is( $rec->Optional, 0, 'empty string should be threated as zero' );
+ ok( !$warn, 'no warning to set value from null to not-null' );
+ }
$status = $rec->SetOptional;
ok($status, "status ok") or diag $status->error_message;
commit 86adcad23ceb5e57fd94fe457769f5836e859ad8
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue May 31 01:33:51 2011 +0800
return error directly if set undef to a NOT NULL field which lacks DEFAULT
diff --git a/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm b/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm
index 57bd3fa..26fa0b7 100755
--- a/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm
+++ b/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm
@@ -783,7 +783,20 @@ sub __Set {
else {
if ( $self->_Accessible( $args{Column}, 'no_nulls' ) ) {
- $args{'Value'} = $self->_Accessible( $args{Column}, 'default' );
+ my $default = $self->_Accessible( $args{Column}, 'default' );
+ if ( defined $default ) {
+ $args{'Value'} = $default;
+ }
+ else {
+ $ret->as_array( 0, 'Illegal value for ' . $args{'Column'} );
+ $ret->as_error(
+ errno => 3,
+ do_backtrace => 0,
+ message => "Illegal value for " . $args{'Column'}
+ );
+ return ( $ret->return_value );
+ }
commit 2b613bb8fbd41ac1b7cb7760953d6a7e162382d1
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue May 31 01:39:08 2011 +0800
20set_edge_cases for more edge case tests
test of setting undef/empty string to a NOT NULL field without DEFAULT
diff --git a/t/20set_edge_cases.t b/t/20set_edge_cases.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39476d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/20set_edge_cases.t
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+BEGIN { require "t/utils.pl" }
+our (@AvailableDrivers);
+use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 20;
+my $total = scalar(@AvailableDrivers) * TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
+plan tests => $total;
+foreach my $d (@AvailableDrivers) {
+ SKIP: {
+ unless ( has_schema( 'TestApp::Address', $d ) ) {
+ skip "No schema for '$d' driver", TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
+ }
+ unless ( should_test($d) ) {
+ skip "ENV is not defined for driver '$d'", TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
+ }
+ my $handle = get_handle($d);
+ connect_handle($handle);
+ isa_ok( $handle->dbh, 'DBI::db' );
+ my $ret = init_schema( 'TestApp::Address', $handle );
+ isa_ok( $ret, 'DBI::st',
+ "Inserted the schema. got a statement handle back" );
+ my $rec = TestApp::Address->new($handle);
+ my ($id) = $rec->Create( Name => 'foo', Number => 3 );
+ ok( $id, "Created record " . $id );
+ ok( $rec->Load($id), "Loaded the record" );
+ is( $rec->Name, 'foo', "name is foo" );
+ is( $rec->Number, 3, "number is 3" );
+ my ( $val, $msg ) = $rec->SetName('bar');
+ ok( $val, $msg );
+ is( $rec->Name, 'bar', "name is changed to bar" );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $rec->SetName(undef);
+ ok( !$val, $msg );
+ is( $msg, 'Illegal value for Name', 'error message' );
+ is( $rec->Name, 'bar', 'name is still bar' );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $rec->SetName('');
+ ok( $val, $msg );
+ is( $rec->Name, '', "name is changed to ''" );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $rec->SetNumber(42);
+ ok( $val, $msg );
+ is( $rec->Number, 42, 'number is changed to 42' );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $rec->SetNumber(undef);
+ ok( !$val, $msg );
+ is( $msg, 'Illegal value for Number', 'error message' );
+ is( $rec->Number, 42, 'number is still 42' );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $rec->SetNumber('');
+ ok( $val, $msg );
+ is( $rec->Number, 0, 'empty string implies 0 for integer field' );
+ cleanup_schema( 'TestApp::Address', $handle );
+ }
+package TestApp::Address;
+ ? qw/DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable/
+ : qw/DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record/;
+sub _Init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $handle = shift;
+ $self->Table('Address');
+ $self->_Handle($handle);
+sub _ClassAccessible {
+ {
+ id => { read => 1, type => 'int(11)', },
+ Name => { read => 1, write => 1, type => 'varchar(14)', no_nulls => 1 },
+ Number => { read => 1, write => 1, type => 'int(8)', no_nulls => 1 },
+ };
+sub schema_mysql {
+ <<EOF;
+ id integer AUTO_INCREMENT,
+ Name varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ Number int(8) NOT NULL,
+sub schema_pg {
+ <<EOF;
+ id serial PRIMARY KEY,
+ Name varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ Number integer NOT NULL
+sub schema_sqlite {
+ <<EOF;
+ id integer primary key,
+ Name varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ Number int(8) NOT NULL)
+sub schema_oracle {
+ [
+ "CREATE SEQUENCE Address_seq",
+ "CREATE TABLE Address (
+ id integer CONSTRAINT Address_Key PRIMARY KEY,
+ Name varchar(36) NOT NULL,
+ Number integer NOT NULL
+ )",
+ ];
+sub cleanup_schema_oracle {
+ [ "DROP SEQUENCE Address_seq", "DROP TABLE Address", ];
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