[Bps-public-commit] Config-GitLike branch, master, updated. 1.09-6-g93467e7

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed Nov 7 12:29:19 EST 2012

The branch, master has been updated
       via  93467e79100dca81a36a82b30e859397f7289fb4 (commit)
      from  dcccfb17dc76eedf813ad69dd3d056e58dddfafe (commit)

Summary of changes:
 t/casing.t | 98 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 t/casing.t

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 93467e79100dca81a36a82b30e859397f7289fb4
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 7 12:29:15 2012 -0500

    Add tests for original_key API and case sensitivity

diff --git a/t/casing.t b/t/casing.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c589b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/casing.t
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use TestConfig;
+my $config_dirname = tempdir( CLEANUP => !$ENV{CONFIG_GITLIKE_DEBUG} );
+my $config_filename = File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'config' );
+diag "config file is: $config_filename" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
+my $config = TestConfig->new(
+    confname => 'config',
+    tmpdir => $config_dirname,
+    key      => 'core.FooBar',
+    value    => 'baz',
+    filename => $config_filename,
+my $expect = qq{[core]\n\tFooBar = baz\n};
+is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'mixed-case key is preserved when written' );
+is $config->get( key => 'core.FooBar' ), "baz", "Can be referenced with original case";
+is $config->get( key => 'core.foobar' ), "baz", "Can be referenced with lower case";
+is $config->get( key => 'core.FOObar' ), "baz", "Can be referenced with different case";
+is $config->original_key( 'core.FooBar' ), "core.FooBar",
+    "Find original case when asked in original case";
+is $config->original_key( 'core.foobar' ), "core.FooBar",
+    "Find original case when asked in lower case";
+is $config->original_key( 'core.FOObar' ), "core.FooBar",
+    "Find original case when asked in different case";
+my $other_filename = File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'other' );
+    key      => 'core.fooBAR',
+    value    => 'troz',
+    filename => $other_filename,
+is $config->get( key => 'core.FooBar' ), "baz",
+    "->set without ->load does not alter value in ->get";
+$config->load_file( $other_filename );
+is $config->origins->{'core.foobar'}, $other_filename,
+    "Found definition from second file";
+is $config->get( key => 'core.foobar' ), "troz",
+    "Loaded value from second file";
+is $config->original_key( 'core.foobar' ), "core.fooBAR",
+    "Find new case in second file";
+$config->set_multiple( "core.FOOBAR" );
+is $config->is_multiple( "core.FoObAr" ), 1,
+    "multiple respects any case";
+    key      => 'core.fOObAR',
+    value    => 'zort',
+    filename => $other_filename,
+    key      => 'core.fOobAr',
+    value    => 'poit',
+    filename => $other_filename,
+$expect = qq{[core]\n\tfooBAR = troz\n\tfOObAR = zort\n\tfOobAr = poit\n};
+is( $config->slurp($other_filename), $expect, 'mixed-case key is preserved when written as multiple' );
+# Since we cache which files are loaded, so we can't just call
+# ->load_file( $other_filename ) again to get the updated value.
+# Instead, re-create the object and load each file again.
+$config = TestConfig->new(
+    confname => 'config',
+    tmpdir => $config_dirname,
+is $config->get( key => 'core.FooBar' ), "baz", "Got original value";
+is $config->original_key( 'core.FooBar' ), "core.FooBar", "Got original case";
+ok $config->load_file( $other_filename ), "Loaded second file";
+is $config->is_multiple( "core.foobar" ), 1, "Is marked as multiple";
+is_deeply scalar $config->get_all( key => 'core.foobar' ), ["troz", "zort", "poit"],
+    "Got all three new values";
+is_deeply $config->original_key( 'core.foobar' ), ["core.fooBAR", "core.fOObAR", "core.fOobAr" ],
+    "Got all three new casings";


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