[Bps-public-commit] cpan2rt annotated tag, deployed, created. deployed

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Wed Jan 18 13:48:54 EST 2012

The annotated tag, deployed has been created
        at  3c2af496ef274afb7d6e1e5691732cb22da4669f (tag)
   tagging  4a5e320350da6bc48438d8703bce424b29dfe07b (commit)
 tagged by  Kevin Falcone
        on  Wed Jan 18 13:48:17 2012 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
mark the version of this running in production
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)


Ruslan Zakirov (18):
      CPAN to RT importer for rt.cpan.org
      initial import
      update M::I
      bump version to 0.02
      really bump version
      pod update
      add parsing of find-ls index file
      adjust debug output
      use find-ls index to get more versions of distributions
      switch from 01mailrc.txt.gz to 00whois.xml
      adjust dependencies
      bump version
      use several attempts to fetch a file as mirror we use
      filter versions earlier to avoid warnings
      adjust logging to screen according to command line options
      improve memory usage
      use new sync_versions method


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