[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-LDAPImport branch, master, updated. 0.32_03-4-gd524ce7
Jim Brandt
jbrandt at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 9 14:32:08 EDT 2012
The branch, master has been updated
via d524ce7af5a8ada63c55d2f0c8a535d5b483b1da (commit)
from 672722b901b3380c876d2f0e52c2c3d412da239f (commit)
Summary of changes:
lib/RT/Extension/LDAPImport.pm | 25 +------------------------
t/group-import.t | 35 +----------------------------------
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d524ce7af5a8ada63c55d2f0c8a535d5b483b1da
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Apr 9 14:30:07 2012 -0400
Group regex moved to a branch.
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/LDAPImport.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/LDAPImport.pm
index 0da089a..411f138 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/LDAPImport.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/LDAPImport.pm
@@ -18,27 +18,11 @@ use Data::Dumper;
RT::Extension::LDAPImport - Import Users from an LDAP store
use RT::Extension::LDAPImport;
-If the LDAP group field you are mapping to doesn't have a
-simple username, you provide a regex to pull the name out
-with Member_Attr_Regex. The capture value in the regex will be
-used to find the username.
- Set($LDAPGroupMapping, {Name => 'cn',
- Member_Attr => 'member',
- Member_Attr_Value => 'dn'
- Member_Attr_Regex => qr/^cn=(\w+)\,/,
- });
-The above would pull the name out of an entry something like
- cn=somename,ou=company
=head1 METHODS
=head2 connect_ldap
@@ -881,13 +865,6 @@ sub _get_group_members_from_ldap {
my $mapping = $RT::LDAPGroupMapping;
my $members = $ldap_entry->get_value($mapping->{Member_Attr}, asref => 1);
- if ( exists $mapping->{Member_Attr_Regex}
- and defined $mapping->{Member_Attr_Regex} ) {
- @{$members} = map{ /$mapping->{Member_Attr_Regex}/ } @{$members};
- }
- return $members;
diff --git a/t/group-import.t b/t/group-import.t
index e15754b..6d28e80 100644
--- a/t/group-import.t
+++ b/t/group-import.t
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 't/lib';
-use RT::Extension::LDAPImport::Test tests => 74;
+use RT::Extension::LDAPImport::Test tests => 66;
eval { require Net::LDAP::Server::Test; 1; } or do {
plan skip_all => 'Unable to test without Net::Server::LDAP::Test';
@@ -99,39 +99,6 @@ RT->Config->Set('LDAPGroupMapping',
import_group_members_ok( memberUid => 'uid' );
-# Test a regex on Member_Attr
-# This is for a case where the member attribute
-# isn't the simple member name.
- at ldap_group_entries = ();
- my $groupname = "Test Group 5";
- my $dn = "cn=$groupname,ou=groups,dc=bestpractical,dc=com";
- my $entry = {
- cn => $groupname,
- members => [ map { $_->{dn} } @ldap_user_entries[3,7,11] ],
- # Make an entries that looks like cn=testuser12,ou=foo,dc=bestpractical
- memberUid => [ map { 'cn=' . $_->{uid} . ',ou=foo,dc=bestpractical' }
- @ldap_user_entries[3,7,11] ],
- objectClass => 'Test5',
- };
- $ldap->add( $dn, attr => [%$entry] );
- # Fix entry for expected value after regex.
- $entry->{memberUid} = [ map { $_->{uid} } @ldap_user_entries[3,7,11] ];
- push @ldap_group_entries, $entry;
- {Name => 'cn',
- Member_Attr => 'memberUid',
- Member_Attr_Value => 'uid',
- Member_Attr_Regex => qr/^cn=(\w+)\,/,
- });
-import_group_members_ok( memberUid => 'uid' );
sub import_group_members_ok {
my $attr = shift;
my $user_attr = shift;
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