[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-formtools annotated tag, 0.11_01, created. 0.11_01

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 24 19:08:51 EDT 2012

The annotated tag, 0.11_01 has been created
        at  3b2c38ffd2a7ed444a8e0fd04cec2e44c5171e50 (tag)
   tagging  c2bb5866696486d6d447994992acae38a227fc2c (commit)
  replaces  0.07_07
 tagged by  Thomas Sibley
        on  Tue Jul 24 16:08:18 2012 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
dev version 0.11_01
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Kevin Falcone (13):
      bump MI
      give this new feature a version
      proper MIRTx
      Revert "render_as => 'hidden' for custom fields"
      Actually allow validation of radios
      Merge branch 'validation'
      Merge branch 'stop-storing-password'
      upgrade MI/MIRTx
      Merge branch 'disabling-fields'
      Bump version
      Make the result of the option clearer
      ignore some of the newer dist cruft
      Merge branch 'selfservice-header'

Matt Zagrabelny (5):
      HTML id added as form_id to form component
      add option for using SelfService header
      Be graceful about $queue not being defined
      Align Mason args using whitespace
      add in hidden input tags for different render_as

Ruslan Zakirov (1):
      render_as => 'hidden' for custom fields

Thomas Sibley (5):
      Update M::I
      Allow enabling of fields by a <select>
      Disable textareas and generic buttons too
      Bump version for dev
      Avoid undef warnings without having to specify the empty string as the default everywhere


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